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Indybay Feature

URBAN SHIELD 2009 Terrorizing Oakland & Bay Area This Weekend at Invite of Alameda Sheriff

by demilitarize now!
On October 24th and 25th, 2009, the Alameda County Sheriff is again spearheading their so-called Urban Shield by inviting SWAT teams from across the country and world to come and terrorize Oakland and surrounding cities. The cops look at it as this big, fun event where they get to bust out all of their latest militarized policing hardware, realistically most of which is used to keep lower income people in their place. The exercises include "competitions" between various departments and is funded in large part by ever-flowing Department of Homeland Security dollars that blur whatever lines might have existed between domestic police and national armies.
A quick description from the Urban Shield website:

"Urban Shield 2009 will challenge the skills and determination of the competing teams by testing their tactical skills in a series of real life scenarios. We have chosen specific locations that replicate identified problem areas and Tier 1 Critical Infrastructure sites within the greater San Francisco Bay Area.

Each participating tactical, Fire,& EMS team will be provided with state of the art technology and or weaponry. The teams will be challenged to successfully complete a multitude of scenarios and will be provided an opportunity to use their issued equipment under simulated real-world conditions. Our goal is to assess overall tactical, Fire, & EMS skills while testing emergency equipment which is currently in service.

Please join us in this challenging and rewarding effort. The Alameda County Sheriff's Office along with our Co-Host, The San Mateo County Sheriff's Office is proud to host this unique training exercise again this year with generous support from the Bay Area SUASI Program. This event is funded by Homeland Security Grant funds."

More Info:

"For 48 hours straight the weekend of 10/24-25/2009, a bunch of One Worlders and friends of One World will compete in Urban Shield 2009. It's a 48 hour non-stop competition for 27 SWAT teams from all over the world. The event is hosted by the Alameda County Sheriffs Office. Teams are evaluated on how they deal with 25 different scenarios which take place all over the San Francisco Bay Area."

"It is interesting to note how terrorism is conflated with bank robbery.... It’s part of a federal effort to characterize all crime — from marijuana possession to bank robbery — as terrorism...

"Urban Shield is funded by the Department of Homeland Security and at least one large corporation — BAE, a death merchant based in Britain. BAE stands accused of paying millions of dollars in bribes to secure contracts in Africa and Eastern Europe.

"BAE’s 'generous contributions' to Urban Shield will get the residents of Alameda County acclimated to the “sound of gunfire and blasts” and the presence of militarized cops “in full battle gear ” roaming the streets of the Bay Area this weekend."

"Armed officers in full battle gear will be scattered throughout the Bay Area this weekend, rescuing hostages, fighting bank robbers and quelling terrorism at the Oakland Airport, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, the NASA Ames Research Center and 22 other high profile sites.

"There will be the sound of gunfire and blasts — all part of Urban Shield, one of the biggest domestic terrorism drills in the country. The $1 million, two-day event begins Saturday and will test the training of 27 crack teams from throughout the state, elsewhere in the country and the world."

"As the Sheriff of Alameda County, I would like to introduce you to Urban Shield 2009. Once again, with the financial support from the Bay Area Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI), assistance from our Co-Host this year, Sheriff Greg Munks and the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office, the generous contributions from our many sponsors and the support of our Title Sponsor BAE Corporation, this year’s training exercise has been structured to be even more challenging than last year’s training."

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by Last year
Last year, there was one of these militarized drills where "animal rights activists" stormed the animal facility and took hostages. A so-called "real life terror scenario" according to the Urban Shield website. Kind of funny that animal rights activists have never taken hostages, and never harmed or killed anyone. A few months later, the AETA4 were arrested on federal terrorism laws for allegedly PICKETING outside the home of animal experimenters. Not a coincidence. Drills like this are designed to get the american public to fear their own populace and accept further militarization and federalization of law enforcement.

Here's a link to the story about the Animal rights hostage scenario:
by East Bay Truther
Excercise #05 was taking place yester day at Lawrence Livermore Sandia Laboratories. The Training is being conducted on the Eastern edge of the Compound. They are fully armed and ready for war. Go see for your self. Here is the Address, they are on Greenville Road Near Patterson pass. They are in full view of the public from the road.,+CA&gl=us&ei=eZXkSorgJ4n-sQO-ktCwBA&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CBEQ8gEwAA

In Liberty,
by Redpill8
Thanks for posting DN,

I also wrote about it on my blog:, and caught the bit from CrossFit New World where they are calling participants "New Worlders?

New World Order Stormtroopers.

Wonder what the Oath Keepers think of this?
by .
dont give life to police staters
by '
i know people from munks department who have gotten away with crime!! im talking his officers!
by reaper
They reap what they sow. Little punks playing cowboys and indians..........
Okay, I understand the outcry concerning this event and have taken what you have said into consideration. But in Event # 24, we go into a "School Shooting" Scenario that works on combining the efforts of EMS and SWAT Operatives.

They work on escorting a team of EMS (Mixed EMTs and Paramedics) into a semi-hostile environment where SWAT actively covers the EMS team while they rapidly triage and/or treat victims. It was a very interesting event and I loved my experience working with Urban Shield as an EMT.

