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Ronald Reagan Revived from the Dead for San Jose "Tea Party"
August 15 at extremist Right Wing Tea Party in San Jose, California. A pale faced Ronald Reagan and think-alike, look-alike friends took over a corner at one of San Jose's busy intersections. Wait... even REAGAN wasn't as extreme as some of THESE right wingers.
The Tea Baggers were back in toxic full force yesterday.
On a positive note, the Raging Grannies were there with theater pieces that looked like Lucy's "the doctor is in" booth that they called the "Anger Management" Booth.
Most amazing were the tea baggers' ignorant and offensive slogans, including calling Senator Barbara Boxer, who was speaking nearby, a Nazi. I saw one placard equating Obama to Hitler. Let's get real, now, Hitler actually gassed people and killed thousands. To call Obama a Nazi is hyperbole in the extreme. AND....someone in the Tea Party crowd carried a sign pointing to themselves that said "Angry Nazi Crowd". They do like to throw the term Nazi around!
A member of the Green Party showed up with a sign that said "Don't be a CASH COW for the INSURANCE COMPANIES". On the back it said:
"Demand SINGLE PAYER HEALTH CARE—the $400 BILLION they waste is ours!"
She was wearing a "Canada looks better every day," which brought a few stares from the tea party folks. Most sneered, that is, those who bothered to READ the message; they don't appear to be big readers of political or social theory or anything that would require above an 8th grade education. Gun magazines and Harlequin Romances perhaps.
Someone on the Left watched carefully and said that a lot of the honking and drive-by responses were staged, as she saw some of the same cars come by several times. The tea baggers did get a few digital salutes! Yes, we ARE in California after all, and most people abhor the tea party extremist stance. As for the tea baggers, they must feel so marginalized living in our midst. I actually found myself feeling sorry for them at one point (the feeling passed quickly); they could use the counseling offered by a darling Lucy look-alike who had a Psychiatric Help booth.
On a positive note, the Raging Grannies were there with theater pieces that looked like Lucy's "the doctor is in" booth that they called the "Anger Management" Booth.
Most amazing were the tea baggers' ignorant and offensive slogans, including calling Senator Barbara Boxer, who was speaking nearby, a Nazi. I saw one placard equating Obama to Hitler. Let's get real, now, Hitler actually gassed people and killed thousands. To call Obama a Nazi is hyperbole in the extreme. AND....someone in the Tea Party crowd carried a sign pointing to themselves that said "Angry Nazi Crowd". They do like to throw the term Nazi around!
A member of the Green Party showed up with a sign that said "Don't be a CASH COW for the INSURANCE COMPANIES". On the back it said:
"Demand SINGLE PAYER HEALTH CARE—the $400 BILLION they waste is ours!"
She was wearing a "Canada looks better every day," which brought a few stares from the tea party folks. Most sneered, that is, those who bothered to READ the message; they don't appear to be big readers of political or social theory or anything that would require above an 8th grade education. Gun magazines and Harlequin Romances perhaps.
Someone on the Left watched carefully and said that a lot of the honking and drive-by responses were staged, as she saw some of the same cars come by several times. The tea baggers did get a few digital salutes! Yes, we ARE in California after all, and most people abhor the tea party extremist stance. As for the tea baggers, they must feel so marginalized living in our midst. I actually found myself feeling sorry for them at one point (the feeling passed quickly); they could use the counseling offered by a darling Lucy look-alike who had a Psychiatric Help booth.
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Let us remember Ronald Reagan: The anti-labor thug who fired the 11,000 PATCO air traffic controllers who went on strike; the proud supporter of the fascist Contras in Nicaragua (as did Ward Churchill, who also supported the government's lies on the 9/11 Inside Job, calling the victims "little Eichmanns" when it is the US Government which perpetrated the 9/11 Inside Job that is the heir to the legacy of Adolf Eichmann and the rest of Nazi Germany) who were part of the Iran-Contra affair, a scandal involving selling arms to Iran to finance the anti-communist Contras to overthrow the government of Nicaragua; the anti-communist witchhunter in the Screen Actors Guild, the former Governor of California who sent the California Highway Patrol and the National Guard to People's Park and the rest of Berkeley where people were killed and where a city was under siege while Reagan's armed thugs roamed the streets of Berkeley, terrorizing the people of Berkeley; who as governor wanted to execute Angela Davis, the then Communist Party member and professor at UC in a frame-up concerning a hostage crisis at the San Rafael courthouse; whose election as president was made "conveniently" possible by allowing Americans captured at the US Embassy in Iran to be held for over a year when any serious negotiations would have freed them very early in this hostage crisis; whose economics programs as president contributed to the Savings and Loan crises of the 1980s and the stock market crash of 1987 (he appointed Paul Volker as Chair of the Federal Reserve, the same Paul Volker Democrat Barack Obama appointed to chair the Economic Recovery Advisory Board); who illegally invaded Grenada and bombed Libya; who, like all other American presidents staunchly supported Israel which was responsible for the massacres of Palestinians and Lebanese at Sabra and Shatila, refugee camps under the control of the Israel Defense Forces led by Ariel Sharon in 1982; who was a sponsor of the anti-communist war in Afghanistan whose anti-communist organizations the US continues to support in Afghanistan; and who in 1985, the 40th anniversary of the end of WW2, went to Bitburg to honor the dead Nazi soldiers buried there.
