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Indybay Feature

Why the University is Trying to Expel Me

by Occupy CA (repost)
SANTA CRUZ, California – The following is a statement published by Brian Glasscock in response to the charges and sanctions he faces.
The University is trying to expel me based upon two incidents.

The first incident took place in October of 2009. I was arrested and pepper-sprayed for carrying a picnic table outside of an occupation that took place at UC Santa Cruz at the Humanities 2 building. I and two other people were moving a picnic table out of the Humanities court yard where there was a dance party going on. The University is alleging that I was carrying the picnic table to barricade the door of the Humanities 2 building which was occupied at the time. Further, they argue that I was given enough time (30 to 45 seconds they state) to respond to police requests to put the table down before being pepper-sprayed. I however did not hear the police’s requests until right before I was pepper-sprayed because of the commotion and noise of the dance party. This incident has been used to suspend me and ban me from campus.

The second incident was my involvement in the Kerr Hall occupation in November. During the Kerr Hall occupation I participated in general assemblies which took place in the building. I did not participate any theft, property damage, nor any other purported actions the University says took place during the occupation. I took part in the general assemblies to show my support for the occupation, which effectively shut down UCSC’s administration for three days.

The UCSC administration is arguing that even this minor participation in general assemblies is a rule violation. This violation, my arrest at Humanities 2, and my previous judicial record are being used by the University as the ground for my expulsion.

I do not think that these incidents warrant an expulsion. The notation of expulsion will always be on my transcript and will effect my admissions to any other university while also preventing many future job prospects – it is an attack on my future and my ability to participate and thrive in this world.

My expulsion is part of a significantly more widespread campaign against students on campus. Many participants of the Kerr Hall occupation have received demands from the University to pay $944 dollars in restitution. They must pay this fine or they will be barred from enrolling in classes for the fall and those who have graduated this quarter will have their degrees withheld. There is no evidence linking these individuals to the alleged property damage that occurred. Instead, these fines are a blatantly a political attack meant to cause both academic and financial hardship. One other comrade, Olivia Egan-Rudolph, is also being suspended and banned from campus as well as having her degree withheld until December.

Throughout these proceedings the University has used an objective and legalistic discourse to mask the political nature of their attacks on participants. This process is everything but objective and is instead an attempt to neutralize a negative political situation. At other Universities–even private schools–there are typically trials by ones peers. That is not the case at the UC, as the final decision arbitrarily rests with various administrators who have a clear bias which raises serious questions about the fairness of the University’s proceedings.

The University wants to be done with me, they want me to disappear. They wish to make an example of all those who participated in Kerr Hall to dissuade people from continuing or beginning to take action on campus. We should not let them get away with this.

I need your help to fight my expulsion. It is urgent that we take collective action around these attacks. I am asking for your support for me and all those facing these charges.

There will be an emergency rally this Friday at 12pm in Quarry Plaza.Find out more here:

If you have received a letter from UCSC regarding Kerr Hall please contact StudentLegalDefense [at] gmail [dot] com ASAP.

- Brian Glasscock
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by Your words
You're complaints about being an innocent bystander at the Humanities incident would sound more valid if you hadn't advertised the action on your facebook page along with the words "lets fuck things up" prior to the incidents occurring.

....and leaving your FB public at the time allowed authorities to save it. As such, your protestations of innocence, coupled with that video that was posted showing cops warning your crew in advance of the spraying....leave you in a hard position to defend.

You got to the campus in late September, got arrested in October, and busted again in November. Do the math.....
by of students
And all call and demand all charges be dropped!

Maybe some country wide and beyond phone calling will help the university understand the enormity of the issue.
by Willis
How come you were moving the table, if not to make a barricade?
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