The point of this exercise is to promote this kind of action instead of having EMS and Fire crews staging outside of the scene for hours on end, while SWAT does a complete clear and determines that it is safe enough for EMS to come in while many wounded victims could perish during this valuble time.

These scenarios are built not only to enhance the operatins of SWAT, but to make their jobs more efficient and with the exercices of Event 24, the integration with the SWAT and EMS will make saving lives that much easier to do when these kinds of incidents occur.
by Roland Carnaby, KIA
For one second to you think thiis Waffen SS NAZI
wannabe Bullshit has anything to do with police work
or security, then you are just another mindless,
brainwashed zombie of the corporated controlled
media and corporate-owned government.

9-11 was an inside job, and CIA and rogue Black Ops
scum have been behind every so-called terrorist even in
the world.

Bin Laden always was CIA and still is, well hidden and protected
by the US in Iran. He's thhe best publicity for a police state that
money can buy
by John
If these para-military goons want to actually do something constructive why don't they conduct these operations on our porous southern border where the terrorism is really taking place ... drug cartels murdering our U.S. Border Patrol and U.S. Citizens, murderous street gangs, narcotics trafficking, weapons trafficking, human trafficking of lawless illegal aliens, contamination by infectious diseases, illegal expatriation of U.S. currency, contaminated food, criminal Mexican politicians and authorities assisting in this terrorist activity.
by Col. Ted Westhusing
A few months ago, a college student had just come back
from frat party, and a bit intoxicated, waiting at a BART
subqway station. H was singing, sitting o the floor of the
platform, back against the wall.

Five cops, dressed just like these goons first wrestled the
kid to the ground, roughed him up, tasered him.
On gallant "PEACE OFFICER" stood on the kid's neck,
while two others stood on his back. Then the one with
his boot on the kids head stapped back and shot the
kid twice point blank - first in the head, then the back.

All he had been doing was singing and asking what
he had done wrong as the cops wer beating the shit
out of him.

I really believe the only regret the pig cops had
was that they weren't able to kill those passengers
on the parked train at the platform, recording the
entire incident.
by John
Police are some of the most stupid people on the
planet. You could train an ape to do their job. No
offense to apes.
by Madness
So do you not want the Police to be well trained in the event of a bank robbery with hostages? Or bomb threats, airline hijackings, and other major events? Perhaps we should offer amnesty and flowers whenever someone commits a heinous crime? I would think people would appreciate Tac teams from the West Coast training well. This is about preventing good people losing their lives in high risk situations, police and civilian alike.
by Thane Eugene Cesar
The irrational fear of violence has turned the U.S. into
land of fear little cowards. They bought into the Zionist-controlled
media's stereotype of a Muslim terrorist hiding under every bed.

The real enemy infests the federal agencies, Congress, the
military industrial complex, and the other corportion that rent
the White House to the highest bidder.

Police need to learn to shove an MP5 submachine gun up their tail pipe
and not yours.
by DB
I have read the postings on this site off and on for some time. You people are consistently nuts. You are exactly what you protest. You are racist. You are closed minded. You are judgemental. You are everything you want others not to be, and your too stupid or crazy to realize it. You most likely started this site to bring the world closer together, but you've only created the opposite end of a very sharp sword. You all, almost to a T, are hypocrists.
by Hippochrist
Anyone who applies to become Policeman with an
IQ of 115 or higher is accepted (that's scarcely above average)
Few police have more than a high school education.

Enough collar thugs, on the streets to suppress blue
other blue collar thugs

While those stealing $Trillions are treated like royalty.

If THAT isn't hypocrisy, then nothing is.
by Maya
For any police officers reading this, know that this isn't a personal attack on you, as we do need responsible police officers who don't abuse the privilege of their badge. If you aren't corrupt, racist, brutal, and take your oath to defend the Constitution seriously, then at least this writer does not have any bones with you.

What this article is about is the federalization and militarization of the state and local police and the use of the phony War on Terror (9/11 was a false flag event carried out within the State) and the Drug War to infringe on the rights of the citizens of this country. In the Drug War gives the police the right for "no knock warrants" forced entries into people's homes. Many have been killed trying to protect their families as police don't have to identify themselves with these warrants. (Read about some of the transgressions of what can happen here :

With the War on Terror, the elites who run Washington, have financed (with our tax dollars) the federalization and militarization of the local and state police. To what end? If you think it is just protect the citizenry during a natural disaster or terrorism event you are totally naive. When you study seriously what happened on 9/11, and know the your government has over the last few years created the laws and executive orders that nullify the Constitution and hand over the sovereignty of this country to UN bodies, the true purpose of these exercises come into play.

For more information, see Alex Jone's "Fall of the Republic"
by Harris99
When people are confronted with evidence of something they fnid too hard
to understand and relate to, they nervously laugh it off and call it "crazy".

What those who' ve said here, is just truth that you find uncomfortable.

When you refuse to listen, that's called ignorance

When you listened and refused to understand, that's called stupidity

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