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Coalition to Save Community Studies calls for emergency rally at noon

by Coalition to Save Community Studies
The Coalition to Save Community Studies is calling for an IMMEDIATE ACTION. This in response to Allison Galloway’s announcement this morning that the undergraduate Community Studies major is being suspended.
When: Tomorrow 04/08/10

Where: Rally starting at the Quarry w/ a snake march heading to Oakes

Why: To demonstrate our complete support of the CMMU faculty who have been alienated and silenced throughout this administrative process. We will gather at the Plaza and march along McLaughlin Drive to Oakes College, CMMU headquarters for the last forty years. This devastating decision to suspend CS was made possible only because of the strain and pressure that Dean Kamieniecki has placed squarely on the shoulders of our educators and allies in the CMMU department. As a result, many of our teachers have chosen to find new departments to work in next year, rather than suffer the administration’s continued disrespect and dishonesty.

This decision to suspend CS was made by the Committee on Educational Policy after one year of relentless pressure from Dean Kamieniecki and other Social Science administrators to do so. This suspension puts even heavier strain on the CMMU faculty and staff who have already suffered enormously as a result of the administration’s pressure throughout the last year. While the catalogue rights of current UCSC students interested in completing the Community Studies Program as it currently exists have not been violated, the door has been shut forever on every student that has yet to enroll in this school, and forty years of extraordinary curriculum and invaluable experience will fast become a fond memory.

Tomorrow, bring your friends, your coworkers, your teachers, and your classmates. Contact campus media sources if you are able; contact media from the greater community and invite them all to join us tomorrow to support our educators and demand that Community Studies be saved. The devastating impact of today’s decision only begins with the Community Studies department: when the rights and liberties of one are violated, the rights and liberties of all are in danger. We must work together, we must be honest with one another, and we must save Community Studies.

-The Coalition to Save Community Studies
§Quarry Plaza
by via Jacob Margolis
Students gather at the quarry plaza at UC Santa Cruz.
§Mike Rotkin
by via Jacob Margolis
Santa Cruz mayor Mike Rotkin speaks to students gathered in the Quarry Plaza on the UCSC campus.
§Revive Community Studies
by via Jacob Margolis
Students gathered in front of the Kerr Hall administrative building to have their voices heard.
§Community Studies Major Suspended
by via On What Grounds?
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On Wednesday, UC Santa Cruz issued a statement suspending the possibility of declaring a community studies major for the next two years. Before the rally, reporter Casey Coughlin interviewed vice provost and dean of student academic affairs Allison Galloway about the reasons for the suspension.

Students rally at the Quarry Plaza on Thursday morning and march through campus to protest the action. Reporter Adam Bayley went to the rally and spoke with Mayor Mike Rotkin about his views on the issue. Both believe that the budget was not the reason for the suspension of the major but rather it was internal disagreement within the department.
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then we might be better off without it.
but by all means, please do something to make those bastards shit bricks.
they also announced today that they are fining a bunch of people $1000 merely for being seen at occupied kerr hall.
by Robert Norse
I encourage someone who attended the protest and is familiar with the issues to call my show 6-8 PM at 101.1 FM ( Call-in number: 427-3772.

If there were actually more communication between campus and town on issues like the war, homeless civil rights, general local civil liberties abuses, etc., we'd get a lot further.
by Brian Nickerson (bnickers [at]
Robert! I called a number of times during your show but kept getting a busy signal. I helped write letter, helped get this rally going, and completely agree with you. Let's get in touch, my friend. We have much to discuss.
by Eddie Burns
UCSC administrators put the final nail in the coffin of the only activism major in the country ON THE VERY SAME DAY that they served up a 1K bill to a bunch of student activists...... But I'm sure there's no connection. I'm sure their motives were pure.
by Robet Norse
Thanks, Brian, for your response.

Because of my technical oversight, the phones were busy for the first forty-five minutes of my Thursday night show.

I'll hope not to make that mistake on Sunday morning, when I hope you'll call in with an update and a discussion of what can be done in the future. Call-in numbers are 831-427-3772 and 831-469-3119.

Send me an e-mail at rnorse3 [at]

You're also invited to come speak down on Pacific Avenue today at our Sinister Singsong Sidewalk Celebration 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM in front of the Bookshop Santa Cruz at 1520 Pacific and talk about UCSC issues. You can sing about them if you'd like. We've also invited Mayor Rotkin, but he's unlikely to attend. More on this at .

Again, my apologies for the technical fuck-up.
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