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Indybay Feature


Tuesday, October 13, 2009
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
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U.C. BERKELEY, 3335 Dwinelle Hall, University of California, Berkeley Free and open to the public

TALKS BY PROFESSOR SHLOMO SAND,DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY, UNIVERSITY OF TEL AVIV,ON HIS NEWLY TRANSLATED BOOK,THE INVENTION OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE This may be the most important and surprising book on Zionism, Israel and Judaism written in the last fifty years. Nothing in the Middle East looks the same after reading it.

Shlomo Sand is a much published professor in the Dept. of History at TelAviv University specializing in the history of ideas. His most recent book is THE INVENTION OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE. It is an extremely scholarly, very original, and often shocking work - the title is meant literally - with profound implications for Zionism and the ongoing conflict between Israel and its neighbors. I can't recall when last I - Bertell - learned so much about both nationalism and Zionism from any book. It was a bestseller and caused a huge scandal when it appeared a couple of years ago in Israel and another scandal when the French edition appeared last year. Sand will be in the U.S. for a week promoting the English edition of the book. For more, see reviews and interviews in English at http// Sand argues, among other things:. Few modern conflicts are as attached to ancient history as that of Israel and Palestine. Shlomo Sand's measured and analytical research intothe biblical origin of the Jewish people-their slavery, two exiles and(continuing) journey to the Promised Land-finds no record of any Jewish exile. Sand's explosive and inescapable conclusion is that without exile, there is noright to return. . Sand's investigation uncovers a false historiography based on surviving fragments of Jewish and Christian religious memory. He finds early Rabbis and 19th century Zionist Scholars responsible for the construction ofa continuous genealogy for the Jewish people. Israel, states Shlomo, has deliberately forgotten its history, and replaced it with a myth. "Thedisparity between what my research suggested about the history of the Jewish people and the way that history is commonly understood- not only within Israel but in the larger world-shocked me as much as it shocked my readers" he writes in the book's preface. . Sand's research attributes the Jewish diaspora to early Judaist evangelism across North Africa, Southern Europe and the Middle East, not a biological lineage. The biblical narrative of Jewish exile and enforceddispersal already discredited, Sand finds present-day Palestinian Arabs to be the true heirs of the biblical Jews.
Added to the calendar on Sun, Oct 11, 2009 9:55PM

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by except
Why would a claim to steal land 50 years ago have any relationship to if some of one's millions of ancestors lived in a given area two thousand years ago? It may seem useful to undermine a genetic claim that some in Israel use to justify land theft and occupation but to undermine genetically suggests that such arguments should have merit. Historically the lecture seems quite interesting and it may or may not be correct, but if it is used to make a political statement it is playing into a genetic view of rights that seems dangerous.

Britain was invaded many times. Would people of Norman ancestry have less of a right to live there than people of Anglo-Saxon background and those people have less of a right than earlier Celtic groups and would they have less of a right than the groups they displaced? Recent history matters and one can be guilty for ones own actions but one does not have rights or guilt due to the actions of one's ancestors.

0.5% of the men in the world are the sons or sons of ...sons of Genghis Khan who lived in the 1200s.Two thousand years is a long time. Everyone in the Middle East and Europe probably share at least a few common ancestors within that time. 100,000 years ago everyone on earth had the same ancestors just going up only the male or female lines; probably most people on earth have some shared ancestor in just the past ten thousand years.
by cp
One factor of history that matters in the 1940s is that at one point, no nation-state in the world was accepting refugees trying to legally flee Poland with visas. Countries like the U.S., Argentina, Brazil, Honduras etc had taken an early quota of people being persecuted in Germany/Central Europe for political beliefs, ethnicity etc. but the later refugees were desperately trying to identify a country that would let them in... and *no* states were accepting them. Money to travel was even more of a burden after the 1939 period when people from the targeted political/ethnic groups often weren't able to hold jobs or run businesses, and were poor.

What this leads up to is the ethical or philosophical right of jews/gypsies/socialists (in particular the ethnic groups who met the visa limit) to defy international border rules and immigration limits and move wherever the hell they felt like during the early 40s. If international laws condemn a group to stay in place and all die, then it is ethical to break the rule, and it supercedes the right of natives somewhere to remain uncrowded.
What isn't acceptable is to impose single ethnicity laws in the new country.
We all ought to discuss this principle, in light of likely climate impacts on agriculture. Some areas of the earth which currently permit agriculture are going to have different rainfall patterns or be flooded, and the people there are going to have to move. Can everyone else tell them no? There are a lot of articles on indybay about the US-Mexico border and the ethical ability of the US to break up immigrant families or keep out victims of NAFTA impacts on mexican agriculture
Check this out for an alternative to the corporate, right wing, pro-war, pro-israel media:
by Owen
Yeah, pretty mind-blowing, until you consider that this guy's theories are just recycled bunk:

I'm embarrassed that Indybay would run a feature on this sort of garbage.
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