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Stanford Alumni Nail Condi War Crimes Petition to Door of Stanford President's Office

by R. Robertson
On Sunday, May 3 Stanford alumni returning to the campus for a reunion marking the 40th anniversary of the anti-war April Third Movement nailed a petition to the door of the University President’s Office in Stanford’s Inner Quad. The petition demanded that Condoleezza Rice and other high government officials be held accountable for serious violations of law. Condoleezza Rice is back on Stanford campus this year and is facing questioning by students who have cornered her in halls and protests on campus.

Top Photo: "Ready to Nail It." Returning after many years away from Stanford, Lenny Siegel, with hammer in hand, is joined by Marjorie Cohn. Cohn is a leader of the April Third Movement and now President of the National Lawyers’ Guild.
The petition stated:
"We the undersigned students, faculty, staff, alumni, and other concerned members of the Stanford community, believe that high officials of the U.S. Government, including our former Provost, current Political Science Professor, and Hoover Institution Senior Fellow, Condoleezza Rice, should be held accountable for any serious violations of the Law (including ratified treaties, statutes, and/or the U.S. Constitution) through investigation and, if the facts warrant, prosecution, by appropriate legal authorities."

Marjorie Cohn, a leader of the April Third Movement and now President of the National Lawyers’ Guild, explained, “By nailing this petition to the door of the President’s office, we are telling Stanford that the university should not have war criminals on its faculty. There is prima facie evidence that Rice approved torture and misled the country into the Iraq War. Stanford has an obligation to investigate those charges.”

Forty years ago last October, many reunion participants nailed a document on the Stanford Trustees’ Inner Quad office door demanding that Stanford “halt all military and economic projects and operations concerned with Southeast Asia,” launching a campaign that led to the formation of April Third Movement in Spring, 1969. The A3M’s nine-day sit-in at the Applied Electronics Laboratory brought an end to secret military research on campus.

For information about the reunion, see
§Nail it!
by R. Robertson
§Ms. Cohn addresses group
by R. Robertson
About 100 members of the April Third Movement and current students attended the event. Representatives of corporate, student, and independent media were there to document this historic action.
§At the president's door
by R. Robertson
Demonstrators were joined by orange jump-suited torture victims and Raging Grannies.
§Nailed message
by R. Robertson
§corporate media
by R. Robertson
§Independent/Student/Corporate media
by R. Robertson
by R. Robertson
by R. Robertson
by R. Robertson
§Rachelle Marshall in center
by R. Robertson
For articles including "The High Cost of Occupations" by Ms. Marshall see
§After hammering, Lenny "makes his escape"
by R. Robertson
Looking pleased!
§Raging Grannies Cheer the Action
by R. Robertson
§Stanford Inner Quad
by R. Robertson
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by Charles Kalish (chkalish44 [at]
It pains me that I see almost no students there.

I think Nixon knew exactly what he was doing when he abolished the draft. There might have been no invasion of Iraq had there still been a 100% deferrment-free military draft.
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