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Update On Harvard: Crimson From War Investments, Torture, Capital Punishment

by Ahimsa Action
Harvard is invested in war. Its professors advocate torture
Update on Harvard's Record of Murder and Other Violence
to People, Animals, Mother Nature

Torture Advocacy
Its professor Alan Dershowitz advocates
government torture. Its professor Kramer advocates
sterilization of Palestinians.

Henry Kissinger, war criminal indicted for the bombing of millions in
Cambodia and Vietnam has limited his travel for
fear of being arrested by those who have indicted him.
This Dr Strangelove
was on the Harvard faculty from 1954 to 1971, before
his campaigns of genocidal bombing as well as the placement
of his operative Paul Bremer as privatizing czar (chief looter) of Iraq, where Bremer eliminated free health care,
cancelled the Baath Party's nickel a gallon gasoline,
and forbade Iraqi farmers to save their own seed
requiring them to purchase from Monsanto or other regime-
approved profiteers.

II Profiteers and Promoters Of War

Its tens of billions of dollars in endowment are heavily
invested in war, environmental destruction, pharmaceutical, slaughterhouse companies. Harvard's investments pollute all its

III International Destabilizers
. Several of its economics professors
such as Jeffrey Sachs (now at Columbia) used the loanshark
capitalist tactics of Robert Rubin and
plotted to destabilize Russia's economy (Russia
now has strong antibodies against such attempts).
They were indicted by the Clinton administration, but
such was Harvard's bloody clout that nothing came of this.
These 'economics' professors created the Russian oligarchs,
those billionaires who gobbled up the property of the
people of Russia. We have never before in history seen
such a monstrous disparity between billionaires and
the starving.

IV Capital Punishment

Unelected Harvard Law graduates on the Supreme Court (Roberts, Scalia, and A. Kennedy) keep the US from being
among the over 88% of the world's countries not involved
in government executions.
Harvard Law graduate John Roberts, nominated by a fraudulently
installed White House resident, ratified by a Diebold created
Senate with at least 6 unelected Republicans, seated on one of
the last nominally democratic high courts in the world still
unelected, has serially killed
petitioners for mercy from the prison population The Supreme Court keeps the US with the highest percentage
of jailed population in the world, enriching the prison
privatization industry and keeping African Americans
from organizing for populism and peace.

V Animal Agony
a Harvard receives more stolen tax money for animal
agony tests (including on primates) than any other
university. It has been 300 million a year or more. [url] Its underground
animal torture labs in Southborough are designed to prevent
transparency. Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Public
Health, its biology and psychology
departments are only 4 of the many animal abuse departments
in the school.
b Dr Amy Bishop, the Harvard trained biology professor
who murdered 3 humans (and unknown numbers of
animals) is only the latest example of
violence to animals morphing into violence to humans.
c Harvard's mammon-corrupted research caused Stanley
Prusiner, discoverer of the prions which cause Mad Cows, Mad Pigs,
Mad Chickens, Mad Fish etc. to leave and continue BSE research at Stanford (itself polluted in other ways).

VI Minority Rights

Harvard was late to minority rights, 35 years behind
Oberlin in an end to exclusion of African Americans. Harvard
had to be dragged into disinvestment from the apartheid
South African government. The famous Massachusetts
abolitionists found stony hearts in the Harvard leadership.

VII Women's rights
It has a poor record in women's rights in regards to both percentage of women as students and
tenured professorships.

Harvard like Yale and other ivy league universities
has been dovetailed with the CIA. Recruiters aggressively
work on campus.

IX Courts
dominates the Massachusetts court system. Its gay marriage
decision was timed to defeat Democrats running against
the Bush machine.

X Unionbusting and Abuse of Workers

It has exploited its own labor
force, being pulled against its will into more than minimum
wage. There is an obscene differential between the 30 or
more million dollars paid its fund managers and the few
thousand dollars its workers receive.

XI Community Smashing
Harvard has evicted through unspoken violations of
eminent domain... untold numbers of residents from their
homes, paying in some cases 3 to 4 thousand dollars for
their bulldozed property.

XII Usury

Harvard has been sued for backing loans charging
twice the Massachusetts legal limit.


The highest percentage of Fortune 700 CEOs selling weapons, profiteering from war, raping the
earth, slaughtering trillions of animals
The highest percentage of S&P 500 CEOs, megathieves
stealing from the poor
The highest percentage of the Forbes 100 highest-paid CEOs
The highest percentage of Forbes 400 Billionaires
(is there a billionaire whose money has not come from
violence and theft or the reception of stolen goods from
parents or other?)
Over 25% of all venture loanshark capitalists in the U.S.


