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Ocean Protection Coalition Opposes Corrupted MLPA Process

by Dan Bacher
This great article by Judith Vidaver of the Ocean Protection Coalition, published in the coalition's June newsletter, strongly opposes Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's corrupt fast-track Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) Process. There is nothing "green" about this process that aims to kick sustainable seaweed harvesters, fishermen and abalone divers off Point Arena to pave the way for offshore oil rigs, wave energy projects and corporate aquaculture.

Photo: If Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Resources Secretary Mike Chrisman have their way, sustainable harvesting of sea palms like these will be prohibited in Sea Lion Cove off Point Arena. A powerful coalition of environmentalists, seaweed harvesters, American Indians, recreational anglers, commercial fishermen and abalone divers are opposing the corrupt MLPA Process.
Ocean Protection Coalition Opposes Corrupted MLPA

By Judith Vidaver

In 1999 the California State Legislature passed the Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA). This Act seeks to protect diversity of marine life and “help sustain, conserve and protect” marine populations.

To do this, Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) would be established with varying levels of restrictions on allowable activities. The Act further requires monitoring and adaptive management of MPAs. While well-intended, the implementation has been fraught with controversy.

On June 13, OPC attended the Sustainable Fisheries Reality Tour held in Point Arena and heard the concerns of credible fisheries experts. Speakers included Craig Bell (Mendocino County Fish and Game Advisory Commissioner), Jim Martin (Recreational Fishing Alliance and Fish and Game Advisory Commissioner), Allan Jacobs (science instructor), John and Barbara Stephens-Lewallen and Larry Knowles (Mendocino Seaweed Stewardship Alliance) and many other community members who will be impacted by the proposed “Marine Protected Areas.

“Welcome to the Point Arena upwelling,” said Craig Bell, as he opened the meeting part of the Point Arena Sustainable Fisheries Reality Tour. “Point Arena is one of the most environmentally active cities on the North Coast and we don’t support the MLPA’s Integrated preferred alternative (IPA), he

“Don’t underestimate us,” Bell added. “We’ve been giant killers before in Point Arena.”

Bell emphasized that the MLPA process has been expanded from a $250,000 process (as originally intended when the law passed in 1999) to an out of control $25 to $40 million financial boondoggle. Fisheries experts agreed that the current MLPA plan proposed for the North-Central Coast region
(extending from Point Arena to Pigeon Point in San Mateo County) is fatally flawed and shouldn’t be approved by the State Fish and Game Commission in August.

We learned that the process (which was supposed to be stakeholder- driven and democratic) of developing the “recommended alternative” was corrupted. Local stakeholders’ concerns were repeatedly ignored and their recommendations over-ridden by the Packard Foundation and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), a national environmental organization based in San Francisco.

The major weaknesses of the proposed plan include:
• It will not do as it was intended to do and will unduly harm fishers and other users of the ocean and seriously impact the local economy.
• The program will be prohibitively expensive to enforce.
• Senate Majority Leader Dean Florez (D-Shafter) has called for a hearing looking into claims of possible conflicts of interest by Fish and Game Commissioner Michael Sutton and others in the MLPA Process.

For these reasons OPC will not support the NRDC alternative for the North-Central Coast region.
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*Who: MLPA Initiative Staff and the General Public

What: South Coast Summer Public Open Houses (attached and also available
on the website )

When: June 29, 30, and July 1, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 13
* 5:30 - 8:30 pm *

The Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) requires the state to examine and
redesign California’s system of marine protected areas. The public is
invited to come to these open houses anytime each evening to visit
informational stations, review and comment on draft marine protected
area proposals, provide input on particular areas of interest and ask
questions of staff and regional stakeholders. See attached flier for
more details.

All are welcome to attend*. The open houses are all scheduled from 5:30
to 8:30 p.m. Drop by anytime!

Monday, June 29
Hilton Garden Inn
6450 Carlsbad Blvd.
Carlsbad, CA 92011

Tuesday, June 30
Marina Village Conference Ctr.
1936 Quivira Way
San Diego, CA 92109

Wednesday, July 1
Aliso Creek Inn
31106 S. Coast Hwy.
Laguna Beach, CA 92651

Monday, July 6
Simons Banquet Center
Ports O Call Village, Berth 80
1050 Nagoya Way
San Pedro, CA 90731

Tuesday, July 7
Marina del Rey Hotel
13534 Bali Way
Marina del Rey, CA 90292

Wednesday, July 8
Residence Inn
2101 W Vineyard Ave.
Oxnard, CA 93036

Thursday, July 9
Fess Parker's Doubletree
633 East Cabrillo Blvd.
Santa Barbara, CA 93103
/$2 parking fee/

Monday, July 13
Catalina Island
Location TBD

*What if I can’t attend one of the public open houses?*
If you are not able to attend, you may also provide your feedback by
sending a message to MLPAComments [at]
or by mail to MLPA Initiative,
c/o California Natural Resources Agency, 1416 Ninth Street, Suite 1311,
Sacramento, CA 95814. Your comments will be most helpful if received no
later than July 19, 2009 so that they can be distributed to the SCRSG
and BRTF members prior to the start of Round 3.

/*Opportunities for the non-English speaking public to provide input
will also be made available/
by anon
you are wrong. $250,000 was the cost to develop the MASTER PLAN for the MLPA - and it always been said that the $250,000 was JUST for the master plan. Where did the cost of $25-$40 million come from? What was the methodology in figuring out the costs of a statewide network of marine protected areas?
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in the past month

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