San Francisco
San Francisco
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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

Anti-Capitalist Call to Action at the Federal Reserve Bank in San Francisco!

Saturday, April 11, 2009
11:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Event Type:
Location Details:
Massive Anti-Capitalist and Anarchist Protest at the Federal Reserve Bank 101 Market St. Taking Bart? Get off at Embarcadero. Nationwide Event Starting at 11:00AM Saturday April 11th and on into the night! Bring all your friends. WE'RE GONNA HAVE A WILD PARTY! ; -) From Santa Cruz, take the 17 (or 17 express bus) to San Jose then you can take the Cal Train or drive to Fremont and take bart.

To all those who are worried sick that they might wake up one day to find out they don’t have a job and might lose everything as a result, this is your protest. To all those that have already lost their job’s and are struggling to find work to save your home, this is your protest. To all those that have already lost everything, this is your protest! To all those that have always felt discomfort with the political and financial establishment, this is definately for you! You want to raise your voice at an icon of filth that can be seen with both eyes, this is your chance! While bankers and ceo's walk away with large bonuses on top of tax payer bailouts we will be clogging the financial arteries of the system in downtown's financial district while hallaring at the Federal Reserve Bank reflecting the anger of a silent majority. This time the anger will materialize. A growing hatred toward Wall Street, Banks, Corporations, Money and those in authority protecting a system of fraud is about to spill out onto the streets on a Nationwide scale. We urge you not to be silent anymore and to stand up with us for your right to self determination rather than abject poverty. If you’ve been bottling up your emotions toward the system this whole time, you'll finally have the right place at the right time to vent it all out. No More Business As Usual!!
Make Banners! Make Signs! Bring Noise! Bring the Ruckus! Dress in all Black!

See you in the Streets!

Added to the calendar on Mon, Apr 6, 2009 1:51AM
§another flyer
by (a)non
bring the noise, bring the ruckus. it's time to fight back!
by (a)n(a)rkey
capitalism crumbles from greece to the bay
§flyer #3
by anartist
copy adapted from a crimethinc poster ;-)
streets photo:

as per creative commons credits for other flyer photos are below.
greek protesters:
g20 march:

Comments (Hide Comments)
by a
ill be there
by c
watch out for:
by .
I just looked up Hanity/Fox sponsored TaxDayTeaParty location for San Francisco on the 15th.

Looks like it's Civic center at 11am-1 on the 15th. I hope someone goes and photographs the type of people who shows up. The level of advertising on Fox, and the lack of multiple other events in the area should ensure that some people show up. I hate the ahistorical nature of this, where it is implied that Obama ran up this debt in the last four weeks.
by (A) got some stuff to say
ok yea your tottaly right, lets say fuck it and just not go cus you just told us off with your hard core reality check.

and we knocked over and old lady in sf on the 21st?

there was about 15 anarchist in that little cluster and i dident see any one knock over any bodey, but the sf police sure did but you blame it on us.

i think a reality check for you is in order. yes sir re bob?

but first let me ask you a few little ???Qs???

why do we dress our selfs in all black?

why do we link arms and fourm a bloc?

what is a bloc?

why dont we just like to sit in a park and hold up signs like the rest of you librals and call it a day well done????

what the fuck does that over used and commercalized (A) sign really mean to us?
(give you a clue uhh boo not what hottopic uses it for)

why do we say fuck permits and disrupt everything that is all so intertangled with eachouther? a hurry sooooooooooo illl ttyl lol omg jkjk lol lol (spelling is shity i dont care you can still read it if you try).............................................


by a-feminist
"ok yea your tottaly right, lets say fuck it and just not go cus you just told us off with your hard core reality check. "

i dunno, i was impressed. words to live by from one of our leading intellectuals. i <3 reality check! /sarcasm
by (A) who you quoted

see you there hopefully
Quote "great! another pointless party fr the black clad youth whose uniforms belie their supposed independent, free thinking, anarchism. Hello, you all dress the same! Just like the military, police, and boy scouts!"

