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Response to "The Anarchist Profile in Santa Cruz"

by (A)
An attempt "to really understand and explain the sub-culture of anarchy we have here in Santa Cruz"
On May 5th, 2010, KOIN Salinas Channel 46, reported on "The Anarchist Profile in Santa Cruz" promising to go in-depth "to really understand and explain the sub-culture of anarchy we have here in Santa Cruz" (

KOIN, not known for its in-depth reporting -- claims by newscasters notwithstanding -- really swung a miss in this report. But beyond being factually incorrect and full of intimations bordering on libel, the simple definition of the subject they are trying to approach "in-depth" is manipulated.

Here's what the KOIN report on May 5th said:

World Book defines anarchism as a political theory that promotes the abolition of government and in some cases using violence and terror to do that.

If you watch, the video carefully, you can see that KOIN starts with an authoritative shot of the World Book Dictionary (serif typography) then switches to another book (sans serif) as the definition becomes more inflammatory.

Here's what the World Book Dictionary really says:

Anarchism 1a) the political theory that all systems of government and law are harmful. Believers in anarchism think that all such systems prevent individuals from reaching their greatest development. b) the practice or support of this belief. 2) disorder and confusion; lawlessness; terrorism.

The second definition is clearly a reference to the popular misconception of anarchy, but not the source of the KOIN confusion.

The second book is the World Book Encyclopedia from which KOIN derived the second part of their definition. The reporters have taken a portion of a larger article about historical strains of anarchism drastically out of context. The article is about what World Book terms "Terroristic Anarchism" a brief trend over a hundred years ago.

Terroristic anarchism began under the leadership of Mikhail Bakunin in Russia during the 1800's. Followers of this type of anarchism believed in the destruction of the government by violence and terror. They thought that land and other means of production should be owned in common. Many anarchists throughout the world resorted to revolution and assassination in the belief that terror would correct what they thought to be evil. They murdered heads of governments, including Czar Alexander II of Russia and President William McKinley of the United States. After the death of McKinley, the U.S. government passed a law barring anarchists from entering the country.

This was a strain of anarchism that lauded the "propaganda of the deed," and felt that if courageous anarchists put their lives on the line to assassinate world leaders, the masses would rise up against their oppressors.

A few decades later in the early 20th century, many anarchist lecturers and writers, including Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman (himself jailed earlier for a failed assassination attempt), reevaluated the usefulness of the "propaganda of the deed" and rejected revolutionary violence.

The writer Leo Tolstoy was a passionate pacifist anarchist who believed that violence was not justified even to save the life of a child. Tolstoy influenced the non-violent philosophy of Mohandas Gandhi, who considered himself a "kind of anarchist."

As you can see the philosophy of anarchism encompasses a lot of ground. While anarchists generally agree on their opposition to government and laws, mutual support for each other and others, and individual and community autonomy, issues such as violence or non-violence are hotly debated.

The KOIN report like much of the Sentinel reporting was unsurprisingly simplistic and ignorant to the point of doing real damage to real people's lives. If we were to attempt to hold people and institutional accountable in the aftermath of May Day, KOIN should be called to account.

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by --
First of all, if ya want to watch it, here's the link:

Aside from the close reading of the World Book, thank you (A), it is really frightening that the spokes person (not Officer Friend) for the SCPD admits that the FBI has been collecting information on people part of the anarchist community.

Watch Glen Beck on Fox "review" The Coming Insurrection, and his use of the Swastika and the word Communists, Scott DeMuth's charges specifically citing his course work, and other very similar (Eric McDavid, and everyone else charged with "thought crimes") to see where this is headed.

