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Indybay Feature

Morning Picket Shuts Down Israeli Zim Lin Line at the Port of Oakland, 6/20/10: video

by dave id
In protest of the Israeli's embargo of Gaza, their recent attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, and other human rights abuses, hundreds and hundreds of labor and community activists picketed three gates at the Port of Oakland in order to shut down unloading of an Israeli Zim Line ship. In the morning when it was official that the ILWU would not cross the picket line, activists set their sights on the evening shift and have issued a call to return to the docks for another picket at 4:30pm in order to effect a 24-hour shutdown of the Zim Line ship, which is expected to arrive from Monterey this afternoon (after being delayed from its scheduled morning arrival). The blockade represents the first time in U.S. history that a protest has stopped an Israeli ship from unloading.
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If it weren't for this website, most of us would not have had live, all day coverage of this historic milestone. IT IS OVER 5 WEEKS SINCE THE FUNDRAISER STARTED AND THE WEBSITE HAS ONLY COLLECTED A LITTLE MORE THAN HALF THE $2,010 THAT IT NEEDS. PLEASE CONTRIBUTE SOMETHING, ANYTHING. This writer has no connection to the management of this website, and has contributed many times in the past and this time as well. For an historical perspective: The current Great Depression has made possible unthinkable, historic actions like today's labor strike. The ruling capitalist class can no longer and will no longer deliver the goods and services through their 2 parties, the Democrat-Republicans, and thus cannot threaten anyone with loss of funds for protesting the US military base called Israel as they have already cut off the funds and there are no jobs! The horror that is Israel, the murder and torture of the Palestinian people and the theft of Palestinian land has gone on for 62 years! They thought they could get away with the Gaza Freedom Flotilla massacre because they have doing exactly the same horrible actions both to the Palestinians for the past 62 years and, in cahoots with US imperialism, to all other liberation struggles around the world. ONLY $869 REMAINS TO BE RAISED TO KEEP THIS WEBSITE GOING FOR A WHILE. That is 869 people each contributing $1, and so forth. If you can contribute $5, $10, $15, $20, $25, $100, AND SO FORTH, DO SO NOW. IF WE HAVE THE POWER TO SHUT DOWN SERVICE TO A MAJOR SHIP, WE HAVE THE POWER TO KEEP COMMUNICATION ALIVE ON THIS IMPORTANT WEBSITE!
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