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The serious nature of the offense: the ongoing kidnapping of Leonard Peltier

by Carolina Saldaña
The United States Parole Board denies Native American political prisoner Leonard Peltier the right to spend the last years of his life in freedom.
In violation of the law, ethical standards, and human rights norms, and in the tradition of genocide against the original peoples of the Americas, the United States Parole Board has denied Native American political prisoner Leonard Peltier the right to spend the last years of his life in freedom. The Board’s shameful decision was announced by federal prosecutor Drew Wrigley on August 21. There won’t be another review of his case until 2024, when Leonard is 79 years old.

As a member of the American Indian Movement (AIM), Leonard Peltier was unjustly sentenced to two life sentences for the deaths of two FBI agents on the Pine Ridge Reservation in the Lakota nation (state of South Dakota) on June 26, 1975. ¿How long has this kidnapping gone on? 72 hours? A week? Several months? No. It’s been in progress for 33 ½ years!

The Parole Board’s pretexts?
--that his release would diminish the serious nature of the offense
--that his release would promote disrespect for the law
--that he hasn’t expressed remorse
--that he’s had several write-ups in prison, including an escape attempt.

Like a parrot, the Associated Press reporter repeats FBI lies spread by Wrigley: "Leonard Peltier is an unrepentant, cold-blooded murderer who executed FBI special agents Williams and Coler, and in doing that he tore them from their families and from their communities forever," Wrigley said. "Leonard Peltier is exactly where he belongs — federal prison, serving two life sentences.”,0,1411297.story

The following statement was made by Leonard’s Defense Offense Committee on August 22:
“The Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee acknowledges the receipt of the decision of the United States Parole Commission to deny parole for American Indian Political Prisoner Leonard Peltier. We wish to thank our thousands of supporters for their tenacious efforts, in particular during the months leading to Leonard's recent hearing. Currently we are in the process of finalizing plans for efforts around exercising our right to challenge this decision, advocate for intervention by President Obama, and succeeding in getting both proper medical attention for Leonard and a transfer to a federal prison closer to home. We will be issuing directives within the near future.”

Amnesty Internacional expressed its disappointment over the Board’s decision and called for the immediate release of Leonard Peltier.

Leonard Peltier is widely recognized as a spiritual warrior who struggles for his people In his autobiographical prison writings, My Life is My Sundance he writes: “I’ve often wondered what the FBI boys got out of all this, except the hatred of Native Americans and the disrespect of their own people. And what must they think of themselves, those who partook of all these manipulations and fabrications, when they look at their face in the mirror each morning? They must shudder at the sight of themselves, avert their eyes from their own gaze in the mirror. So they have to live the lie they created in order to maintain an aura of pride and self-respect. Or perhaps their arrogance builds an impregnable wall of delusion.” (p. 119).

Kidnapping is a serious crime and it is aggravated every day, every week, every year. The FBI, prosecuting attorneys, judges, jailers, and Parole Board members all know Leonard Peltier was condemned on fabricated evidence. His brothers Dino Butler and Bob Robideau, also charged with the same killings, were acquitted on grounds of self-defense, justifiable in the reign of terror existing on the Pine Ridge Reservation following AIM’s daring occupation of Wounded Knee in 1973. One of them has said he fired the bullets that killed the agents.

The Board’s pretexts are the same ones used in many cases:

The serious nature of the offense? In the campaign to gain the release of the MOVE 9, Ramona Africa said: “Historically, with political prisoners especially, parole boards have just basically thumbed their nose at their own laws to keep prisoners in prison. They’ve said things like “the serious nature of the offense” as an excuse to deny prisoners parole, especially political prisoners. And that is absolutely illegal. It makes no sense at all. Because when a judge sentences a person..., he’s already taken into account the “serious nature of the offense”. That’s what the judge is sentencing them on—the offense they were convicted of. So to come back later and say we’re not releasing you...because of the serious nature of the offense is completely illegal because that was already taken into account. And what it amounts to is re-sentencing a person.”

Promote disrespect for the law? Leonard has something to say about the United States government’s respect for the law in its war against AIM: “They hid behind their usual cloak of ‘national security’ do their dirty work. Their first tactic: Forget the law, the law’s for suckers, subvert the law at will to get your man, however innocent he may be...; lie whenever and wherever you have to to keep the focus of inquiry on your victims, not on your own crimes. I have to admit, they succeeded brilliantly. In the name of the Law, they violated every law on the books, and in their deliberate strategy of putting me––and how many other innocents?––away in a cell or a grave, they turned the Constitution of the United States into pulp fiction. (My Life is my Sun Dance, p. 95-6)

Express remorse? As a matter of fact, Leonard has said that he regrets the deaths of the agents, but he has no remorse for having defending his people under attack at the Jumping Bull ranch, and he refuses to accept responsibility for something he didn’t do, executing the two agents.

Infractions of the rules? The Board knows that this man who is respected by hundreds of thousands of people in the world has not had a single infraction in the last ten years and that his record of promoting peace in the world is so distinguished that he has received six nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize.

