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Indybay Feature
U.S. Patriot Act Might Be Used To Prosecute Pot-Growers As Terrorists
As the drug-war heats up on the U.S./Mexico Border expect this illogical premise of the Patriot Act might be pushed by U.S. Government as a Flagship to prosecute “ordinary American criminals” for supporting “markets” terrorists may depend on for support.
The USA Patriot Act's mention of incidental criminal networks-opened the door for police under the Act’s anti-terrorism provisions to broadly use wiretaps and spy on U.S. Citizens.
The “Act” defines supporting "terrorist activity” as any criminal activity that "participates" in "World Markets" that terrorist may use or depend on for their support. For example someone distributing illegal-drugs could be charged with supporting a “Criminal Market” that terrorists use—based on the premise both criminals and terrorists use the same world networks and organizations to "Market" illegal-drugs; and have interests in criminal activity." That criminal/terrorist-activity link by the Patriot Act is—logically flawed when you consider that a common car thief could be charged with supporting terrorism by selling a stolen car on a "criminal market" a terrorist used—among many non-terrorists. Such flawed logic could as easily be used by government to charge a “common criminal’s illegal activity” supported a lawful “Market” terrorists are dependent on for support. Brilliantly the “Patriot Act” spins full circle to include all commerce as being “One Market” to charge “common criminals” with supporting terrorists: brilliant because all legal and illegal “markets” are linked at some point by commerce.
As the drug-war heats up on the U.S./Mexico Border expect this illogical premise of the Patriot Act might be pushed by U.S. Government as a Flagship to prosecute “ordinary American criminals” for supporting “markets” terrorists may depend on for support.
While there are narrow illegal-markets where prosecutions may be justified, for example Americans fronting for NARCO-drug-gangs to buy and supply guns, Americans should be careful U.S. Government does not expand this concept similar to (RICO) to be all inclusive of commerce.
U.S. Government before tried to merge lawful and unlawful commerce to forfeit innocent owners’ property. You may read that “Government Concept” in United States v. 92 Buena Vista Ave. (91-781), 507 U.S. 111 (1993) at:
U.S. Police using the Patriot Act’s low probable cause requirement can too easily wiretap and spy on innocent U.S. Citizens they believe might be involved in ordinary crime. Congress should let provisions of the Patriot Act due to Sunset in December 2009, EXPIRE.
The “Act” defines supporting "terrorist activity” as any criminal activity that "participates" in "World Markets" that terrorist may use or depend on for their support. For example someone distributing illegal-drugs could be charged with supporting a “Criminal Market” that terrorists use—based on the premise both criminals and terrorists use the same world networks and organizations to "Market" illegal-drugs; and have interests in criminal activity." That criminal/terrorist-activity link by the Patriot Act is—logically flawed when you consider that a common car thief could be charged with supporting terrorism by selling a stolen car on a "criminal market" a terrorist used—among many non-terrorists. Such flawed logic could as easily be used by government to charge a “common criminal’s illegal activity” supported a lawful “Market” terrorists are dependent on for support. Brilliantly the “Patriot Act” spins full circle to include all commerce as being “One Market” to charge “common criminals” with supporting terrorists: brilliant because all legal and illegal “markets” are linked at some point by commerce.
As the drug-war heats up on the U.S./Mexico Border expect this illogical premise of the Patriot Act might be pushed by U.S. Government as a Flagship to prosecute “ordinary American criminals” for supporting “markets” terrorists may depend on for support.
While there are narrow illegal-markets where prosecutions may be justified, for example Americans fronting for NARCO-drug-gangs to buy and supply guns, Americans should be careful U.S. Government does not expand this concept similar to (RICO) to be all inclusive of commerce.
U.S. Government before tried to merge lawful and unlawful commerce to forfeit innocent owners’ property. You may read that “Government Concept” in United States v. 92 Buena Vista Ave. (91-781), 507 U.S. 111 (1993) at:
U.S. Police using the Patriot Act’s low probable cause requirement can too easily wiretap and spy on innocent U.S. Citizens they believe might be involved in ordinary crime. Congress should let provisions of the Patriot Act due to Sunset in December 2009, EXPIRE.
