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Controversy Stirs around the MLPA, Marine Life Protection Act

by Christina Aanestad
A short interview with Dan Bacher, editor of the Fish Sniffer, a fishing publication, about the conflicts of interest with the Marine Life Protection Act. Bacher has identified several corporate interests he says are scapegoating fishing groups to potentially gain access to coastal resources.
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The Marine Life Protection Act, MLPA, is meant to establish conservation zones in sensitive coastal areas in California, but fishing groups say they’re being scapegoated by corporate interests. Listen to the interview for details, but here's a summary with additional info:

Dan Bacher is the editor of the Fish Sniffer, a fishing publication. He’s closely followed the MLPA process and says it was meant to protect California's coast from over fishing, pollution, offshore oil, and other threats to marine ecosystems, but the MLPA has changed to address overfishing, alone.

There are two types of zones under consideration in the MLPA, one would prohibit all maritime activity, and another would allow limited maritime use such as seasonal fishing and diving. But, Bacher says fishing groups are being scapegoated by corporate interests.

According to Bacher a lead official with the Western States Petroleum Institute, an oil industry interest group, sits on the 5 member Blue Ribbon Commission on the MLPA. The commission is the primary oversight agency of the MLPA. Their favored proposal would ban maritime use off the Point Arena coast. Also known as the Point Arena basin, the Northern California area has several billion barrels of oil underground. Several oil companies including Conoco Phillips, BP and Shell have expressed interest in opening the Northern California coast to offshore oil and gas drilling.

Bacher says a private environmental foundation, the Research Legacy Foundation is funding what should be a public process. He adds, former CEO of PG&E Gordon Smith sits on the board of the Research Legacy foundation.

In addition, according to Bacher, Governor Arnold Schwarzeneggar, appointed an employee of the Research Legacy Foundation to sit on the Fish and Game Commission, an oversight agency of the MLPA. Bacher says the MLPA process was budgeted to cost under 300 thousand dollars, but has already ballooned to 35 million dollars.

The California Fish and Game commission will make the final decision on what areas to ban maritime and support limited maritime activity in August. BAcher says he’d rather see them adopt the North Central Coast MLPA Alternative plan. The MLPA blue ribbon commission will look at creating coastal protection zones from point arena north later this year.
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by Mr. Otter
Now I guess you could call this a conspiracy theory but non the less I think this idea must be mentioned for thought.

The Pakards are the ones who are in charge of running the Monterey Bay Aquarium and yes there are an environmental organization (They are also the family who builds computers, hence where they got all of there money), but some fisherman on the California coast who I have spoken to feel that the packards have something much more sinister in there plans. Not only are they trying to make the MPA's (Marine protected areas) closed to fishing and open to energy projects, but are on a bigger scale trying to stop all commercial fishing along the western united states form the canadian border to the mexican border. I can imagine that some reading this are joyous of such an idea, but there is a much sinister side to such a thought that has been brought to my attention by california commercial fisherman. The eventual ending of commercial fishing on the western seaboard (packards goal) due to restrictions and MPA's is not really to protect the environment, but so they can have a monopoly on the seafood industry using the off shore waters on the western seaboard as mass seafood farms, farming geneticaly modified sea-life of every sort you see in fish-markets today, and being the only provider of such food to the populations of the United States. It will take some looking (I have not put in the time myself, but need to!) to find-out if this next bit of info is accurate or not (Investigate!!!) but I have also been told that the bush administration sold a lot of the US governments west coast off shore water holdings to the packard's!

Anyways just some stuff to think about. Unfortunately all I have is what I have been told by california fisherman, if anyone has links to credible relevant information please post them and I will try and do the same.
by Dan Bacher

Thanks for doing the interview on this complex subject! I'm glad that you have been covering the different sides of this issue.

Here is my report on the Fish and Game Commission meeting yesterday in Sacramento.

The two MLPA proposals that most of the public testified in support of were 2XA and the IPA (Integrated Preferred Alternative).

Note: Michael Sutton was previously employed by the Packard Foundation, which funds the Resource Legacy Fund Foundation, the organization that is funding the MLPA Process, and currently works for Julie Packard's Monterey Bay Aquarium. It's quite confusing because all three organizations are related to one another.

Jim Kellogg Asks Commission to Put MLPA Process on Hold

by Dan Bacher

As the California Fish and Game Commission was hearing public testimony in Sacramento from anglers, environmentalists and scientists about Marine Protected Area (MPA) alternatives, Commission Member Jim Kellogg received word from the Governor’s office that Schwarzenegger was going to lay off 5,000 state workers unless the bond measures in Tuesday's election are approved because of the state’s unprecedented budget crisis.

After the public comment period at Thursday's meeting concluded, Kellogg asked the Commission to request the State Legislature to put Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s fast track Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) process on hold in light of the economic crisis.

“We should appeal back to the Legislature to put the whole process on hold until the state gets back on its feet,” said Kellogg. “This would allow us time to see if the existing MPAs are working.”

Fellow Commissioner Richard Rogers objected that putting the process on hold would “invalidate” the thousands and thousands of hours of work that stakeholders and government officials have put into the process.

However, Kellogg responded that it was “irresponsible” to proceed with imposing new Marine Protected Areas when the Department of Fish and Game doesn’t have staff to enforce and manage its existing MPAs and fish and game laws.

