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Rally Commemorating the 51th anniversery of the Tibetan National Uprising Day!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Event Type:
Tenzin Shakya
Location Details:
Date: Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Time: 10am- 4pm
Location: Berkeley City Hall, Justin Herman Plaza, San Francisco City Hall, & Chinese Consulate

• 8:30-9:30 AM – Tibetan Flag raising ceremony at the Berkeley City Hall, Berkeley, CA
• 10:00-11 AM – Rally at Justin Herman Plaza Then March along Market St. toward City Hall.
• 11:30-1 PM – San Francisco City Hall Program including Guest speakers and Political Theater
• 1:30- 3:30 PM- Protest/Rally in front of the Chinese consulate
• 5-8:30 PM Candlelight Vigil at Union Square and Rangzen Concert - San Francisco

Since March 10, 1959, 1.2 million Tibetans have been killed directly or indirectly as a result of the Chinese rule in Tibet. Over 150,000 Tibetans were forced to flee Tibet to freedom in exile and thousands attempt to escape every year. A cultural genocide ensued; Tibetans are now a minority in their own homeland, 6,000 Tibetan Buddhist monasteries were destroyed, and Tibet’s top religious leaders and forced to live in exile.

Hundreds of Tibetans and supporters will join forces with local Tibet organizations to commemorate the Tibetan National Uprising Day with flag-raising, rallies, marches, and a candlelight vigil in Berkeley and San Francisco.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama was also forced to flee Tibet and since then has been situated as Tibet's temporal leader at the Tibetan Government is Exile. The Dalai Lama recently met with President Obama and discussed the situation in Tibet.

The Dalai Lama has since advocated for greater dialogue between China and Tibet.

The situation in Tibet right now is desperate, and we want the Tibetans inside Tibet to know that the people around the world support their call for greater freedom towards their daily lives: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom to equal opportunity, and freedom to carry on their traditions as Tibetans in Tibet and maintain their Tibetan identity.

We call on the Chinese government to immediately end its extreme repression in Tibet.

The revolt of March 10, 1959 failed to liberate Tibet but the struggle within the country for human rights and basic freedoms continues and will continue until the Tibetans in Tibet have regained their freedom!

Please join us in support of Tibet and greater dialogue between Tibet and China!
Added to the calendar on Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:37PM

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The 1959 CIA sponsored attempt to destroy the 10 year old Chinese revolution, which made tremendous progress from 1949 to 1976, is this phony "Tibet uprising." Oil rich Tibet has been part of China for over 700 years and will remain so forever.

Oil in Tibet: "The Tibet Card" by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich, 3/27/08 at
(Oil, gold, uranium and cooper in Tibet)
Alexander’s Gas and Oil Connections, 11/11/04, “Qiangtang Basin in Tibet estimated to Hold Oil and Gas Reserves

"The Secret Truth about The Dalai Lama" below provides yet another revealing story of the fascist Dalai Lama concerning his Nazi friends, namely Bruno Beger (1911-2004), a Nazi SS Officer, Convicted War Criminal and Dalai Lama Adviser and Heinrich Harrer (1912-2006) Austrian Storm Trooper (SA) member, captain of an SS death squad. Other fascist friends of the Dalai Lama are the Butcher of Chile installed by the CIA in 1973, Augustine Pinochet; Miguel Serrano, leader of the Argentine Nazi Party, Shoko Asahara, an admirer of Hitler who put Sarin gas in a Tokyo subway, and George Bush, the former fascist US president, whose grandfather collaborated with the Nazis.

Dalai Lama and the Nazis:
Nazi Bruno Beger:
Nazi Heinrich Harrer:

The Making of Modern Tibet by A. Tom Grunfeld (1996) ISBN 1-56324-714-3.

When the Serfs Stood Up in Tibet by Anna Louise Strong (1959, 2008)

Statement Opposing Anti-China Campaign, 4/8/08

"China, Tibet and US sponsored counterrevolution" of 4/1/08, at

For the whole statement, see:, which includes:
“Regarding Tibet, for many centuries a region of China, the hand of Washington in the latest events is obvious for anyone who wants to see. For more than 50 years, the CIA and other U.S. government agencies have trained, funded, coordinated and supported the old feudal and repressive regime in Tibet represented by the Dalai Lama. The CIA front group the National Endowment for Democracy funds the International Campaign for Tibet, the Tibetan Youth Congress, the Tibetan People’s Uprising Movement and the Dalai Lama himself. The U.S. maintains close ties with the Tibetan “government-in-exile” in India, whose real aim is to break away a region making up a quarter of China’s territory. These U.S. actions constitute an effort to de-stabilize and dismember the Peoples Republic of China. The progress in education, women’s rights, employment and health care would be immediately eviscerated if the old serf-owning ruling elite, represented by the Dalai Lama, was brought back to power.”

The world capitalist press has lied about what is going on in Tibet (and in many cases, actually Nepal). See a good photo essay at:

Another good description is in the UK's Guardian, 3/15/08, at

“Behind the Anti-China Olympics Campaign” by Gary Wilson, 3/27/08:

“Reporters Without Borders Unmasked” by Diana Barahona, 5/17/05, Counterpunch:

Tibet, the ‘Great Game” and the CIA” by Richard Bennett, 3/25/08, at:

"China, Tibet and the Propaganda Olympics" by William Blum in 3/29-30/08 Counterpunch at:

"Democratic Imperialism:" Tibet, China and the National Endowment for Democracy by Michael Barker, 8/13/07 at:

"Human Rights and Media Manipulation" by Michael Barker, 3/29/08 at

"Hijacking Human Rights" by Michael Barker, 8/3/07 at

"The Myths of 'Democracy Assistance'" US Political Intervention in Post-Soviet Eastern Europe" (on CIA-National Endowment for Democracy) by Gerald Sussman, Monthly Review, Dec 2006 at

"Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth" by Michael Parenti, January 2007 at:

"The CIA's Secret War in Tibet" by Paul Salopek, 1/6/97 at

"The Dalai Lama, Slick Denials and the CIA” by Loren Coleman from Popular Alienation: A Steamshovel Press Reader at

Tibet—Its Ownership and Human Rights Situation, Table of Contents, at:

Ownership of Tibet (For over 700 years, Tibet is part of China; Dalai Lama Lhamo Toinzhub,)

Feudal Serfdom in Old Tibet:;;

The Dalai Clique’s Separatist Activities and the Central Government Policy:

Origins of So-Called “Tibetan Independence:”

Economic Development and Improvement of Living Standards:

Development of Education and Culture:

People’s Health and Demographic Growth: (Lifespan was 36 years in old Tibet):
which states, among other things:
"On the question of the size of the Tibetan population, the Dalai clique has spread many rumors. The most sensational was that more than 1.2 million people were killed after the peaceful liberation of Tibet. In 1953, the Tibetan local government under the Dalai Lama reported the population stood at 1 million people. If 1.2 million inhabitants had been massacred, it would have been a case of genocide and certainly the population in Tibet could not have increased to the present 2 million."

Special State Aid for Tibet’s Development:
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