You obviously have no clue as to what black means or what it is used for in the streets. Maybe it's better you don't! People like you deserve to be lost in the dark imo! This is a party/protest where like minded individuals can have fun while at the same time help make a powerful statement against the rich in solidarity with all those who are poor at home and abroad due to greedy capitalism. The people of the third world are affected by us the most. I'll be showing some support for those who can not make it. We all have a right to be here!

As for the lady "knocked down"? We came to her aid and told her that we were sorry and she told us that she was alright. I'm sure you understand that this wasn't intentional right? At least I'd hope you do. The police were the ones that REALLY ended up being the cowards that they are later that day for attacking Palestinian youths trying to save a 10 year old boy from being pulled out of a womans arms at the Civic Center! I REPEAT, RIOT POLICE WERE COWARDS FOR FRIGHTENING THE LITTLE BOY TO DEATH AND PULLING HIM OUT OF OUR ARMS AND BEATING PEACEFUL PERMITTED PROTESTORS WITH BILLYCLUBS! WHY SHOULD WE GET A PERMIT IF THEY'RE GOING TO ACT THIS WAY? THEY JUST CAME IN AND WENT WILD ON EVERYBODY AND THAT MY FRIEND WAS NO ACCIDENT! WHERE IS THAT STORY ON FOX NEWS?

"now that the war is over and the US withdrew troops from Iraq in fear of the bandana boys. The bankers will surely be jumping out of their windows on April 13."

First of all it's on April 11th dumba@$ and secondly THE WAR IS NOT OVER! Where do you get your facts from? FOX SUX! As long as there is 1 American base in IRAQ. As long as there is one American troop in Iraq. As long as there is one American civilian contractor still in Iraq, OCCUPATION & WAR will continue!


by collective (a)
I'm all for targeting banks in our struggle against capitalism, but putting calls like this out in public and just hoping folks will show up to do militant action is irresponsible and is the epitome of bad tactics. If you're going to do militant action, do it when you won't get caught. We all know cops read indybay, and so we know that there will be lots of cops waiting for folks to be there.

This is just simply a recipe for getting caught and put in jail. I would urge people not to go to this and instead strike when it makes sense strategically and when we could have an impact.

As anarchists, we need to know the difference of when we can come out together in a public way and try to be inclusive in our rage, and when we need to act in secret and in the shadows. We are not yet a big enough movement to do militant actions in public like this without endangering everyone involved. During the buildup to the war, we were able to organize large breakaway marches which allowed a lot of poeple to come along and fuck shit up which was largely successful. However, that was a different time and context.

If people do decide to go out to this, despite all better judgment, be safe.
by radical
The police state will always moblize to counter a demonstration and try to supress it; however big or small the demo is. This does not mean that people should stop organizing and going to mass protests. What you are saying about in the midle of the night, I agree that people could really cause havok on if it happened. People would have to committ though, and want to take the risk; which has probably kept people from doing those sort of actions before and causing destruction and disruption on a mass scale before.

Who is organizing this action by the way? Does anybody know?
by e
This Massive Event will be taking place all over the country on Saturday April 11th. A group called "a new way forward" is hosting the event but other groups are coming! Obviously anti-capitalists and anarchists want a piece of the action and so an independent call has been made to show some strength and support. I think it is highly relevant to come if you are for issues such as global justice and anti-capitalism. It was only a matter of time before somebody caught on to this and made a post on Other groups can invite them selves too. We still have 5 days to organize. Bring a sign. Bring Bullhorns. “Protest to survive”!

by a-feminist
As this appears to be an attempt to build something much larger than the usual suspects sort of protest (and major props to the organizers for that, btw), I think it would do us a world of fucking good to not show up as Those Scary Kids for this one -- I mean, wear black, be yourself, all that, but just keeping the vibe in check a little bit could go a long way. Let our new comrades see that we're the lovable, passionate people we are, 'cause they already know about us being fierce and bad-ass -- if anything, they may "know" too much about that, esp. if the only exposure they've had to the anarchist community is "the window smashers on Faux News". Most anarchists that I know are pretty amazing people (even the ones who can be assholes at times), and it would be a shame if we missed out on the opportunity for others to see just that.

