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Indybay Feature

Wisconsin Zombie Walk Against Gov. Walker Demanding "Brains"

by In Solidarity
Finally the Living Dead Demand Brains

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We've had days in Madison highlighting the work and contributions of nurses and teachers, firefighters and cops, students and farmers. But finally we have heard from those whose work is so often overlooked and underappreciated. Feared, even. I give you... zombies on parade in Madison.

Good to see that the media did not miss the story: Out for blood, zombies protest Gov. Scott Walker at Wisconsin Capitol

On Saturday afternoon, the protest movement against Gov. Scott Walker finally died, so to speak. A shuffling, groaning army of zombies lurched up State Street, carrying anti-Walker signs and lamenting the lack of brains -- their favorite food -- at the Republican-dominated Wisconsin Capitol.
Organized on Facebook, the Zombie Walk Against Gov. Walker brought out hundreds of undead with bloody faces, stringy hair, and a commitment to collective bargaining rights. They didn't scare many people as they staggered up State Street, obeying traffic lights and occasionally breaking character to smile at the cheering onlookers.

I'm sorry I had to miss this one. Maybe if they'd scheduled it for after dark, like proper zombie organizers should, I could have joined in. But I guess they figured that no one else would be there to see them at night.

I'm pleased to say, that like all previous outpourings of citizens at the Capitol, this was an entirely peaceful and non-violent rally. (Easy for us regular folks, but you have to figure it was quite a challenge for this group.) Of course, like all those who marched before, the zombies made some excellent signs:

"I Ate Walker's Brain and I'm Still Hungry!"
"Ghouls for Schools: Educated Brains Taste Better!"

"4 Out of 5 Zombies Recommend Neo-Con Brains"

"Unions Keep Firefighters Undead"

And they had good, crowd-pleasing, unifying chants:

"What do we want?" "Brains!" "When do we want them?" "Brains!"
by In Solidarity
by In Solidarity
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by In Solidarity
There are plenty of images for you all to feast your (or someone else's) eyes on, courtesy the Facebook page

Zombie Walk Against Governor Walker

and Zombies For Change In Madison. (Great slide Show)
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