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Honestly, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this one out. Burn the poppy fields in Afganistan (we certainly have the manpower to do that), assist them in planting Hemp for all of it's medicinal and by-product benefits LEGALLY! And stop protecting and nurturing the drug lords there.
Also, a no brainer, LEGALIZE! Pot here and let the money making machine begin.......DOESN'T ANYONE REMEMBER THAT PROHIBITION DID NOT WORK!???
If the big machine is the one making the money then maybe, just maybe, the drug companies will start PUSHING! Pot instead of Viagra in our faces all day, everyday, on the TV.....
and all those little girls in Afganistan won't be sold to drug lords at age seven, my next door neighbor's cousin would not have been murdered in Mexico for refusing a bribe, there will be a cure for glaucoma and my mother will get off my back about "taking the pot".
I could be wrong and I don't think so!
Also, a no brainer, LEGALIZE! Pot here and let the money making machine begin.......DOESN'T ANYONE REMEMBER THAT PROHIBITION DID NOT WORK!???
If the big machine is the one making the money then maybe, just maybe, the drug companies will start PUSHING! Pot instead of Viagra in our faces all day, everyday, on the TV.....
and all those little girls in Afganistan won't be sold to drug lords at age seven, my next door neighbor's cousin would not have been murdered in Mexico for refusing a bribe, there will be a cure for glaucoma and my mother will get off my back about "taking the pot".
I could be wrong and I don't think so!
It is no surprise that the Government is utilizing the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act to charge people as Terrorists since this allows them to be able to circumvent our Constitutional and Civil Rights. I doubt that Obama will do anything to change this illegal Law either as it provides his Administration with the same tools that bush used to 'legally' steal citizens property and money as well as hold them indefinitely without trial or conviction. The Act also allows anyone to be deemed a 'Terrorist' at the Governments discretion and is also used against Protesters and Animal Rights Groups saying that their actions are 'Terrorism' under the Law.
If U.S. Government starts charging U.S. drug dealers as members of “Criminal Terrorist Enterprises”, the number of Americans arrested for terrorist activity could be staggering: the Patriot Act allows Government to grant special immunity and use secret testimony to prosecute members of a Criminal Terrorist Enterprise.
The Patriot Act “retroactively changed ” the “Stature of Limitations” for criminal prosecution of specific terrorist acts and numerous federal crimes. For example, where the 3-year Statute of Limitations passed for prosecution of certain crimes, the “Act” retroactively extended the “statute” eight to tens years so government could go back further to arrest individuals.
And where NARCO Criminal Terrorist Enterprises are concerned, the Patriot Act Statutes don’t begin to run until the “Enterprise” ceases to exist, provided the “enterprise” did not commit murder in which case there is no Statute of Limitations from prosecution for “Enterprise Members.” Under the Patriot Act, persons who join a Criminal Terrorist Enterprise become liable for crimes the “Enterprise” committed before they joined.
Persons that provide guns to NARCO TERRORISTS or sell their drugs in the U.S. run the risk the U.S. Statute of Limitations for prosecution might never pass if Government charges them with being a member of a continuing Criminal Terrorist Enterprise.
The Patriot Act “retroactively changed ” the “Stature of Limitations” for criminal prosecution of specific terrorist acts and numerous federal crimes. For example, where the 3-year Statute of Limitations passed for prosecution of certain crimes, the “Act” retroactively extended the “statute” eight to tens years so government could go back further to arrest individuals.
And where NARCO Criminal Terrorist Enterprises are concerned, the Patriot Act Statutes don’t begin to run until the “Enterprise” ceases to exist, provided the “enterprise” did not commit murder in which case there is no Statute of Limitations from prosecution for “Enterprise Members.” Under the Patriot Act, persons who join a Criminal Terrorist Enterprise become liable for crimes the “Enterprise” committed before they joined.
Persons that provide guns to NARCO TERRORISTS or sell their drugs in the U.S. run the risk the U.S. Statute of Limitations for prosecution might never pass if Government charges them with being a member of a continuing Criminal Terrorist Enterprise.
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