“We are in the process of watching the state’s programs and services being gutted,” said Kellogg. “Where are we going to get the manpower for these MPAs? It is irresponsible to impose new costs on the state when we don’t have the funds for our existing programs.”

California has the worst game wardens per capita ratio of any state or Canadian province – only 192 in the field. This has attracted organized crime to poaching and contributed to a $100 million-plus a year black market in wildlife trafficking that has “dire consequences for salmon, striped bass, sturgeon, deer, abalone and many other species,” according to James and Andrew Swan’s documentary, “"Endangered Species: California Fish and Game Wardens.”

Earlier in the meeting Kellogg, the only remaining Davis administration appointee and a union leader, addressed the potentially devastating economic consequences of expanded MPAs on sustainable recreational anglers, commercial fishermen and seaweed harvesters already kicked off the water by draconian area closures, dramatically shortened fishing seasons and the banning of salmon fishing for the second year in a row.

In a lively discussion, other Commission members disagreed with Kellogg that a hold should be put on the MLPA Process. However, Kellogg then asked the Commission to send a letter to the Governor asking them how they were supposed to proceed with the process in light of the state’s unprecedented budget deficit. This they all agreed to.

“It is a real breakthrough that the Commission is planning to ask the Governor if the MLPA Process is possible with the available funding,” commented Jim Martin, West Coast Regional Director of the Recreational Fishing Alliance.

The Commission also agreed to support two amendments to the existing North Central Coast MLPA alternatives requested by sportfishing and diving groups.

During the public testimony, about 100 people testified in support of different MPLA proposals.

About 60 percent of the public, including grass roots environmentalists, recreational fishermen, commercial fishermen and scientists, pleaded with the commission to adopt 2XA. Representatives of a diverse array of fishing and diving groups, including Coastside Fishing Club, the Recreational Fishing Alliance, Golden Gate Fisherman’s Association, and American Sportfishing Association spoke in support of this proposal. They argued that Proposal 2XA places MPAs in locations with a high level of conservation while minimizing the economic impact on local communities and still allowing anglers maximum access to fishing.

“2XA is the obvious choice,” said Dan Wohlford, science director of the Coastside Fishing Club and Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) member. “It achieves a higher level of protection than other proposal, including the IPA (Integrated Preferred Proposal). It also has the least socioeconomic impact of any other proposal, including the IPA.”

Most of the other speakers argued for the Integrated Preferred Alternative (IPA), a more restrictive proposal not supported by fishing groups. Representatives of environmental NGOs, including the Ocean Conservancy, Natural Resources Defense Council, Save Our Shores and the Baykeeper, tried to convince the Commission to adopt this proposal, arguing that it would provide better protection for fish populations while allowing fishing and diving access.

“The IPA represents a good faith compromise. The support for this proposal runs board and deep," said Karen Garrison of the Natural Resources Defense Council, who praised the North Coast MLPA Process, and noted that the Commission had received over 10,000 letters in support of the IPA.

The Commission plans to vote on which proposal it will adopt during its August 2009 meeting. For more information, go to:

Conflict of Interest Charges Loom Over MLPA Process.

As the Fish and Game Commission was listening to testimony over which testimony to adopt, prominent politicians, including Senator Majority Leader Dean Florez (D-Shafter) and North Coast Assemblyman Wes Chesbro (D-Arcata), are challenging the legitimacy of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s fast track MLPA Process in light of “mission creep” and conflict of interest charges.

Florez said he will conduct a Senate Oversight Hearing this year about conflict of interest and “mission creep” in the MLPA process. No time has been set for this hearing yet.

Florez said that he and other Senators plan to ask some “very tough” questions of Resources Secretary Mike Chrisman and Mike Sutton, Fish and Game Commission member, about the MLPA process. These questions include why the MLPA has been expanded from a $250,000 process to a $35 million fiasco that is threatening the economy and fisheries on the North Central Coast.

Potential conflicts of interest that need to be investigated include:

• the role of The Resource Legacy Fund Foundation, a private organization, in funding the MLPA process.

• the role of Michael Sutton, a Schwarzenegger-appointed member of the Fish and Game Commission. Sutton was previously employed by the Packard Foundation, which funds the Resource Legacy Fund Foundation, the organization that is funding the MLPA Process, and currently works for Julie Packard's Monterey Bay Aquarium. Isn’t it a potential conflict of interest for a Commission Member to be making decisions that could benefit his past and present employers? The Central Coast Fisheries Conservation Coalition has filed a complaint to the California Fair Political Practices Commission over this conflict of interest.

• The role of Catherine Reheis-Boyd, CEO and Chief of Staff for the Western States Petroleum Association, a member of the five-member MLPA Blue Ribbon Task Force. John Lewallen, longtime North Coast environmentalist and seaweed harvester, asks, "Is it coincidence that the Point Arena Basin offshore from Point Arena is the area of highest oil industry interest in Northern California, and the only tract here now open to Minerals Management Service offshore oil leasing process?"

• The role that Gordon Smith, the former President and CEO of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, plays on the Resource Legacy Fund Foundation Board. Does he have a vested interest in removing from North Central Coast waters the most vocal opponents of PG&E's wave energy schemes - fishermen and seaweed harvesters?

Could it be that Schwarzenegger’s MLPA process represents an attempt to kick the strongest defenders of our fisheries and the environment - sustainable recreational and commercial fishermen and seaweed harvesters - off the ocean to pave the way for offshore oil drilling, wave energy projects and corporate aquaculture?
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