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Bullfight Description

by Bull Rights
Catalonia has banned bullfighting. The city of Barcelona has
condemned it. Yet still in Spain, Portugal and many other Latino
countries the bull is tortured.

In Portugal the bull may be taunted but is not generally
In other countries:
Harlan Coben gives a description of the average bullfight
in which first the bull is exhausted by chasing after
taunting humans' capes in all directions. Then his neck
is pierced so that he cannot turn his head from side to side.
picador (pl. picadores) is one of the pair of horsemen in a Spanish bullfight that jab the bull with a lance. They perform in the tercio de varas which is the first of the three stages in a Spanish bullfight.
The picador has three main functions:
To pierce the muscle on the back of the bull’s neck in order to straighten the bull's charge.
To fatigue the bull’s neck muscles and general stamina as it tries to lift the horse with its head.
To lower the bull’s head in preparation for the next stage. [/QUOTE]
The third stage is
the Banderillos who approach on foot stabbing
the bull with brightly colored short spears.
The fourth stage is the matador who is assigned
the task of killing the tortured mammal.
Finally the crowd calls for the slicing off of the bull's
ears and tail as trophies of the latest in the serial
killing of Latino bulls.

§Karmic Return
by Bull Rights
§One of Untold Victims
by Bull Rights
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