One other thing: thanks to the organizers for doing this on a Saturday, rather than during weekday work hours/school hours. You've definitely got my attention, hopefully you will have a lot more than just that. :)
by robbin hood
from the website:
12 million unemployed. Foreclosures up 81%. Wall Street has taken over. We must break up the banks and never again let them get so big that they distort our politics and take down the economy.
by .
Here are some sponsors. I'm actually comfortable with this. This is a progressive liberal listing, rather than radicals. Having been to a few WTO protests, I'm comfortable with progressive and/or anarchist economic justice organizations, but I think a lot of people are wary of newly titled groups that turn out to be Worker's world in disguise. Also, the call above is great if that is a contingent of people there... but it also sounded like a local person was spontaneously proposing this, and maybe a dozen people total would show up and they'd have to deal with a lot of security guards. I also wouldn't want to show up at something based on my opposition to military spending with our tax money, or against the bailout, and find myself in a nest of irritating Ayn Rand fans or Patriots.

David Sirota, Syndicated Columnist, Author
-Joe Trippi, Change Congress, co-founder
-Zephyr Teachout, Visiting Assistant Professor of Duke University, Dean Campaign
-Joe Costello, Energy, Communications, and Political Economy
-William Greider, "Come Home, America", National Correspondent, The Nation


-Jerome Armstrong, MyDD, founder: "The corporate bailouts have become a complete political disaster."
-Rural Votes
-David Dayen, D-Day, founder and Hullabaloo*, blogger
-David Swanson, After Downing Street
-Northeast Ohio American Friends Service Committee
-Cleveland Committee on Corporations, Law & Democracy
-Progressive Democrats of America
-Grassroots Change
-Public Accountability Initiative
-Liberty Tree
-The Voters
-Wake County Young Democrats
-New Haven Peace Council
-Consumers for Peace
-Billionaires for Bush
-San Francisco Workers Emergency Recovery Campaign
-Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice
-Common Security Club
-David Donnelly, Public Campaign Action Fund*: "New Way Forward is visionary, simple, and important."
by a
ill be there
by (A)
i dont know who you are but i have probably marched with you and meet you before....

i know what your saying is true but how are we ever going to grow as a movement if we dont come out of the shadows and show our selves even in a small protest we need to be there we need to show your against it and sf protest dont get crazy no matter how much some people want it to like you said times have changed the context has changed people arnt pissed but you never know.

idk try and get what i mean if you dont come out and you dont support this then fuck off and just go and brake bank windows in the nite.

Glad to see such a big response in just one day. Look's like were gonna have a good turn out. I know the media likes to paint us all in a bad way like Bill O'reilly for instance. Speaking of that asshat here's a Bill O'reilly "FOX SUX" Remix just to give you a little laugh: take it away folks
by (A)
over a hundred and fifty stated they would be there

expect a reasonable turn out, not a militant crowed

who knows what can happen.

its all up to you to tell people for a bigger turn out
by Grassroots Resistance
War, Exploitation, Poverty, State-Sponsored Terror, Genocide.... are the symptoms; Capitalism is the Disease.
by i
"War, Exploitation, Poverty, State-Sponsored Terror, Genocide.... are the symptoms; Capitalism is the Disease. "

