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Indybay Feature

John Stewart begs for $45 million in additional to $150 million of State Funds wasted.

by Francisco Da Costa
It is becoming fashionable for "rogue developers", now joined by corrupt Property Managers to come into "poor communities" - steal their land and make millions in ill gotten - wealth. The John Stewart already acquired over $150 million from State Development funds. Now, it wants another $45 million and has done nothing much at Huntersview except pollute the area with toxic dirt - and not fulfill one single promise - made to the constituents of Huntersview and the Bayview Hunters Point. Time to contribute and fill the campaign coffers of Mayor Gavin Newsom.
It is becoming fashionable for rogue developers and corrupt Property Managers to come into communities - mostly poor communities, divide the people and steal land.

The John Stewart company is one such company - that most of us have horrible memories of - going back to the days, when, they controlled the Geneva Towers complete with armed guards - that took bribes and permitted unlimited trade of "drugs". All by Visitation Valley and a stone throw away from the Sunnydale Projects.

Few remember those days but those alive today and in their fifties and forties - know of what I speak of. So, when the dubious Mayor Gavin Newsom came out with his ploy - HOPESF I knew from the start what it all meant.

These thugs of a kind want the land - and the rest does not matter - soon GATED COMMUNITIES will follow. The rest is history.

Bridge Developers were chosen and anointed to develop Potrero Hill.

The dubious John Stewart Company - Huntersview near Middle Point and by on the HILL - called Hunters Point.

Mercy Housing was given the entire Sunnydale Public Project to develop. Hidden plans for a Golf Course of which - we all know most poor people do not know the difference - between "tee" and "tea" - and when you say "eagle" they may think about the bird - but then there goes the "birdie" and the land to the rogue developers - waiting like vultures to pounce on the prey.

In San Francisco it is all about land - those that have the land make money for themselves but what is of critical importance - control the lives of those that rent and are at the mercy of these very evil people.

The SF Public Utilities Commission, The Department of Public Works, the Mayor Office of Economic Development and Workforce, the SF Redevelopment Agency and Commission - all work for dubious, rouge developers - like Lennar and the John Stewart Company.

None of these entities have the power to discern, less understand, and will go with the flow. The flow leads to the CESSPOOL of their own creation - because of very poor leadership. There is NO moral compass and there is no one to take our constituents that are kept in the dark - to a better place.

Monies set aside to help Community Based Organizations (CBOs) are now diverted to the corrupt Mayor's Office of Economic Development and Workforce. Every single year for the last five years the City's Workforce plan - is going no where. The only ones profiting are the Workforce Managers - especially the very inept, corrupt, loud mouth talk - Rhonda Simmons.

On one side you have the Mayor's Office of Workforce wasting millions and producing lack luster candidates - average grade is 8th Grade - with little or no skills. And thee folks expect others to take these poorly trained candidates. On the other side - we have thousands of skilled workers - many of them of color - that have NOT worked for two years or more.

Who is hoodwinking whom - and why are some consultants given money - like Laura Luster who does not work in the community. Never seen her at the community meetings that deal with Workforce - some one that hides behind the bush and fleeces this City of money that we can use for our children and programs that help those that need help most.

A long time ago I went to Sacramento alone to find out more about the State Development Funds much like the SF Redevelopment Funds - that are given to mostly very corrupt entities.

Case in point Lennar, another rogue Property Management - Apartment Investment Management Company (AIMCO).

Not to rule out the Mother of all corrupt Property Managers - the John Stewart company. The owner of the company once worked for Fanny Mae - only to be fired for corrupt practices. The John Stewart Company got over $150 million - that cannot be accounted for and now wants another $45 million from SF Redevelopment Agency Bonds. Go figure!

John Stewart the man himself - learned those evil way and took it where ever he went. He is a smooth talker - I saw him try to bid to build homes at the Presidio, saw him and his cronies take over over 2000 housing units at the Presidio - fleece those that rent the units and make more money for himself and less for the Presidio Trust.

The same scene at Treasure Island where they control a substantial amount of housing units - and make a lot of money.

In the Tenderloin mention the same John Stewart and poor people shiver - this EVIL company treats human beings and more poor human beings that have fallen on bad times - like dirt and with disdain.

At Hunters Point - at the Northridge Co-operatives - this rogue Property Management Company had the audacity to rehabilitate the outside of the homes while the co-op owners lived inside. Often times nails would be sent flying through the outside sidings, into the living rooms - with NO apology what so ever from the John Stewart Company.

On many occasions, but one in particular - a natural gas pipe was leaking so much so that repeated calls were made - with no one paying attention. Then a group of us - went in strength and brought the John Stewart company - to fix the problem - at quick notice.

