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International Worker's Day in Fresno and Reedley

by Mike Rhodes
May Day events in Fresno and Reedley. The photo below is Frank Little who was an IWW organizer, active in the Fresno Free Speech Fight in 1910-11. For more information about that struggle, see:
Friday, May 1
8 AM - 3 PM
Green Summit hosted by Reedley College. This is a free event

8:00am Registration at RC Cafeteria.
9:00am-9:45 Keynote Address; Loren Aiten, LEED architect for USGBC, the United States Green Building Council.
10:00am-11:50 Workshops in the SOC building
12:00am Lunch (not provided) in the RC Cafeteria
1:00 pm Workshops in the SOC building
2:15pm Plenary session in Forum Hall with panelists: Tom Willey, Loren Aiten, Mark Alvis and many more.
8:30am – 3pm Exhibitors available to answer questions: RC Quad area

Throughout the Green Summit the following movies will be shown in the Cafeteria: The Real Dirt on Farmer John and Trashed.

Reedley College is hosting a Green Summit on Friday May 1, 2009 and you are cordially invited to attend this free event. There will be workshops, exhibitors, movies and presentations throughout the day for Reedley College faculty, students, staff and community members. The
campus is working hard to create a sustainable environment and the Green Summit fits into our plans to build community awareness on the latest in green developments.

Green Summit participants will learn the future of green jobs in the central valley. In addition, there will be information on new developments in construction, alternative fuels, organic farming, and solar panel technology. A small sample of exhibitors includes: Pizza Fusion, PG&E, Reedley Lumber (low VOC paints, composites), Michaels Flex Fuel Truck, Edison AgTAC (Energy training), and REC Solar. Attendance is FREE and parking is FREE.

Friday, May 1
Registration Begins at 8:15 a.m. and Opening Remarks at 8:45 a.m.
Central Valley Cultural Heritage Institute's 4th Annual Diversity Conference. "Unity and the Community" at CSU Fresno Education Building Room 140. Sponsored by The Prudential Insurance Company of America and Associated Students, Inc
Presentations Throughout the Day. Speakers Include:

"Connecting with Diverse Communities": Luisa Medina, Development Director, Central California Legal Services

"Locked-Up and Innocent": Willie Green, Freed after spending 25 years in prison for a crime he did not commit

"Bi-Racial Identities-Diverse Perspectives": Randy Aoki, Jody Hironaka-Juteau, Katie Singh, and Paul Webster

"Unity and Serving the Community": Gale Britton, Vice President for Recruiting and Selection of Agency Distribution at Prudential Insurance Company of America

"Advocacy and Empowerment: Parenting Children with Disabilities": Diane Alvarado, Parent And Community Member

AND MORE……Attendees can come for one, two, or all sessions. Open to the Campus and the Community – NO CHARGE. Pre-Register at or by calling 278-6946 for more chances to win.

Friday, May 1
10 a.m. - 12 Noon
Special May Day programing on KFCF 88.1 FM. Celebrate International Workers Day with labor songs from Fresno WILPF’s Raging Grannies. The Grannies recorded the following songs earlier this week, at the KFCF studios, for this special program. Songs include:

Solidarity Forever
Union Maid
We Shall Not Be Moved
Gaggle Against Greed
Oh Dear, Where Does Our Money Go?
When Everyone Has Equal Rights
Joe Hill

In addition, Ellie Bluestein will be in the studio to introduce the songs and give some background about WILPF and the Raging Grannies.

Following the Grannies will be labor songs by Utah Phillips, Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Anne Feeney and more.

Friday, May 1
2 p.m.–4 p.m.
A Critical Look at Pornography: Talk and film screening of The Price of Pleasure with Dr. Robert Jensen (2008) will be shown at CSUF Education Building Room 170. Director/Producer Miguel Picker and Chyng Sun. Once relegated to the margins of society, pornography has become one of the most visible and profitable sectors of the cultural industries in the United States. At the same time, the content of pornography has become more aggressive, more overtly sexist and racist. The film paints both a nuanced and complex portrait of how pleasure and pain, commerce and power, and liberty and responsibility are intertwined in the most intimate aspects of human relations. Going beyond the debate of liberal versus conservative so common in the culture, the film provides a holistic understanding of pornography as it debunks common myths about the genre. 56 min.

ADVISORY: “The Price of Pleasure” includes sexually explicit images. No one under 18 should be in the audience. Although those explicit images have been digitally blurred, some viewers may find those scenes difficult to watch.

Friday, May 1
4:30 p.m.
Abe Osheroff: One Foot in the Grave The Other Still Dancing: (2008). Producer Robert Jensen. Most people knew Abe Osheroff as an activist -- from the frontlines of the Spanish Civil War to the picket lines of the U.S. labor movement, from the struggles for civil rights in Mississippi to the work for human rights in Nicaragua. For most of his 92 years, Osheroff threw himself into the fray with rare energy and enthusiasm. In this documentary, Osheroff reflects on the meaning of that activism and the ideas that animated his actions. A truly organic intellectual, he shares the wisdom built up over a lifetime of commitment to the "radical humanism" that defined his politics and philosophy. 46 min.

Discussant: Dr. Robert Jensen is a journalism professor at the University of Texas at Austin and board member of the Third coast Activist Resource Center. This film will be shown at McLane Hall 121, CSUF. For more info, visit .

Friday, May 1
5 p.m. (arrival), 6 p.m. (march)
The May Day immigrant rights march starts at Eaton Plaza in downtown Fresno. Themes of the march are “United for Immigration Reform” and “Stop the Raids and Separation of Families.” For more info, call 559-499-1178 or 559-266-5291. For audio and photos from the April 10 press conference announcing the march and rally, visit

Friday, May 1, Saturday, May 2, & Sunday, May 3
6 - 9 p.m.
C.A.F.E. (Collective for Arts, and Ecology) INFOSHOP GRAND OPENING

Friday, May 1st—May Day Party; Food/Live Music

Saturday, May 2nd—Lecture: “(anti)Capitalism/Anarchism”
Michael Becker and Stephen Gamboa

Sunday, May 3rd---Film, “A Place Called Chiapas” and Vegan Potluck

935 F St in Chinatown
doors open each night at 6 pm

Friday, May 1
6:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m. (light potluck at 6:30 p.m., program at 7 p.m.)
The Reedley Peace Center presents speaker Dr. Robert Jensen, Professor in the School of Journalism, University of Texas. The Four Fundamentalisms: Threats to Justice and Sustainability. In addition to religious fundamentalism, contemporary U.S. society is in the grips of national, market, and technological fundamentalisms. What threat do each of these pose to the struggle for a just and sustainable society? Fellowship Hall, First Mennonite Church, 1208 L St. (between 12th & 13th Sts.), Reedley. Free. For more info, e-mail Don Friesen at dfriesen0 [at]
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by Dallas B
Although we've been around for 3 years we finally have most of our Permits (Fucking Government) in hand and had our Grand Opening. Over 100 people showed up for a fun evening of food, music and revolutionary discusions. It was nice to have several people come over from the Imigrant Rights March to join our little celebration.
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$50.00 donated
in the past month

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