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Brian Edwards-Tiekert Arguing to the Pacifica Board FOR The Necessity of Staff Layoffs

by ICR Supporter
Hey, I agree with everything he says.....

"We have spent, and budgeted, as if a one-time spike in listenership and listener support was long term growth, which it was not."

"We have a lot more people on payroll; and it hurts to cut hurts us as social-justice people..."

"And you get pushed back, you get politicking, you get coalitions to block any kind of job cut, so the path of least resistance is to first spend down your savings, as long as you got money to pay the bills, and then go, 'Oh my god, we're headed over a cliff now', which is where we are now."

"So we've gotten ourself to a place where's there's not just a spending crisis, where we're out of balance, but where there's a cash crisis. There is not the money in our accounts that affords us the flexibility to take some of the steps we need to get the Foundation back in balance..."

"The income you have you have coming in, the revenues in that budget has to be proven. You have to be able to demonstrate that you've raised that kind of money by that kind of means in the past, or you can't count on it."

"Stations without any cash in the bank, who are starting the year with zero, or as in the case with a couple of our stations, in the hole, negative money, have to budget a surplus."

"What I'm aiming at, is not having the Foundation go belly up in three months, because that's what we're heading for right now."

"What I dread even more is the day that everybody at the five stations and Pacifica shows up to work to collect their paycheck for their last two weeks of work, and here's "Sorry, we don't have the money for you, our bank account's empty..." "

"And if we don't make the cuts now, and honestly some of these cuts should have been made one or two years ago, that's the real prospect we face, because we're running out of cash."

Brian Edwards-Tiekert, KPFA Treasurer
Report to the Pacifica National Board - September 2008

*KPFA had to borrow money on September 15th, 2010 from another Pacifica station and the national foundation office to make its payroll and pay for health care benefits*

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by Listener - New Member
I am so sick of all the drama that surrounds this KPFA political nonsense... my background is people, listening to them and seeing through them... As someone who likes to support public/community radio I will say this, I will be glad to see these issues with the morning show staff resolved soon. I love listening to KPFA and do all day long. But the morning show... enough already. Glad to see them go. The interviews are one sided, biased and very " leading". I feel like I am being pandered to and spoon fed what Brian feels is important to him and him alone, and frankly it is the one time of the day that I have to find something else to listen to, usually the Jazz down the dial which I can count on to not curdle my milk...

Oh yea, and when I joined as a new member recently, I called in during Hard Knock Radio who compelled me to support in a positive fashion and have just read that it was cut... save Hard Knock and loose the "Drama Queens"...

Good Riddance... Please...
by Anonymous
Hard Knock Radio is under no threat from Pacifica.

The threat they face is from KPFA's interim management (soon to be replaced) and Local 9415, which has tried to balance the budget on the back of the same two programs for years on end.

Its a power struggle between the Morning Show/News contingent, who heavily staff the union and have had various management jobs over the years - and the rest of the station.

Pacifica has finally decided that sanity and fiduciary responsibility and a future doesn't lie with the Morning Show/News contingent. After a decade.
by Whatachump B.E.T. is
Brian, you do not bring in the most revenue in kpfa and don't do everything yourself. Please stop pretending your super woman, and realize that you do not make the station run. If you make it run you have made it run out of money if anything, even though you have your foot in the lsb, your dirty hands on the union, and you use to have a morning show you were not able to bring the station back, so stop bragging punk ass. That is the actual reason why you should have gotten fired for having conflict of interest in all three fields. You were lucky i would say that the pacifica director isn't making you put the money back you lost, and were planning on stealing for the morning show alone. When you say that you do fund drives for all the other programs to stay on the air, i say your an idiot that doesn't live in this reality, and your fucking morning show has never done anything for anybody that wasn't a Slave KPFA mobster. Quit pretending your the only hope, and what goes around comes around.
by mka
'bout time someone figured this all out and stood by their guns to get rid of this stagnant, selfish, cowardly little self serving crowd of white collar criminals and bullies...
by KPFA listener subscriber (20 years)
Amen, except I think you're talking about Upfront, the new Morning Show, hosted by Brian Edwards-Tiekert.
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