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Indybay Feature

NATO's Secret Armies (2009)

by Andreas Pichler
In 1990, alarming evidence of NATO-sponsored terrorist attacks came to light. This is the shocking story of Operation Gladio; a tale of espionage, conspiracy and political violence [47mins]
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This film shows how the Right subverts democracy by using fear to push a population in a certain direction.
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by James B
I wonder if the reality of the first few minutes of this film are lost in the aftermath of the recent bombing in Uganda of which guilt was summarily awarded to the boogeyman called 'al-qaida'? Civilian targets with no political or military significance.

I have, with much anguish, resigned myself to the fact that America and most of the world will remain blissfully unaware that they are unwitting accomplices in the agendas of men whom have no proclivity in preserving peace or humanity. Granted there are uprisings and protests taking place almost daily but their ability to affect people in such a way as to compel them into open rebellion against these men and their design leave me with the belief that things shal continue on, as they have, to the end of my lifetime.

Govenments are the vehicles of terrorism. Politicians are the teachers and professors. The poor and the dispossessed are the targets at which this violence is aimed. I hope that I am proved wrong but I am overcome with a sinking feeling that nothing shall be done to alter the course that has been set before us.
by val
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