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Indybay Feature

Protest Against the Coup in Honduras!

Monday, September 28, 2009
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Event Type:
Bay Area Latin America Solidarity Coalition
Location Details:
At the Honduras Consulate - Powell st & Market

Join the Bay Area Latin America Solidarity Coalition( to PROTEST AGAINST THE MILITARY COUP IN HONDURAS

MONDAY - SEPT 28TH - 4PM - in front of the Honduras Consulate - Powell st & Market st

Down With The Coup D'Etat !
For the Immediate and Unconditional Return of Zelaya !

Three months ago the Millitary, backed by Honduran Business and Political Elite, overthrew President-elected Manuel Zelaya.

The Obama administration did not recognize the coup government but is maintaining their financial support for the illegal regime. Besides that, Obama is pushing for Plan Arias, which though it calls for Zelaya's return, makes it a symbolic return, devoid of power. Plan Arias takes away Zelaya's ability to call a Constituent Assembly, which is the most important demand of the Honduran people to fight poverty, unemployment, lack of proper public education and health care.

The National Resistance Front, composed by people's and democratic organizations, is opposed to the Coup D'Etat and is opposed to the Plan Arias. They are demanding the immediate and unconditional return of Zelaya, for a Constituent Assembly to end the privileges of the corrupt Honduran Elites

We call all democratic organizations, unions, and popular movements to join this international day of protest against the Coup D'Etat in Honduras. And to demand from President Obama the immediate suspension of all financial aid to the coup government; stop endorsing the Arias Plan and immediately recall the US Ambassador until the reinstatement of President Zelaya.
Added to the calendar on Thu, Sep 24, 2009 3:01PM
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