None of that ever happened under communist regimes - no sir!
The Federal Reserve Bank is in San Francisco's Financial District where it is dead as a doornail on the weekends. You will be shouting to the walls, not teaching the American taxpayers anything. Hopefully, you will march to Union Square, where there are lots of American taxpayers who need to hear your message. Of course, these protests do not organize anybody, they are just protests. If you want to end the capitalist nightmare, you have to organize labor for a general strike. That would mean holding your protest in the Mission District or in Oakland-Berkeley's workingclass flatlands. There you will find the desperate poverty that is the result of the stench of capitalism.
by a-feminist
woo hoo! yeah, baby! bring it on!!


oh wait, how do we get there, other than what we already know, and people are already doing?





both-and, not either-or. moving on...

ps: going somewhere other than downtown is a good idea, but since when is discussing route specifics on indybay ever a good idea?
by (A)
bash going to this fuck off, when is the time to get out of the shadows if not now
brakeing shit in the nite is all good but comeing out in the streets is even better even if it is 5 of us,

collective A im sadend by you

Ill be there no matter what even if its all older folks standing on a corner

(it wont get to crazy cus theres not anuf and its not the time or context)

-cheers from the forest far far away in the space below santa cruz
by collective (a)
I think people misinterpreted my first post, so i'll try to be more clear. If people want to go out in public to reach out to folks and have a message, that's great - I think all of the @narchists should get out in public and do things like this. However, when a call goes out which hints at militant action for the middle of the day in a deserted financial district, it usually leads to action which is irresponsible and dangerous for the participants, and is therefore ineffective.

I've lost count of how many demos I've been to where a bunch of kids in black show up, decide to run into the street and knock a few things over, and then a few of them are tackled and violently arrested by the pigs while everyone else runs away. This is a waste of our time int he movement and stops it from growing. There's a time and a place for militant resistance and demos like this usually aren't that time and/or place.

What i'm trying to say is that if people do show up, be sure you know what you're doing. If it doesn't seem strategic to do militant action, then don't do it. In the end, I do support people if they want to be out there to have a voice.

Did that clear things up?
by Anti-capitalist
On the weekends we get much better numbers because people have the day off there for can attendand. The streets aren't dead on the weekends either. Their just not as clogged. Commerce will be disrupted regardless due to the influx of so many people attending. Where are you going to put thousands of people? on the side walk! haha It would be funny to see the police try that one. "Collective A", what militant tactics are you speaking of? This is a party/protest remember? Nobody said anything about using violence. It will be confrontational but non-violent. Now if others decide to do their own action that's on them. But the event didn't call for it. I'm an anarchist too and so we both probably have a llot of idea's in common but just don't get it all twisted, that's all, no harm intended ; )
by kristin hope (omgsoy [at]
hey, just wanted to let you know that the group that is organizing this, to MY knowledge, is encouraging a peaceful protest. we have checked with SFPD, they know we will be there and have been very sympathetic to our cause. we are NOT trying to destroy anything. we are trying to reach out to people that have never protested before - this is not an event for destruction. the goal is to have as many cities nationwide participating as possible to get the attention of the government.
by a
the sfpd has been very sympathetic to your cause of destroying capitalism?

by kristin hope
no. a new way forward is not itself an anti-capitalist entity. our goals are to nationalize, reorganize and decentralize and to enact serious legislation and regulations to ensure this never happens again. contrary to this event posting, this is not an inherently anarchistic movement. a lot of people need serious help right now. i was merely trying to let everyone know that the police are aware of our presence, and they were sympathetic to OUR goal at A New Way Forward. so as long as no one does anything stupid, no one should get arrested. that's all i was trying to say. if someone wants to go and break some windows, fine, but the thousands of people that have spent months organizing this are not trying to wind up in jail.
by .........
it may not be anarchist, it may be socialist, but its definitely not capitalist. anyway, the truth is we haven't lived in a purely capitalist society and we never will. but we can at least be honest that the direction this demo is pulling is not the direction of pure free market capitalism. dont be so scared of the anticapitalist label.
by (A)
i got what you ment, and i do agree but this isent the greek solidarity march were not going to get every kid that just want to dress all up and do dumb shit, this wont be militant we may block streets we may not we may stand next to building all day or we may march no one is planing on trying to pull something off with a huge police presence and at the wrong time and day.
by (A)

Sample Nonviolent Direct Action Training Agenda, 4 hours

Goals of the Preps: Quickly orient people to practical street action techniques as well as critical thinking about nonviolent direct action.

