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Erlinder Begins Tour on U.S. Responsibility for the Rwanda Genocide and Congo Wars

by Ann Garrison for KPFA News
On January 22, 2010, KPFA News spoke to Professor Peter Erlinder, international criminal defense attorney and law professor at William Mitchell College of Law, about U.S. responsibility for the Rwanda Genocide and Congo Wars.
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Peter Erlinder, speaking to the
National Lawyers' Guild last spring, with 
a duplicate of the pink prison garb he wore 
while imprisoned by Rwandan President Paul
Kagame's regime.  Erlinder had traveled to Kigali, 
Rwanda's capitol, to defend Victoire Ingabire 
Umuhoza.  Ingabire, who attempted to
run for president against Paul Kagame, is now in 
prison herself. 
American Law Professor Peter Erlinder is about to begin a speaking tour to present his 70-page compilation of original UN documents and evidence, and his analysis what actually happened in Rwanda between 1993 and 1995. Erlinder says that the U.S., its allies, and the Rwandan government are collaborators in an ongoing coverup of the truth at the International Criminal Tribunal on Rwanda in Arusha, Tanzania, and that the U.S. was responsible for the Rwanda Genocide and the ensuing Congo Wars.
KPFA News, January 22, 2010.
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by Preston W.
And the Americans still dont understand why we Rwandans dont want to go home. Your government helped turn us into homeless people condemned to wander through the earth with no proper home just like the biblical times, some of us find it hard to fit anywhere, feel hated and left out try being a refugee it is the worst thing that can happen to anyone. We advocate for the arrest of RPF Criminals and their American allies and true justice for the Rwandan People. GO Prof Erlinder you a true Rwandan Hero you speak for a million silent crying voices.
by KARIMANZIRA (chanyurwa [at]
Without the sacrifices of the people like Peter Erlinder, Christopher Balck, Ann Garrison, Christian of Notre Dame University, Allan Stam of Michigan University on: and other people who have sacrificed themselves for the plight and rights of Rwandans and show the injustice of Kagame supported by Bill Clinton and USA government, which has been pumping billions of taxpayers money into Rwanda to support a regime that is torturing and oppressing its own citizens, we would still be in the dark of 1996-2003 that was promoted by the Western media. Kagame now after removing English language which was spoken by the Majority of Hutu scholars and Tutsis from Congo and Burundi which led to millions of Hutu intellectuals jobless when Kagame changed French into English as the official language a move which was designed to chase Hutu intellectuals out of jobs so that young Tutsis who had schooled in Uganda and America have those jobs, now Kagame is embarked on other move of oppressing the majority poors who are of course from the Hutu tribe which has been marginalized ever since 1995. He is demolishing thatched houses of the majority poor people without giving them alternative housing so that they leave Rwanda and go into refugee camps and hung themselves and leave their small farms to Tutsis. this is new way to get rid of Hutus and create space for Tutsis. Erlinder and alike have been our voice especially those of us who are suffering under heavy opporession of Kagame here in Rwanda
by Abdoul
Sacrifice doesn’t relate to the justice.Justice should make its work,and the sacrifice comes later.peter Erlender is a man as others,Africans should not be afraid by the skin color of some one and let hi doing any thing for the Africans.Africans especially people of Rwanda ,we know where we are going. Rwanda’s leaders did not remove French,in the programls the French language is still in school programs,but as the world we belongs to is mostly using English.So Rwandan people should not remain behind the world in progress,but we should be involved in this development. There is no Hutu who lost the job because he does not know how to speak English but for the level of production in the field he or she belongs to. All the best!!
by faustin
Erlinder is a sad story all by himself. A fanatic of those conspiracy theories. He is seeking celebrity at any cost and rewriting the history of a genocide everybody saw on TV a mere 16 years ago is his way to enter history. Just checking the comments from his fans above (french being the language of hutu elites... thatched houses destroyed to make poor people poorer etc...) is enough for anyone to see what Erlinder and Co are about. Flies buzzing around rwanda mass graves.
by Aaron Aarons (indy [at]
Erlinder's real crime, in the eyes of Paul Kagame, is that he did an effective job, as a defense attorney for the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, of exposing the one-sided, distorted history that is the official ideology of the mass-murdering Rwandan regime. Kagame could not afford to let Erlinder defend Victoire Ingabire and further expose the lies on which Kagame's power is based.

The mass murder in Rwanda didn't start with the killings of large numbers of Tutsis in 1994, but with the murderous invasion of Rwanda, starting in 1990, by Rwandan Tutsi exiles who were part of the U.S.-British trained Ugandan army. Kagame himself was getting military training in the U.S. when he was flown back home to replace the original leader of the invasion army who had been killed.
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