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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

Direct Action on California Campuses Slideshow and Potluck

Sunday, January 31, 2010
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Event Type:
Location Details:
The Long Haul Infoshop 3124 Shattuck Ave. (@ Woolsey) in Berkeley, across from La Pena.

The purpose of this event is to educate non-student activists about the direct actions that have occurred across the state of California in defense of public education. I hope you can attend because we are trying to strengthen connections between student and nonstudent activists in order to most effectively integrate the anarchist community into the March 4th mobilizations.

We will begin the evening sharing a meal. If you can bring a vegan dish, excellent. If not, please feel free to share the meal Food Not Bombs is prepaing. We'll then embark on a photo journey briefly touching on massive student mobilizations around the world and then focusing in the direct action occupations, protests, and banner drops that occurred during the November 18-19-20 walkouts around California.

Students who participated in both occupations of Wheeler Hall will talk about their experiences organizing for transformational change. Occupiers from the business building at SF State may make an appearance. Pancho is going to regale us with anecdotes from his participation in the nuclear disarmament movement. After this, we'll hold a discussion on the efficacy of direct action tactics in comparison to other forms of "resistance", and we'll talk about what role the radical community may be able to play as a distinct but supportive entity in this statewide (if not nationwide)mobilization in defense of public education on March 4. We will look to see how our struggles may be strengthened through solidarity with comrades throughout the world, and how best to incorporate this (anti-)globalized perspective into the discourse on education reform as something that could act as a springboard for massive reorganization of oppressive and destructive institutions, like the UC's heavy  intertwinement with the U.S. military-industrial complex. Join us for food, info, lively conversation, and brainstorming as we build towards a world free from hierarchy, domination, and imperialism! Free education for all, occupy everything to get it.
Added to the calendar on Sun, Jan 31, 2010 11:40AM
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