As to California voters, they voted for an open fascist, Arnold Schwarzenegger, in 2003 and 2006. Even in so-called progressive Bay Area, he did well in 2006, after we endured 3 years of his fascism. See
Notable counties and Schwarzenegger vote:
Alameda 36%
Contra Costa 52% (yep, he won Contra Costa County)
Homboldt 48%
Los Angeles 46% (that is horrifying for Los Angeles)
Marin 45%
Mendocino 45%
Sacramento 60% (he won Sacto)
San Francisco 29% (only 13% vote Republican in SF so Democrats voted for this Nazi)
San Mateo 47.2% (the Democrat Angelides was 47.5%)
Santa Clara County 52% (this includes San Jose)
Sonoma 47%
Total 55% of the vote
California has been a very Republican state. First, the Republican governors:
Earl Warren 1943-1953 (became a better Supreme Court justice)
Goodwin Knight 1953-1959
Ronald Reagan 1967-1975
George Deukmejian 1983-1991
Pete Wilson 1991-1999
The Republican majority vote for president in California:
Dwight Eisenhower 1952, 1956; 56%, 55%
Richard Nixon 1960 50.1%
Richard Nixon 1968 47.8%
Richard Nixon 1972 55%
Gerald Ford 1976 49.7%
Ronald Reagan 1980 52.7%
Ronald Reagan 1984 57.5%
George Bush 1988 51.13%
1992: While Bill Clinton won with 46% of the vote, the Republican vote was the majority: George Bush 32% plus "independent" Ross Perot 20.63%.
We live in a state with some 27 million adults, and about 13 million of those adults vote in a high voter turnout election, which means most of the workingclass never votes. That is, most who sell our labor for less than $76,000 a year, and especially less than $30,000 a year, never vote. Thus, the 2 capitalist parties, the Democrat-Republicans, pretend to oppose each other and win most of these 13 million votes, most of whom are white property owners who make over $100,000 a year, to carry out the same anti-workingclass agenda.
You may think these staged demonstrations demonstrate lunacy, but there is certainly method to their madness. They are framing the Democrats as crazy radicals, which is a lie but Americans are good at falling for lies, so that they can win the 2012 presidential election. Given that O'BS only got 52% of the vote, and he is a very weak, anti-workingclass president who refuses to even consider single payer healthcare, much less the same socialized medicine he enjoys courtesy the taxpayers, the Republicans should easily win in 2012. We should safely assume the Democrats paid the Republicans for these staged protests as the Democrats are just as bought and paid for by the insurance companies as the Republicans and clearly have no intention of improving healthcare in the US. They do not care if they hold onto the presidency; they only care that they maintain their wealth. O'BS is a millionaire and all he cares about is his money, just like the Republicans. It will take a serious organized labor movement to get rid of the whole bankrupt private profit system.
As to California voters, they voted for an open fascist, Arnold Schwarzenegger, in 2003 and 2006. Even in so-called progressive Bay Area, he did well in 2006, after we endured 3 years of his fascism. See
Notable counties and Schwarzenegger vote:
Alameda 36%
Contra Costa 52% (yep, he won Contra Costa County)
Homboldt 48%
Los Angeles 46% (that is horrifying for Los Angeles)
Marin 45%
Mendocino 45%
Sacramento 60% (he won Sacto)
San Francisco 29% (only 13% vote Republican in SF so Democrats voted for this Nazi)
San Mateo 47.2% (the Democrat Angelides was 47.5%)
Santa Clara County 52% (this includes San Jose)
Sonoma 47%
Total 55% of the vote
California has been a very Republican state. First, the Republican governors:
Earl Warren 1943-1953 (became a better Supreme Court justice)
Goodwin Knight 1953-1959
Ronald Reagan 1967-1975
George Deukmejian 1983-1991
Pete Wilson 1991-1999
The Republican majority vote for president in California:
Dwight Eisenhower 1952, 1956; 56%, 55%
Richard Nixon 1960 50.1%
Richard Nixon 1968 47.8%
Richard Nixon 1972 55%
Gerald Ford 1976 49.7%
Ronald Reagan 1980 52.7%
Ronald Reagan 1984 57.5%
George Bush 1988 51.13%
1992: While Bill Clinton won with 46% of the vote, the Republican vote was the majority: George Bush 32% plus "independent" Ross Perot 20.63%.
We live in a state with some 27 million adults, and about 13 million of those adults vote in a high voter turnout election, which means most of the workingclass never votes. That is, most who sell our labor for less than $76,000 a year, and especially less than $30,000 a year, never vote. Thus, the 2 capitalist parties, the Democrat-Republicans, pretend to oppose each other and win most of these 13 million votes, most of whom are white property owners who make over $100,000 a year, to carry out the same anti-workingclass agenda.
You may think these staged demonstrations demonstrate lunacy, but there is certainly method to their madness. They are framing the Democrats as crazy radicals, which is a lie but Americans are good at falling for lies, so that they can win the 2012 presidential election. Given that O'BS only got 52% of the vote, and he is a very weak, anti-workingclass president who refuses to even consider single payer healthcare, much less the same socialized medicine he enjoys courtesy the taxpayers, the Republicans should easily win in 2012. We should safely assume the Democrats paid the Republicans for these staged protests as the Democrats are just as bought and paid for by the insurance companies as the Republicans and clearly have no intention of improving healthcare in the US. They do not care if they hold onto the presidency; they only care that they maintain their wealth. O'BS is a millionaire and all he cares about is his money, just like the Republicans. It will take a serious organized labor movement to get rid of the whole bankrupt private profit system.
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