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Indybay Feature


by Raider Nation Collective (raidernationcollective [at]
For Mehserle’s 2 short years we have 2 short words: FUCK THAT.

The most likely outcome of the trial of Johannes Mehserle, the BART
cop who murdered Oscar Grant on the morning of January 1st 2009, is a
manslaughter conviction. Why is this likely? Because convicting
Mehserle of manslaughter is the best way for the state to protect
itself by sacrificing one of its own. To the police, manslaughter
simply means: be careful when you kill. To the people, manslaughter
means: you got a conviction, what more do you want? Or in other words:
don’t riot, don’t rebel, no public outcry necessary.

On the other hand, a murder conviction would not be tolerated by the
police and their unions, and even the most opportunistic of political
leaders see a murder conviction as tying their hands in the future:
they need the police, and police need to be able to kill.

Not that it matters what the state or its leaders think about murder:
white supremacy and cop culture will ensure that Mehserle won’t get
what's coming to him. We have already seen both in the disgusting jury
selection process, which yielded a jury which includes three relatives
of police officers but not one single Black person. And Michael Rains
feeds on this, deploying an ingenious out-of-court strategy of
defaming Oscar Grant and manipulating public opinion by leaking
selective information to the press—a press which eats it up like an
organic delicacy.

And if Mehserle is convicted of manslaughter, the arguments being put
forward in his defense suggest that this will not even be “voluntary”
manslaughter. Rather, it will be “involuntary,” allegedly the result
of a tragic mistake of judgment, where a 9-pound Sig is mistaken for a
3-pound Taser.

Involuntary manslaughter in California carries a determinate sentence
ranging from 2 to four years. Mehserle’s race, his former profession,
the teary-eyed stories of his youth, and his lack of a criminal
record, will all be presented to guarantee the lowest possible
sentence (and we wouldn't want to guarantee that will even be as much
as 2 years).

2 short years for cold-blooded murder of Oscar Grant.

2 short years for permanently traumatizing Grant's friends who
witnessed the murder.

2 short years of taking one for the team and ensuring that the
genocidal system of policing and imprisonment in California can go
unchecked, unrestricted, unquestioned.

For Mehserle’s 2 short years we have 2 short words: FUCK THAT.

We fully expect and hope that Oakland will respond to a manslaughter
conviction as it would respond to an acquittal: with an expression of
creative rage that transforms our political landscape beyond all
possible recognition.

With love and rage, we’ll see you in the streets,

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by August Bondi
Damn straight. We are already talking about how CREATIVE we are going to get... Rage plus consciousness = revolution.
by ........
God I hate cops!
by just saying
how about a diversity of locations and actions if Mehserle gets off?

god I'm tired of the same old predictable breakaway snake marches

unless you just enjoy getting harassed, beaten, and arrested en masse
by Oscar Grant Presente
A crowd of 1000 marching down the street is relatively easy for the cops to fuck with. 100 groups of 10 all over the place would be very hard to stop. Start scoping out targets now. If the fucking cops can murder someone on video and get away with it we need to send a very large message now.
by freeeman
Up until now, there is no evidence that the act of shooting Oscar Grant with a firearm was deliberate. If the jury determines that there is sufficient evidence to convict for involuntary manslaughter, then so be it. That is our justice system, and it may not be perfect, but it is the best one around.
Had the video shown Oscar Grant pull the trigger on Mehserle, he would have went straight to prison and the media wouldn't have been asking so many questions. He would have went to prison that day no questions asked. Think about if Oscar had tried to tell the community "sorry it was a mistake........I meant to use my other weapon". What would you have done?

The city dose not belong to the home owners of Oakland. The only ones who own it are ones in authority who are in chrage of the business and political and justice system; mayors, judges, cops, your boss, ceo's, bankers, landlords and all the usual suspected assholes that enjoy getting paid as our expense as wage slaves, cannon fodder and victims of state oppression. The banks are not apart of the community. The corporations are not part of the community. And most of all Oakland Police station or any police state is not member of any community. They are all terrorists working to advance an agenda of the elites who run the world for profit and world dominance. Oakland PD is just one piece of the puzzle; an elaborate design meant to keep you in total control in a slave society.

They are the enemy of freedom and democracy and promote nothing but perpetual poverty and violence. They are the disease and we are the cure.
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