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Fresno "Independent" Police Auditor Releases Report

by concerned fresnan
This Thursday, October 7th at 9am, the Fresno "Independent" Police Auditor Eddie J. Aubrey will release his first report since he was hired by Mayor Ashley Swearingen after a groundswell of community pressure in 2009. Community members will be present to demand action and speak to the City Council.
The auditor report will be officially released to the public tomorrow, Tuesday Oct. 5, but was leaked to the press and the public last Friday. Mainstream media coverage of the report have already been problematic, allowing the Fresno police to spin the report in their favor. A good example is the Fresno Bee story that appeared in the Sunday paper claiming approval ratings for the police are 68% citywide and higher in districts on the southside of town(which are predominately working class or poor, and majority people of color). A critical reading of the report will highlight incredibly low approval ratings(from a survey done by an outisde agency) for Police Chief Jerry Dyer, as well as the reality of the situation. Which is that no one, including the auditor, seems to be honestly reviewing the large numbers of people murdered by police in recent years; and that the police department continues to refuse to provide officers with adequate mental health training or address various other community concerns(including firing an out of control Chief that should be on Megan's list).
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by DW
The outside survey did not rate Dyer. That question was not asked.
by Dan
The report was not leaked (that's the spin some media outlets are giving). It was posted on the City Council website as an agenda item. That is routinely done. What was unusual was this sensitive a report being released ahead of the council meeting. Normally, staff reports like this, the budget updates, the Met, et al, aren't posted before the meeting.

I've read the report. There was no evaluation of Jerry Dyer included in the report. The outside survey looked at specific questions by Council District, including over-all satisfaction with the police department, whether the respondent feels safe in his neighborhood or elsewhere in Fresno, or whether the independent reviewer is a good idea.

As far as officer involved shootings were concerned, his purview is limited to those incidents occurring beginning in 2009. Cases older than that are outside the scope of his office. According to his report, none of the 2009 and later cases are closed, which means he can not audit them. Most are awaiting District Attorney close-out.
Call it what you want Dan. I still consider it leaked and wonder what sort of editing will happen of the version that was posted on Friday. The City claimed that it was releasing the report today, posting it online, but for some reason it was never posted and the City Clerk does not have it either.

I finally was able to get the report this afternoon and it doesn't seem much different than what was reported in the Fresno Bee thus far, and I have not seen anything about Dyer's approval rating either(I heard yesterday that it did include that).

And by the way Dan... Don't you work for some sort of law enforcement agency?
by Dan
a fool. No I don't. However, I am currently serving on the county civil grand jury, which is a watchdog of city and county government in Fresno.

This law enforcement nonsense got started because my employer (the State of California) has a zero tolerance policy towards workplace violence of any sort. Several years ago, threats were made towards the Community Alliance and anyone connected with the paper by some overwrought individuals. I am required to report anything that could involve the workplace to the CHP (which provides security to state property). My immediate supervisor directed that I follow policy and I did. End of story.

If the "community members" include the Brown Berets, that will gain no traction with the Council. Old time Fresnans are well aware the Berets of the 1970s were regarded as a terrorist group and the womb of the Latino street gangs of that era.

Let me be clear. While I consider myself progressive on social issues, I am conservative where it comes to fiscal matters, and matters of public safety. While I can and have been critical at times, I have no trouble supporting emergency services, including law enforcement.

by Dan
Frankly, as conceived by the City Council, the independent reviewer is an utter waste of money and time. This concept is worse than nothing. But, this was what the city council was willing to support--barely. But, folks said this was better, at least it was a start. I have to wonder if the insiders are going to be right, that the first time he issues a report truly critical of the police department, he and the reviewer concept will disappear from Fresno. There is nothing that requires the council to keep the program--it's year to year.
by fresnan
Wow Dan... I actually kinda agree with you on that last comment, but I don't know that I really expect the Auditor or IR to ever issue a really critical report because he was a cop and I don't think he will cross that thin blue line.

As for your other comments. Thanks for making that clear to folks who may have forgotten. You and other folks from the Community Alliance called law enforcement on people who are my friends and called them domestic terrorists. Things haven't changed and you just dug yourself deeper with those comments on the Berets in my opinion. It's no wonder the so called progressive community is so divided in this community with "friends" like you and other folks the "left" that are quick to shut up more radical voices and call them terrorists.

With friends like you, who needs enemies...

ps - you would make a great cop
by Dan
Fresnan, you need to wear your comment about "with friends like you, who needs enemies..." because it really fits you to a tee. But you won't.

Perhaps I'll see you out on campus tomorrow for the Oct. 7th strike event--if there's one. National coming-out day is the 11th. And, the candlelight vigil on the 9th down in Tower. Those are the things I care about, not "destroying the system" rant so popular with local wanna be radicals.

by Stinkezoid
So...we're lucky enough to have some people in fresno who aren't part of the right wing tea party fox news onslaught and we're going to fight amongst eachother?

We could actually get a lot done here if it wasn't just one anarchist breaking a bank window every once in a while or a few animal rights activists participating in a peta demo twice a year.

It seems that here in fresno we like to revolt against something and treat it as a holiday(once a year) rather than live every day as revolution and resistance against the monster known as capitalism.

The police won't listen to us so we should stop cowering away at the first thought of change and do something because fresno as of right now is fucked, and boring unless you have loads of cash.

Just a couple thoughts...
by peace?
Funny how those who claim to be for "peace" call those on their side who take more radical action "terrorists" while they beg the real terrorists (military) to continue their campaigns of terror and also supporting our local terrorists in FPD.
Definition of terrorism: "systematic use of violence and intimidation to achieve some goal" Dyer's admitted that intimidation is a tactic of FPD, and if you look at the numbers you will see that violence is as well.
by peace?
beg the military to stop their terror
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