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Community Groups Want Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer to Resign or be Fired

by Mike Rhodes (editor [at]
Friday, November 6, 2009 - The Fresno Brown Berets and California Prison Moratorium Project organized a march and rally in protest of what they say is “Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer's corrupt and racist administration.” They called for his resignation or termination as police chief. 2:13 minute audio report below.
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Date: November 5, 2009
Contact: Ralphy Avitia (559) 977‐4247 or Ashley Fairburn
(559) 908‐9607
In light of the several recent officer‐involved shootings, the Fresno Brown Berets and
California Prison Moratorium Project are announcing a call to action regarding Police Chief Jerry
Dyer's corrupt and racist administration. Too long he has justified over‐policing, surveillance, and
even murder within our communities. No matter what Dyer says, drug use and crimes of poverty
do not justify a police officer implementing the death penalty.
: There have been 9 murders by police this year, 40 since Dyer took office. Every single
one has been deemed justified by Dyer. He and his force consistently resist any calls for
transparency or accountability. If Dyer really was interested in public safety (for all of Fresno, not
just the wealthy and/or white) he would have nothing to hide. More training for the police or an
IPA isn't enough; Dyer's corrupt reign will never change. We as a community must not fooled by
Dyer's rhetoric, there are alternatives to the tactics he promotes and supports among the Fresno
Police Department. There are crisis de‐escalation and non‐lethal tactics, not to mention the best
way to address crime: prevention. The
Fresno Police Department monopolizes 57% of our
city budget in the name of public safety
. Think about all we could do to PREVENT crime if those
funds were invested in schools, housing, treatment, and parks.
Last week there were three separate murders by the hands of Fresno police
, two shootings
and one individual who died in custody, and a fourth officer‐involved shooting took place on
Wednesday. Immediately following both shootings last week Dyer spoke out against the victims,
labeling them criminals, implying these men were expendable. Dyer’ supporters likewise
condemn victims of police brutality on account of the victims’supposed or actual drug use. Drug
use is a health issue that needs to be addressed through alternatives to incarceration…
Within 24 hours of
murdering unarmed Steven Anthony Vargas, police then murdered John Cooper, a grieving man
crying out for help. In a press conference Dyer states Cooper had been known to have extensive
contacts with police only to admit just after that they were not yet sure who the victim was. That
is two examples of Dyer twisting the facts or bold‐face lying to cover up his officers' "justifiable"
murders, how many other times has Dyer lied to the public?
November 6, 2009 at 4 pm
We will meet at 2323 Mariposa St, Fresno, Ca (downtown FPD/headquarters) and will
march to the Fresno County Jail following our 4:30 pm press conference.
The Fresno Brown Berets is a militant, grassroots, organization formed solely for the
service, education, protection, and EMPOWERMENT of communities that have been systematically
pushed to the margins of the political, social, and economical process. The California Prison
Moratorium Project is a grassroots organization that believes that redirecting funds from prisons
and police into education, health care, housing, and other basic human needs is the ONLY effective
way to reduce crime.
§In Front of FPD HQ
by Mike Rhodes
Adriana Becerra, a spokesperson for the Brown Berets, read a statement in front of the Fresno Police Department HQ. Listen to the audio (above) for some of what she had to say.
by Mike Rhodes
The four people in front are members of Steven Vargas's family. Vargas was shot and killed by Sgt. Mike Palomino, who has been with the Fresno Police Department for 28 years. Vargas had been involved in an automobile accident and did not get out of his vehicle when ordered to by officer Palomino. For more information see:
§Fresno PD has blood on their hands
by Mike Rhodes
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by The Fresno Brown Berets

Fire Liar Dyer

Friday November 6, 2009 at 4:00 pm in front of Fresno Police Headquarters


On January 31, 2009, Jerry Dyer was quoted in the FRENSO BEE stating:
"It’s important for me and for all of us to not rush to judgment on this case"

Dyer was clearly upset about a case being tried in the media prior to getting into a court of law. But this time the case was about FPD officers who were being investigated for stealing cars by the California Highway Patrol.
Dyer is a man of contradictions and hypocrisy. Quick to vilify and demonize victims of officer involved shootings with misinformation and facts designed to favor the Fresno Police Department. Dyer by pattern and practice will immediately announce at a press conference that the suspect in the officer involved shooting was a criminal, gang members, and violent and on probation or parole or as in several cases, they wanted to die at the hands of the police.
Dyer should not be pointing fingers at the victims of police shootings, as the community is well versed that he has neither “denied nor confirmed" whether he had sex with a minor. And since THAT PARTICULAR INVESTIGATION was conducted by Internal Affairs the public will never know the truth as to whether Dyer should be on Megan’s list or whether he should even be chief of police.
Dyer and the police union lobbied to increase his department to monopolize the city’s budget all in the name public safety. How safe can our city be, if we fear getting blown up by gas meters being shot by our public safety officers?
Today we stand before you all demanding that Dyer either resign or that be terminated immediately.
Although an IPA was appointed on Wednesday, we cannot wait one minute more. Liar Dyer has to go NOW.
We will no longer tolerate his lies to the public about the victims of officer involved shootings or his corrupt and racist administration.
Forty people dead under his administration are too many.
For many years, he has attempted to justify his over-policing, surveillance, and even murder in our community by calling it suicide. The use of drugs and crimes of poverty do not justify police officers to be judges, jury and executioners. Just this week alone the city of Fresno lost three lives to the police. The last shooting of the gas meter could have resulted in many losing their lives. .
The City Council and Mayor must acknowledge that