I. 10 Opening role play scenario: Quickly put people into an action role-play, such as bus of delegates is heading toward their meeting site, what do we do?

· Purpose: throws them into the prep right away
· Gives both group and preparers a sense of the group’s background

II. 10 Intros & debrief on role-play: Preparers introduce themselves, then have people go around and introduce themselves and how the role-play felt. Expect some fear, confusion, etc. Explain what today’s prep will cover, how being prepared for this scenario would make it different. Review agenda, emphasizing what other pres will cover that cannot be covered here.

III. 10 Active listening dyads: Pair people up and have one person in pair talk for 2 minutes w/o interruption about, “What does non-violent direct action (NVDA) mean to you, and why would you choose to use it or not to use it?” have the other person mirror back what they heard, allowing first person to make corrections & clarifications. Switch. Keep to time.

· Purpose: to get people thinking & defining NVDA for each other
· Also to practice active listening, debrief on why this is a useful skill in an action context

IV. 30 Spectrogram: Explain that one side of the room is violent and one side is non-violent, and there is a lot of room in between the two. Tell them to go stand where they think the following scenario falls in terms of v > nv. Then, when they are positioned, tell them the other axis is ‘would do it, would not do it’, and go stand where they want on that perpendicular axis. Have a few people say why they are where they are. People can reposition themselves during the debrief if they change their minds. Try the following scenarios: paying taxes, eating meat, pieing someone, blocking hotel doors, breaking corporations window, crowd pushing back a police line.

· Debrief: What did you get out of this? What do we do with this knowledge? (Expect acknowledgement that there is a great diversity of opinion and possible action, that even things we think are non-violent, others react to as violent, and note that what our audience thinks is part of having an effective action).
· Present action guidelines, stressing that this is what the INPEG has consensed to for this action.

V. 10 History of NVDA: have people brainstorm on different things.

VI. 20 Hassle lines: Explain what for & how to do, ground rules, that this is a verbal exercise not a physical one. Have people switch both roles and partners between each one. Debrief after each side of the lines has played both roles of a particular hassle line. Scenarios: blockading an angry IMF delegate, corporate media interviews, dealing with a fellow protestor bringing a burning dumpster into an intersection where your affinity group is locked down.

· Debrief on body language, what worked and didn’t work, what was hard, what the other person did you thought was effective.

Focus on posture – planting feet solidly, holding hands open and in front, moderating level of voice, eye contact etc.
Understanding how people have a certain spatial boundry, how we can use that by standing our ground and then moving slowly, non-aggressivly forward into theirs in order to get them to move.


VII. 25 Power analysis & going limp

· Power Analysis: (see first section of CD Training agenda)
· If it works for you talk about 3 kinds of power that exist--power-over (dominating exercises of power, power with (the power we have together), and power from within (our spirit, energy, beliefs). (I skipped this…Brainstorm: how does power-over maintain? How is power kept from us? How is it enforced? How do we allow it to be exercised? How do we reclaim power?
· Bring this into discussing different types of resistance and non-cooperation: respecting individual choices, why might someone choose to cooperate physically or not with the arrest process? Stess the importance of not making judgements about what people choose.
· Have group practice staying tense or going limp during arrest in groups of 3 or 4. Discuss pain holds.

VIII. 10 Affinity groups: Define, roles, explain as useful for support and that they are the basic decision-making group for the action.

