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Support Requested for UCSC Students, Faculty and Staff

by Mark Paschal, Graduate Student
We need money to help fight the administration of the UC - specifically to help pay for the $35,000 in financial restitution that many of us face
Dear comrades,

The students, faculty and staff at all levels of the California public educational system need your help. As you know, the last 30 years have seen an aggressive neo-liberal attack on both public institutions and the Left in general. Public education is not at a crossroads: we are already far along a path that threatens to put higher education for hundreds of thousands of working class students - a disproportionate number of whom are students of color - beyond reach. Additionally, our privatized university increasingly denies income to many thousands of TAs, lecturers, professors and student employees. Towards the end of last year, our collective action signaled forceful resistance to the increasing privatization of public education. Last year saw massive attempts to sway public opinion through pledges, petitions, phone banking, protests and the occupation of buildings – actions that will continue until we, workers and students, have a decisive role in determining the shape of the public institutions that were instituted for our benefit. What happens in California will not stay here; for this reason, we need your help.

We ask for your assistance in the struggle for the future of education in two ways: first, that you add your voices to ours through solidarity protests, op-eds, and letters decrying the tactics used against student protest. While particularly sharp in California, budget cuts are already affecting schools throughout the nation. The public needs to hear from a wide variety of people through a wide variety of media - you can help provide for this need. Second, we also really need funds for legal defense and remuneration for damages – many students on UC and CSU campuses are being made to pay restitution for damages, without evidence of their involvement, through guilt by demonstrations. 37 UCSC students alone are facing unsubstantiated fines of close to $35,000 for actions on November 17-20. The process whereby students are being singled out is arbitrary, secretive, and meant to divide students and workers against each other. We simply do not have the resources for the urgent task of defending each other. Your solidarity would be a tremendous aid to us.

Any help will go a long way towards mobilizing and strengthening a collective struggle. The strike committee of UCSC - consisting of members of undergrad, grad, and faculty groups - has set up a paypal account (educationdefensefund [at] checks can be arranged by emailing us at that address, as well) for saving and distributing funds.

In Solidarity,
The students, staff and faculty of California

Barbara Epstein: Professor of History of Consciousness -- UCSC
Max Fox: Undergraduate Student, Linguistics -- UCSC
Carla Freccero: Professor of Literature -- UCSC
Johanna Isaacson: Lecturer --UCSC
Madeline McDonald Lane: Graduate Student, Literature -- UCSC
Brian Manford: Staff -- UCSC
Mark Paschal: Graduate Student, History of Consciousness -- UCSC
Olivia Warner: Undergraduate Student, Literature -- UCSC
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by Wes Modes
Dear Friends in the UCSC Community,

Over the last 20 years, I've seen this institution degrade from a decent place focused on liberal arts education to a factory assemble line for more profitable research and science and technology education.

Once upon a recent time, UCSC offered truly unique opportunities for study, do-it-yourself majors, small class sizes, easy communication with accessible professors, exclusively narrative evaluations, an awareness of areas of study traditionally neglected by academia , and a unique perspective on the need for broadly-educated citizens.

When I look around and see the $64.4 million bio-medical building construction continuing along with buildings and expansion all over campus, it reveals the UC administration priorities. Budget restrictions notwithstanding, the current financial crisis feels like an excuse to drive the last few nails in the coffin of UCSC's reputation as a quirky and free-thinking liberal arts university. I see students here today who are no longer able to receive the quality of education I received at this school.

The university administration continues to be inaccessible and unresponsive to the needs of students, faculty, and staff. When students attempt to hold those administrators accountable through protest, occupations, and direct action the university raises the specter of the budget crisis in an attempt to silence them. When that fails, they use coercion, fines, and a closed judicial process.

Like a lot of people, I was drawn here by something that felt deeply special and different from the status quo, but I guess the courage that brought this unique institution into existence is now in short supply. Do we wait until all the things we love about this place are destroyed?

Wes Modes
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