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Indybay Feature

The time has come to RESPECT the OHLONE the First People of the Bay Area - now.

by Francisco Da Costa
October 12, 2006 the SF Human Rights Commission, held a hearing to listen to the First People of the Bay Area and those supporters that wanted to focus on the pertinent issues linked with Federal Recognition, the Shellmounds, and other related issues. This was not the first time the Human Rights Commission had focused on this issue. In the early 1990s a Resolution was passed recognizing the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe as the indigenous people of San Francisco and the neighboring areas. Here is San Francisco; many still do not know that the Ohlone once lived all over the Bay Area - and are the First People of the area. Less do they know that the Muwekma Ohlone exercised their Rights of First Refusal on Yerba Buena, Hunters Point Shipyard, Treasure Island, and other areas in a legal document in 1991 - well known, but little is spoken of at City Hall - in Room 200 where the Mayor of San Francisco makes his abode and Room 250 where the SF Board of Supervisors - continue to spew a lot of diatribe.
October 12, 2006 - there was a special hearing on the Indigenous People of San Francisco the Muwekma Ohlone but also the other First People that have suffered under the jurisdiction of the United States government. Over sixty percent of the First People in California are not Federally Recognized.

Simply put if the Federal Government does not recognize a Tribe - then that tribe cannot avail itself of benefits and recognition at the local, state, and of course federal level.

Case in point the Muwekma Ohlone were recognized until 1927 and then illegally removed from the Federal Register by a Bureau of Indian Affairs Agent - L.A. Dorrington.
It took but a second for this man to commit this sordid act - but today; the Muwekma Ohlone has spent millions of dollars and has had to prepare hundreds of documents, DNA results, Birth Certificates, other documents to prove that the Tribe had continuity and the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe - has done this. The case is in the Supreme Court with the Department of the Interior - dragging its legs because it cannot face the TRUTH.

Documents have been found with factual reporting on the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe - other witnesses more experts have testified at the highest level. The Tribe has done what it is required to do - but the White man; and his government will not speak the truth. There was a time - when many said he spoke with a fork tongue - nothing much has changed.

Here is reporting of that meeting - I opened the meeting - because the Muwekma Tribe have appointed me to speak on matters linked to Base Closure and related matters. "This land all of it belongs to the Ohlone - more the Muwekma Ohlone" I remember saying. The Human Rights Commissioners were aghast - but I had to speak the truth. The speakers that followed me were articulate and represented themselves well.

Other Tribes that were bused here in the early 1950s - spoke about the trials and tribulations - sister bused to Los Angeles and brother to Oakland. You were given a one way ticket and there was no one to greet you. So many perished - took to doing anything to survive - there was rampant alcoholism and other kinds of diseases that one by one saw the demise of many noble Native Americans - children, women, and men - and our United States government was responsible for this madness.

Today, the many Native Americans that are invited to City Hall are mostly from Tribes outside California and many outside the jurisdiction of the Ohlone. Once in a while you will hear a speaker - first give recognition to the Ohlone - be it the Muwekma, the Mitsun, others - and then proceed.

Decent Native Americans do that - acknowledge their host, the Elders, the Great Grandfather, the Four Winds, the Spirit that rules Mother Earth. Then the proceedings begin. Of course City Hall does not give a hoot about such protocol. What would you expect of those that stole the land, raped the women, killed the children, and thought it was right by their mostly Christian god! San Francisco played its part when much of the land was stolen - case in point Hetch Hetchy.

Here is the report as reported by someone I do not know - but which I came across and pretty well sums up the events of that historical day - Oct 12, 2006.
A tape is available at SF City Hall of the long proceedings for just $10 - you may contact the SFGOVTV when you visit Listening to that tape - will bring tears to your eyes - but what is more you will learn so much of those that are here; far away - from the land of their ancestors:

The Shellmound Walks bring many Tribes together - we gather and pay respects to the Ancestors and we try to bring harmony where there is confusion.

Some of the organizers I know very well - Wounded Knee, Corina Gould, Perry Mattlock, Morning Star - too many others that sacrifice but bring to the circle good vibes and respect for what has to be done. We have Shellmound Walkers from as far away as Australia.

In the Bay Area we have the Friendship Houses - one here in San Francisco and the other in Oakland. Some years ago we all gathered and saved the Friendship House in Oakland - from seeing its imminent closure. Perhaps for the first time in recent history - we all fully realized what unity can do - and we saved it - we all rejoiced. It is such small victories that bring big results. uplift the spirit and bring us close together. Aho. Even Dennis Banks came to rejoice with us - what a day!

The Internet has played a major role - in, first spreading the news, providing sound information; bringing people together.

The various conferences bring the experts together - where we can discuss legal issues - and all have some understanding, of the Native American Graves Protection Act and other such Acts - that can help us fight for what is right - when it comes to dealing with the remains of our Ancestors for example.

Then we have our legal experts who fight for us to inform and mandate Governments all over the world to respect the First People, the Native American, the Aboriginals, the Indigenous People all over the world. Our Native American Legal leaders - have done well. Kudos to them - all.

The White Man's world brings a lot of complications - but it is not; as if we cannot be guided by the Grandfather - there are thousands of factual descriptions in history well documented and written - where the Native American has stood tall and delivered. Be it at the While House, in Congress, in the Senate, on the War Field, as a delegation, sending messages in the Native American Language in World War II and NOT being recognized for years - we take it in stride - because the Great Grandfather - sees it all.

The fact to remember is - only those that have WISDOM - will realize and see it all. The wisdom has been preserved by the Native American Elders and Shamans for thousands of years. Someone has tried to decimate the process - failed and it now drowning in the CESSPOOL of his own creation. Aho.

The HOPIS have guarded the secrets and I have had access to them - so I know what I speak of.

We fought to keep the San Francisco Peak save - but those with fork tongue see fairness in using secondary effluents aka treated sewage water, to make fake snow and ski. It is such logic that betray logic and reveal the lack of spirituality. It is such action that will bring this Nation to its knees.

No one should contaminate the Holy Grounds - and all Tribes know what I speak of - when I mention to the San Francisco Peaks. Aho.

The Founding Fathers learned much from the Six Tribes.

The Iroquois and the others have their ways of ruling, guiding, and government - embedded in our United States, Constitution. There are many of the elements that Jefferson and others took from the Six Nations. Of course the ignorant would not know that - the arrogant would not believe; that you could learn some and more - from the Native American - but the fact remains that is a fact.

The National Museum of the American Indian in Washington DC is in full operation. In the month of May, 2011 - I will take some time off to pay a visit and enjoy the benefits from my small contribution that permits me to see it all.

I know this moment will come and I know I will treasure every single moment. I will pay homage to the Great One that witnessed it all - the trauma, the suffering, the trials and tribulations. History has not been kind to the people that first embrace and continue to embrace the immigrants - of course, we cannot generalize; many love the Native Americans - others still continue to be biased. Time will tell.

Chief Joseph spoke of a long journey - the journey from the mind to the heart. That journey is compassion - love begets love and hate brings destruction. The truth sets you free and time in on the side of those that have - wisdom.

The time has come to respect the Native American, the time has come to give recognition to those that deserve it - complete according to first the Tribal Laws, then the International Laws, and then sadly the local, State and Federal laws that have been clouded, fogged, and utterly unjust.

Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy
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