IX. 20 Consensus: Quick explanation of flowchart hand-out, then break people into affinity groups of 5-6 people and do a quick decision role-play: “You are locked down in a key intersection. You hear that the police are coming your way with tear gas cannons. What are you going to do? You have 5 minutes to decide.” Debrief after on what each group decided, and then ask them to reflect on the process. Did someone step in to facilitate? How did that get decided? Who spoke and didn’t speak? Did you play the role you normally do in groups? Consider pushing yourself to play a different role – i.e. speak more if you’re usually quiet, hold back if you normally take control.

X. 25 Crowd solidarity tactics: Trainers play cops. Have group standing to one side of room.
Also can demonstrate with small group…

· Police slowly rush crowd, moving them back. See how crowd responds. If they choose to stay, show how much stronger they are sitting down, how problems are more visible.
· Having protestors link arms along sides of marches to prevent police from grabbing people.
· Blockades: linking arms (hands grasping wrists is strongest hold, using legs to link to people in front of you, linking then laying back, closing open spaces so people cannot walk through, knowing who to communicate and when to let go of someone next to you…..
· Humming & pointing to bring focus to troubled areas.
· Amoebas to pull targeted people back in the crowd.
· Puppy piles to protect targeted people.
· How to isolate provocateurs but surrounding them with several people with linked arms who can walk them away from the group.
· Discuss moving closer together, sitting if there are horses, not looking at or interacting with police dogs,
· How to protect against tear gas and pepper spray, and deal with other concerns that come up. Specific mention of dangers to people with asthma and contact lens, needing to flush system of toxins, get people to a medical training!
· How to protect your body…fold thumbs into fist, put over head, lay in fetal position (curl up into a ball) on right side to protect liver

XI. 25 Mass role-play: Put people back into affinity groups. Tell them we are going to block a hotel where delegates are trying to get in. Their AG must quickly decide upon an action. Send a spokes to a fishbowl ( mini-spokes council, and then do the action. Have media, provocateurs, mean cops, demostrator who flips out … etc. Play and debrief what we learned.

XII. 30 Evaluating prep, parting words on health and safety, etc. Do affinity group formation with all who may need it. Try quick go-around on kind of action/location of action people want to do, role they are thinking of taking, see if you can group into affinity, and encourage them to keep meeting after prep is over.

Trainings can also include a review of the action plan and legal information if there is time…..

Street Tactics Exercises:

We've been running these exercises as a kind of extended, stop-and-start role play, letting the group practice each tactic, periodically changing the police and the people in front. You can do all or some of them, depending on time. They help the group to learn to function as a group, give some strong, nonviolent alternatives to simply fighting the cops and running, and are fun and useful.

A solid line of police with nightsticks of rolled newspaper:

A crowd of protestors:

"Protestors standing, police advance with batons held in both hands to push crowd back. Note how easy it is to move a standing crowd.

"Protestors standing, police advance, crowd sits down. Don't hit yet: note how much harder it is to move a group of people sitting.

"Amoeba: Protestors sitting, police advance, attack one person. Crowd absorbs the intended victim, by people behind grabbing and pulling, people on the sides grabbing victim's arms, pulling back and squeezing in. Practice several times.

"Calling attention: Practice the amoeba, this time with other protestors calling the attention of the media by pointing. Possibly add Oming if it seems appropriate to the group. Protestors in back in safe zone can run and get media.

"Getting hit on the head lessons: Demonstrate protective position: curled up to protect stomach, hands in fists behind back of neck, face tucked down, if lying on the ground, on left side in fetal position.

"Puppy pile: Protestors sitting, police attack one person, neighbor throws herself on top, forming a bridge with hands and knees, others pile on top, attempting to protect their own stomachs, etc. make the following points: Person on the bottom must curl up and make themselves small.

Second person must form a bridge, brace some of the weight.

Don't make so huge a pile you crush the people on the bottom.

Often most useful in jail situations to prevent people from being singled out and taken away.

"Swarm: Protestors standing, police attack media person, crowd swarms around to absorb the intended victim. Practice several times.