The war on gangs that Dyer initiated has created an Iraq war-like climate where the authority with the weapons has escalated the attacks to only hurt and kill innocent people who may have otherwise welcomed their presence. The danger has grown to a point where instead of creating a climate of cooperation and security, has created resentment and hate toward FPD by the people who live in those communities. The danger ultimately is that the people of the community who are not "gangsters" will turn on the police, something that may result in deadly consequences on both sides of an incident or confrontation.
It is clear that Dyer has failed to understand that gangs don’t commit crimes, individual human beings commit crimes.

Fresno Police Officers need to attend more training on crisis and learn de-escalation methods, and learn to use non-lethal tactics, and focus on prevention instead of agitation.

Fresno Police should develop use of force policies that address use of firearms and other weapons and particular use of force issues such as: firing at moving vehicles, verbal warnings, positional asphyxia, bar arm restraints, and the use of chemical agents. With proper training and planning Fresno Police Officers could demonstrate that the use of non-deadly force reasonably should be sufficient to accomplish an arrest or otherwise accomplish the law enforcement purpose, deadly force should not be necessary.

Contrary to Dyer’s belief, there is indeed a formula about when to use deadly force. The guidance is the ruling in the case of Tennessee v. Garner, which states "deadly force...may not be used unless necessary to prevent the escape and the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious physical injury to the officer or others." The law clearly does not say that police officers should have this power when a person might in the future pose a threat to others.

FPD should release to the public the surveillance camera’s video if the camera caught the shooting incident on camera, including the shooting of the gas meter.

FPD should also drug test any and all officers involved in officer involved shootings. WE demand the cases be treated as if a public member had committed the shooting.

FPD officers involved in officer involved shootings should be placed on administrative duty not paid leave.

FPD should release the 911 calls and answer to the families of mentally ill why they responded with a gun when the grief stricken man called in his intent to suicide?

FPD should also explain why the officer relied on witness’s rumors instead of conducting his own investigation as to whether, Vargas had a weapon or not.

FPD’s Internal Affairs Department should review the officer involved shooting even if there was no citizen complaint filed, as thoroughly as if one were filed by family of the deceased or injured. The complaint procedure should also be implemented when a family files a claim against the City for police brutality.

FPD should prepare an annual report detailing the work of the Officer Involved Shooting Review panel and any new recommendation/ policies or findings and make it available to the public on its web-site.

FPD should refrain from making any statements that appear to predetermine the outcome of the investigation or unnecessarily place the injured or deceased person in a negative light

The City of Fresno should re-establish a human relations commission who should have the power to call for a town hall meeting immediately after an officer involved shooting incident and FPD should ensure that it will participate in the public forums.

Ralphy Avitia (559) 977-4247
Ashley Fairburn (559) 908-9607

The Fresno Brown Berets is a militant, grassroots, organization formed solely for the service, education, protection, and EMPOWERMENT of communities who have been systematically pushed to the margins of the political, social, and economical process. The California Prison Moratorium Project is a grassroots organization that believes that redirecting funds from prisons and police into education, health care, housing and other basic human needs is the ONLY effective way to reduce crime.
by Ann
They both should be investigating the high rate of Police killings. It puts even the good cops at risk. I'm glad there was this rally and protest. I hope there are more.
I hope people email others to get this story out. Both the Sheriff, C.O.P, the Mayors for the last 10 years should all be investigate in Fresno.
by An unknown face
I understand that people are wondering about what is going to happen to dyre. But answer me this......Why does it always have to come to race. Yes Dyre is white, did HE shoot anyone? No. Who cares about race. What was the race of the officers shooting? I garuntee they were not all white. This article sounds more racial than anything. If you want to protest how about putting it this way....A group of citizens protesting against Jerry Dyre to have him impeached. Need I say more.
by daniel phelps
I believe that the fires that have been plagueing our downtown is the work of jerry dryer. I believe that the threat made against dryer on crime stoppers by rauy Appleton stating that he(ray Appleton) he would shot dryer if he took another job and left was related to the arsons they had planned on the 2 and 3 of june 2014 day of the primary.this group loosened a gas line on the helm building siphoned three tanks of gas into tbhe basement than torched it.the person responcible for the helm fires are the security guards of cis.the owner of cis is a Jason geil the owner of the property the fire department rents from at 911 h street.tommorrow I will be serving the fresno police department with a subpeone and I bet I find cis on the surveillance camera behind 1111 fulton mall prior to the fire.other people who have ownership in cis include a sam Cabrera who I believe4 is related to judge Cabrera and to a saul Herrera who I believe is a relative of ismeal herrrera.we will know who started the procters fire tomorrow.and the downtown fresno partnership who is also involved in this fraud will also be excposed
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