An escape attempt? Nobody remembers the circumstances better than the FBI itself. Leonard relates that Standing Deer (El Venado) was recruited to kill him in prison, but was courageous enough to warn him. Leonard then fled because he believed his life was in danger. In retrospect, he thinks that this was all part of a plot by the federal agents to kill him while he was trying to escape. Now he must live “forever stricken” with his grief for the deaths of the prisoners who died due to the attempt: Dallas Thundershield, shot in the back during the escape; Bobby García, said to have hanged himself in his cell; and Standing Deer, “dumped back into an iron hole” (Mi Vida es mi Danza al Sol, pág. 164-167) only to be executed after he served his sentence.

The serious nature of the offense. The serious nature of countless offenses.
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by Where's the justice
Squeeky Frome attempts to kill a sitting president while the world is watching; no conceivable extenuating circumstances, no recanted testimony, yet she gets paroled and Peltier doesn't. How can anyone honestly take the justice system seriously?
by John J. Pecchio (jpecchio [at]
A Story That Needs To Be Told The Criminal Mind Never Sleeps Prison reform has become just words to keep the tax dollars flowing into these correctional institutions. Releasing prisoners by lawmakers because of overcrowding prisons is insane and shows why federal and state prisons are failing society. This letter will inform the mind and startle the soul of how our prisons have become contaminated with flaws imbedded with unthinking unknowing or corrupted officials and political Bureaucrats. Federal and State Prisons are overcrowded and costly to taxpayers. In California for example, they have approximately 33 prisons that are filled with about 153,000 inmates they are overcrowded by about 50,000 criminals and all of them are living off the taxpayers. Lawmakers and their legal system have pressed the courts for decades to put these criminals behind bars at taxpayers’ expense. Now that the California prisons are overcrowding and becoming too much to support, the legal system and California government officials are considering a new law that will reduce the prison population in three-years by a staggering 55,000 prisoners. We now have a prison recidivism rate of 79% in one to three-years. How can lawmakers justify that more of their laws will free thousands of criminals and over 75% of them will commit more crimes. And the same law-enforcement officers will again be danger trying to re-arrest these same criminals and put them back behind bars at taxpayers’ expense. Gang wars are taking over our society like butter melting over a hot stove. Our prisons are infested with gangs that come from ghettos of our society. Prisons-Officials and Lawmakers cannot stop these gangs from continuing their crimes in prisons. How can anyone in the Judicial System favor releasing so many repeat felons knowing that the criminal mind never sleeps in prisons? Prison officials know that repeat felons get more violent and evil minded from dealing with so much corruption in the prison systems that’s disaster-prone and can not be repaired. Preparing prisoners to reform in today’s prisons without re-socializing them is hypocritical and life-threatening. But it keeps the taxpayer’s money flowing into the system and this does not seem to bother the fathers of our justice system and lawmakers, who keep pushing for more laws to protect criminal rights. In Mexico, the crime rates are high and that breeds a lot of corruption in their society and in law-enforcement officials. They now have the highest kidnapping rate in the world. When these Mexicans and millions of other illegal immigrants keep pouring over the boarders in our county crime rates keep increasing. Phoenix Arizona now has the second highest kidnapping rate in the world. The federal panel of justice decision makers within our government is trying to sell the American taxpayers a stimulus package that will get the economy going again. I see that the Governors of each state are helping to reduce the deficit in this country by closing prisons and trying to reduce prison populations and prison staff. You do not have to be a rocket scientist to understand that our society is filled with more violence than in the history of the United States. So how can prison officials, whom have turned into political followers, be allowed to make decisions while they think they are keeping society and prisons safe? Here is how I see the past and future of prisons. As a society we cannot afford to release dangerous prisoners frivolously. Our criminal justice system was developed by lawmakers to pass laws to put these criminals behind bars. The recidivism rates are now off the charts and we are still supporting murderers, rapist, drug pushers and mentally unstable felons in and out of prisons. Our children are in danger because 90% of sex-offenders and pedophiles’ keep returning to prisons committing the same crimes. Prison officials and lawmakers are now releasing criminals from prison that are not fully rehabilitated or disciplined. That’s why repeat felons along with illegal immigrants commit most of the crimes in the United States. I worked in an “All Male Maximum-Security Prison” for almost three decades and I say with experience and sound mind that behind those prison walls is a failing prison system controlled by criminals and prison officials are so politically orientated that they worry more about pleasing their officials and prisoner’s rights then keeping prisons safe. My books “Hell Behind Prison Walls” and “The Devil’s Den of Prison and Justice” are true compelling and gripping stories taken from my personal thoughts and prison experiences that will inform the mind and startle the soul. Our prisons are filled with approximately eighty-percent of thugs and gangsters that are career criminals hooking up with old gang members from the streets of our society and without remorse continue their crime sprees in prisons. Now that correctional officers have been downgraded from being the backbone of the prison system to glorified babysitters, they are living in constant fear of their superiors for violating criminal’s rights and using too much force when trying to protect them-selves from violent inmates. This is not what prisons were intended for. These violent criminals not only control our prison compounds, but have turned our correctional facilities and courtrooms into their personal playgrounds hiding behind their civil rights, while they continue to violate the civil rights of others. This is so appalling and degrading to taxpayers’ that pay over “one-hundred-billion-dollars” a year to keep the ”Criminal Justice System” going to fight crimes in this country... And forty-nine billion dollars of that money is spent on the department of corrections. “A Nightmare from Hell” is how I describe working in one of the most dangerous prisons in the country, The Elmira Correctional Facility. I invite you to review my website that will introduce my books, which has generated great interest in readers around the country and are regional best-sellers. I survived working in this prison system in New York State as a vocational instructor, dealing with so many violent and non-violent inmates of all ages. Prison staff lives in constant fear of moving daily between freedom and captivity, while walking a delicate line between administrative politics and the threat of inmate violence. I offer unique insight into the inner-workings of “America’s prisons”. In addition, I give readers a definitive look into the causes behind their major problems, which were shockingly created by lawmakers and prison officials. You can now read how federal and state prisons have deteriorated to their worst condition in the history of these institutions. They have changed from being run with dignity and strong security into a hellish nightmare where corruption is the norm. With the loss of positive leadership in our prisons came the increase of prisoner’s power, primarily caused by their ability to hide behind highly-defended “Civil Rights”, which has now taken precedence above all else. These rights allowed them to live without fear of strong retribution for their actions, thereby leading to a breakdown in inmate behavior and resulting in riots, fights, and physical and verbal abuse of prison workers. I have personally suffered the negative effects of this volatile environment when I was brutally attacked by a prisoner who was serving two life sentences for multiple murders. This attack, which I describe in devastating detail, was induced by the ongoing failing prison systems along with the lack of prisoner and administrative discipline. The truth can be found from letters and personal remarks I received from many readers, which can be reviewed on my website guest-book. You can also see a video commercial and read along with newspaper interviews. Contact for (Prison Presentation) (Book Signings) and (Interviews) visit my Website - Sincerely John J. Pecchio
by White Buffalo Calf Woman Comments (whitebuffalocalfwoman [at]
Beloved Relatives,
This type of reporting only aggravates the opposition, because they seem to think it's doing some good for Leonard Peltier, but in fact the more we oppose those who commit crimes against the innocent, the more they will push back.