No one invited the John Stewart company into our community. I repeat NO ONE invited the rogue John Stewart Company into our community. And anyone that has anything whatsoever to do with the John Stewart Company - has BLOOD on their hands. Make no bones about it.

If Mayor Gavin Newsom thinks he is at liberty to invite any rogue element into our community - the man is not trusted less respected by most people in San Francisco and less at Bayview Hunters Point - as Mayor of San Francisco - but less as a man with no balls.

Now, the John Stewart company wants another $45 million after being given $150 million that we the people - cannot demand a line item fiscal account from - this corrupt Property Manager - the largest in San Francisco.

Other Property Managers are kept at bay - and if you are of color - forget about it.

No one does research about these Property Managers - but most of them are the worst scumbags that one can come across - as to the John Stewart Company they are the worst.

This evil Property Management Company in now poised to go before the SF Redevelopment Agency to beg for $45 million, more - and they should be told to go to hell.

In fact now is the time for the SF Redevelopment Agency to be audited and such practices to be stopped once and for all. I am bringing this fact to the attention of Harvey Rose and the Controller's Officer. Also the City Attorney and the District Attorney's Office but most of all to the Secretary of State - for very quick action.

The John Stewart Company can be likened to the infamous Geneva Towers. This company must be removed from any decent community - much like the Geneva Towers was removed - and replaced with something fresh and new.

Again and again our San Francisco Board of Supervisors - do not know what is happening under their nose.

These so called representatives - with their fake egos - want to play to the audience - and win some small kudos for petty things - while thieves steal million from the tax payers - and adversely impact most of San Francisco.

I am sure none of the SF Board of Supervisor have a RAP sheet on John Stewart and why would they - when a few of them take money from him - under the table.

Others take big money and take junkets to Canada and elsewhere with money given from Lennar - one of them Sophie Maxwell. Sophie Maxwell blessed the John Stewart project without a sound Transportation Document, not one single meaningful dialog with the Community at large.

David Chiu would not admit it - but has taken money from Lennar.

There are others - but, mentioning the fact would not make these corrupt so called petty Representative blush - including Bevan Dufty who has high hopes of being the next Mayor of San Francisco. What audacity!

Those that know something and can do something must do something. One single person counts. One single voice counts. What is of paramount importance - the TRUTH always - prevails.

This matter will be reported to the Secretary of State who has been easy going with Lennar - having wasted 1 Billion, yes - ONE BILLION of tax payers money - more State of California Pension Money - well know as CALPERS - all facilitated by that weasel of them all - Willie L. Brown Jr.

This is the time to check mate the John Stewart Company.

The many candidates vying for the District 10 that is Sophie Maxwell's hot seat - are over 30 in number and more joining the ranks.

A scene reminiscent of Ali Baba and the forty thieves.

These, mostly novice idiots - have no clue of the Housing Element, have not read any Disposition and Development Agreement, have less information about the John Stewart Company, less about Mercy Housing , and even less about what will take place with the Bridge Development at Potrero Hill. Ask them about the City's General Plan - and they will ask you what are you talking about?

The Southeast Sector is the last frontier.

I have fought for the children - notice I did not say adults - because most of them are NOT educated on issues.

That includes the few, loud mouth leaders who are into conspiracy theories - that are vague for all practical purposes and defeat the very purpose to unite the community.

Local coverage in the Main Media on hot topics linked to Land Use and Open Space in the Bayview Hunters Point - is never, ever covered.

Folks like the John Stewart Company have all the time and all the support to do their EVIL, dirty deed, in broad daylight - unimpeded. Wake up Bayview Hunters Point.

Millions are being flushed out and drained into the coffers of the John Stewart Company.

In the hood and elsewhere people are dying, slowly withering on the vine, with no opportunities and thieves all over the place - taking control of the land - and giving you eviction notices.

What else is new? Where is the FORCE? Where are the elders, the leaders and those that have balls?

In the meantime Fred Blackwell from the SF Redevelopment Agency will have excuses and so will Douglas Shoemaker who does Mayor Gavin Newsom's bidding.

This time around you two are caught with your hands in the cookie jar - do not pull this fast one - if you do you will have to deal with very serious consequences.I give the Mayor a couple of months to jump ship, this is the Mayor's opportunity to fill the campaign coffers - but not at the expense of the tax payers.

The thug Property Manager and Developer, the John Stewart Company, takes the money, leverages more equity and money against the property - and will leave town, laughing all the way to the bank - with the backing of their fake Limited Liability Corporations and still limited Partnerships.

Time for a change in language - an amendment that ties the hands of such rogue Property Managers and Developers. Table the Agenda Item - buy time - and send the Rogue Property Manager to town - with binding laws that can and will stop such types of machinations and ploys.

Is there no decency in this City and County of San Francisco?

Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy

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