Harvard has copartnered with big tobacco in 'studies',
has helped multinational pharmaceuticals manufacture toxic

Harvard's shield has 'veritas' (truth) painted on. As external
as the paint to the shield is Harvard's commitment to truth,
with financial skullduggery its modus operandi.
The word veritas on the shield is in three parts,
subdivided and crucified like the animals in its subterranean


The following is from

The Harvard-affiliated American Repertory Theatre (A.R.T.) has resorted to censorship to deny NEAVS a place in its heavily read playbill. Although NEAVS ads, generously donated by Antigone Lankin Stallings, have appeared in A.R.T. programs in the past, publisher Richard Cravatts now has refused to accept further ads, stating "… [Harvard] faculty… have asked me not to run the ads again."


Apparently Harvard thinks it is the only institution which
can use the word Harvard, despite the fact that this is
a common surname.


Harvard fired mystical funder of charities and author of
Miracle of Love, Be Here Now and Grist for the Mill, Dr Richard
Alpert, now Ram Dass.


Harvard has invested 34 billion in animal and fish slaughter
as well as war profiteering and environmental destruction
stocks, not to mention its links to foreclosing banks.
Harvard has lost Stanley Prusiner, discoverer of prions,
Mervyn Hardinge, vegan diet and isocaloric studies researcher.
It should come as no surprise that CIA connected Harvard
is promoting the suffocation and consumption of fish flesh.

Many animal rights activists have
published information about Harvard's underground labs
at Southborough, its primate abuse, its purchase of stolen
stray cats after bribing poor children with 25 cent a cat
payment. No longer senator Bill Frist bragged that he
had represented himself as a cat adopter at Boston shelters
and then took his victims to the Harvard vivisdction labs (no
questions asked by fellow animal killers).

The following is from a PETA site:
PETA’s ‘10 Worst Laboratories’ List

Harvard is used to being at the top of university rankings, but this year is being recognized as one of the cruelest to animals. Harvard is home to the New England National Primate Research Center, which houses more than 2,000 nonhuman primates who are used in experiments. In 2004, 600 of these animals were subjected to painful and distressing experiments. Additionally, researcher data suggest that more than 90 percent of the primates kept at Harvard have at least one self-destructive or abnormal behavior and about 20 percent engage in serious self-destructive behaviors. Self-injury occurs as a result of the stress of confinement and experimentation, boredom and loneliness, and neuroses induced by the common practice of separating babies from their mothers. These data confirm that life inside primate research centers such as Harvard’s is truly a nightmare.

Harvard wastes taxpayer money and animals’ lives by conducting twice as many cocaine studies as any other institution in the United States. In fact, Harvard has published more than 75 publications solely about monkeys who have been exposed to cocaine! Harvard currently receives 10 mega-grants from the National Institute on Drug Abuse to study the effects of cocaine and heroin on monkeys in studies such as “Nonhuman Primate Models of Speedball Abuse” and “Nonhuman Primate Model of Cocaine Relapse and Treatment,” conducted by Roger Spealman. In the first study, Spealman makes monkeys addicted to both cocaine and heroin and measures the combined toxicity of these two powerful drugs. In the second study, Spealman makes monkeys addicted to cocaine, withholds the drug to cause withdrawal, and then studies how injecting chemicals and stressing the animals affects the reintroduction of cocaine. In 2005 alone, Spealman received more than $1.25 million in public funding for his cocaine research on monkeys—money that could have gone toward treatment of and clinical research with human drug addicts.

As disturbing and wasteful as it may be to create drug addiction in monkeys, the award for the most useless experiment goes to Harvard’s Alberto Palleroni for his study of fear reactions in monkeys exposed to aerial predators. Palleroni exposes primates to trained raptors and studies their distress calls. It’s the equivalent of locking children in a room with a tiger and watching them scream for their mothers. This twisted experiment is funded by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. It’s just one more example of how Harvard bilks the public for pointless and cruel animal experiments.

Harvard was established either Sept 8 or 18 of 1636. It's
time for an exorcism of this caboose on the train of ethics. (itself said to be a disinformation site, has disappeared from the internet)
Jeffrey D Sachs is now at Columbia's Earth Institute.
Columbia as well is no stranger to inflicting pain.

A prosecutor found himself after a short life at St Peter's
gates. Peter listened to his complaints about his early demise
and then pointed to God and said 'it's his fault.. he thinks
he's a Supreme Court judge.'

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