We do need truth, but we don't need hatred against those who are not walking with Grace of God. For our Relatives, all of them, who do not walk with love, need our love to teach them the way homeward. Those who have hate inside their hearts will not succeed or survive the coming changes of evolution that is upon us all.

Leonard and all he is surrounded by needs love, even the criminals, whom most where sent because, the institutes in place thought they were doing right at the time. We have many who are rogue or renegades, and these same brothers are the warriors who may save you when you need them the most. Let us all teach love to our relatives, especially those who where not taught about love and respect.

In America we kill and eat beef, but in India, the Cow is sacred. This is the perspective of other lands. Let us teach other shores, what sacred means. And especially my Yellow Skin family, let us carry the dream of love to those who do not know the way. Let us pray and bless each hour of each day for the wind, that flows between you and me and all the leaves (relatives on the sacred tree of life).

Leonard Peltier is Lakota, which means Spirit of the Lake. This is the heart of all things upon heaven and earth. AS Lakota or Sioux family around the world know, that suffering brings tears of sorrow, which flows in rivers, where oceans are born and a world is known in our hearts. We suffer for those we love, and Leonard Peltier has suffered for the world, to show them that true love will suffer for others who do not know their way. If you really want to show him love, then send love to those who live around him, who persecute him and who think they need defend their honor from a Red Man. For true honor is love, when we walk the red road, the law of love.

Let us show honor in our prayers and blessings for those who do not know about love. Each and everyday, Holiness David and I, White Buffalo Calf Woman, must deal with Police and their hate (we are missionaries living in the streets). They simply don't know how to bless themselves. Sooner or later they become the criminals, because they live and work with criminals. This is a relative or relativity, our relationships to others. We need teach those who have lost their way, that the real protection comes from prayers and blessings for our selves, for our family and for the world.

Aho, may your spirit fly...
your devoted servant,
White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother
Elder Crystal Person, Wakan Iyeshka or Holy Interpreter or email whitebuffalocalfwoman [at] (Neice Kari Ann)
LPDOC, P.O. Box 7488, Fargo, ND 58106
ps. he was recently moved and beaten again, he could really use some love, send him a card or even better send some money to donate for the efforts of freedom for his neice, Kari Ann, who is diligent towards the efforts for the release of her Uncle Leonard Peltier. She needs your love too! Send Cards and Letters: Leonard Peltier #89637-132, USP-Lewisburg, US Penitentiary, PO Box 1000, Lewisburg, PA 17837
by Margo Lodge-Seven Oakes
Leonard Peltier has been a model prisoner. He has spent all of those years for something he didn't do. It is about time that this government releases him to his family. We will not go away until the right thing has been done.
by Sue Clayton (snowowl [at]
I live in Australia and have supported Leonard for many years.
I don't think your Government is aware that, due to their arrogant nature, THEY have made LEONARD PELTIER AN INTERNATIONAL HERO. He is now known WORLD WIDE as AMERICA'S NELSON MANDELA.
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