by do it here
video reposted to indybay, and already linked to in article:
by Wolf Blitzer
Someone called me in the Situation Room notifying me of this horrible affront being done to the name of anarchism and the noble attempt to correct its image. I'd really like to run a story exposing them for their nefarious bait and switch of dictionaries.
by mediawatcher
Another point about KION peice was when the SCPD cop was talking about black-block Anarchists in Santa Cruz they slipped in Sub Rosa and continued the SCPD cops comments which made it look like Sub Rosa are black block totally bad editing trying to produce a lie to make their point.
by c
not to mention, bizarrely bringing in the drum circle at the end. It seems like the TV station had 20 seconds of extra footage from the drum circle and didn't know where to put it - and in their mental map, they classify all downtown Santa Cruz material together.
by Auntie Imperial
...are absolutely working models of Anarchist community.
by the media is a joke
"to really find out what anarchism is, i had to do some SERIOUS RESEARCH... by going to the library to look at a dictionary and read one sentence out of it!!"
by watcher
KION took the video off of their website. This apparently happened after a flurry of angry responses, but the damage had already been done.
by Geo
So I don't understand how things would work if there was anarchy, without a government running things who is going to build and maintain the infrastructure? Any links to local anarchist groups that explain this kind of thing? Thanks.
by KION reporter
If you're going to trash someone at least get the call letters right....
by Anarchist Organizing
Geo, this is an awesome question and not an easy one. If you are courageous and curious, stop by the SubRosa Anarchist Cafe for a chat with one of the volunteer staffers. This is the reason the cafe exists, to work on and debate questions just such as these.

There is an introduction to Anarchism featured right now at SubRosa, by Alexander Berkman written nearly a hundred years ago that is very good and addresses basic anarchist questions such as these. Another resource, this one written in the late 19th century by Errico Malatesta titled simply Anarchy, a slim and concise and still very topical volume addresses this very issue.

There are also much more modern takes on anarchism, but sometimes the old ones are the best.
by DIY Culture
You asked how would things work in an anarchist system without government.

Some of the DIY projects around town are good examples of ways that things run without institutional control. Check out the Bike Church, Indymedia, Free Skool, Brown Berets, Free Radio, SubRosa, Kresge Food Co-op and various small collectives.

All of these organizations, while not all anarchists are committed to providing infrastructure and support to a broad community while running on principles rooted in the anarchist tradition.
by Auntie Imperial
Video Could Be Lead In Santa Cruz Vandalisms

Santa Cruz County detectives have recovered a video they said may lead them to vandals accused of throwing river rocks through dozens of windows and windshields across the county.

The attacks, which started in January, stopped for a couple of weeks before recently picking back up in Santa Cruz, Live Oak and Aptos, authorities said...

Boy OH Boy! Those "Anarchists" sure get around!

According the the report, by Pathfinder of 4-Runner, NOT 'fixie', "scooter-of-doom" (see photo) or any other anarcho-typical transportation.

20-30-something Jock should be the profile, by vehicle type, but KSBW doesn't report the description.
by --
That film clip is worth framing.

Here is a very well laid out version of participatory democracy - or a flattened form economy that gives each resident equivalent voting power over the economic and social decisions- a form of anarchism. This approach avoids the centralization and powerstructure involved in communism or capitalism.
by (a)
Hey everyone,
There is an event coming up in Santa Cruz to try to combat these sorts of inaccurate assumptions about anarchists. It is called Demystifying Anarchy. It'll be Thursday, June 24 at 6:30pm over at the Louden Nelson Center. It isn't a meeting to try to convince anyone of anything, it is more to show that anarchists encompass a wide range of ideas and opinions. A panel of anarchists will speak and answer questions about their ideas. Invite your friends! It is up on the indymedia calendar.
by Curiouser
I agree that it would be good to have the call letters correct.

But ...

Do you have a response to the substance of the writer's post? Did the report really open with a changing source of the quote that defined the subject and did it really skip the substance of that definition (that anarchists believe that abolition of government would work to the betterment of humanity) and replace that part with a reference to terrorism from a separate source where it is pulled from its limited context and presented here as the very definition of the term contiguous with the first part of the sentence?

Does this suggest to you that the report might not be an objective overview of the subject? Do you, as a reporter for KION, stand by this whole report? Do you stand by the alleged manipulation of the definition?
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