"Street negotiations with cops—discuss this possibility and make sure you frame it as a political decision the group should make. Point out safest place for negotiator to be (in the middle of the crowd, at least to start), why you might decide to do this (buy time, etc.), and underline that negotiator is a spokes for the
group, NOT empowered to make decisions for the group.

"Regrouping: Protestors standing, police scatter the crowd, they run behind and
call others to regroup by:

Drumming, or
Whistle, or
Rhythmic clapping, song.

this is from...

what we need is for all of us to get together new and old activist and practice what could happen so we dont have peopel running off if polcie charged a crowed and not fighting back if its not the right time or context
by a-feminist
"we can at least be honest that the direction this demo is pulling is not the direction of pure free market capitalism'

Not only that, but given the degree of "capitalism as we know it is over, stick a fork in it" coverage that has been appearing in the mainstream press, pointing away from pure free market ideology is pretty safe territory for groups that want to appeal to a larger base of people. Besides, you never get change unless you're willing to take a few risks.
by JOE
I've got people down! You can count on my steel!
by kristin hope

i'll get them up all over today!!!!!!!
by eric
"so as long as no one does anything stupid, no one should get arrested." So folks that get arrested and end up in the prison industrial complex are there as a result of their own "stupidity"? The SFPD is a death-squad. They will never be our friends, nor should we ever "check in with them". If capitalism falls, i hope you do not rise to build something even more horrific.
Police don't need a reason. With their military mindset and it being their job to make a certain number of arrests and there is a secret arrest quota even though arrest quotas are illegal, so they are dying to arrest anyone. They get paid! It's their number 1 job. They should be arresting the real criminals but then they'd also have to arrest them selves. hahahaha. I kid the pigs. hahaha. People were beat up at the Israeli Consulate and not a single person laid a hand on a cop although I believe that they should have since the police justify it but no it's only justified for the state to use violence. When they us it on us they are hero's and when we use it on them we are criminals. FUCK THAT! People think in double standards because of what the media say's about us and what they say about the police. The media is cop friendly because it has been bought out by big corporations and that is why they're so reluctantly on the side of the TRUTH. The main goal of all three groups hosting this event didn't mention anything in their postings about using illegal militant action so if there is any we can't be blamed for the actions of a few other people. To be honest I wouldn't lose sleep over night if a cop took a hit to the face right now. Look if your so worried about violence, why don't you focus your attention on the violence coming from the system and not those who attack it? DOESN'T THAT SOUND MORE JUST? The violence perpetrated by some activists will never equate to the amount of damages being done by the banks and the violence being done to the third world by the World Bank/IMF and GREEDY Multi-National Corporations. Some of us seem to forget that the American police uphold that very same system of greed and they are dispised for that by MANY! So you know why they hate us and why the feeling is mutual. Their not gonna stop being cops because they've chosen their servatude to government over our right to be free!

So Down w/ the Evil Empire! I hope the Revolution will come sending them fleeing to the hills!

by Eric
I made about 50 already at kinko's. I'll be posting them up everywhere.
by (A)
all work to gether here no one does anything stupid and we all bring people as meny as we can and tell the fucking world we can make this big as fuck!

if people start doing stupid shit i will leave but i hope you dont
i will be there period
by (a)
this is gonna be fuckin awesome. hope the pigs don't attack us.
by Demand Justice
Only we can make it happen
by A
There's nobody at that Fed Reserve Bank Market St. on Saturdays, but pigs will be crawling all over.
Let's go where the people are--Union Square.
We can do it on our own, or list it with a New Way Forward
Union Square or the Mission?
by WalktheTalk
We are understandably angry, and having angry imagery may attract those who--whether confused or professional provacateurs--will alienate first time protestors and make for negative media exposure instead of helping us grow the movement. Please include the word "PEACEFUL" in all outreach.
Organizers on the ANWF forum have done outreach to elders and families. We suggested that those who wish wear business clothes, and we want anyone with similar goals and who will not suppress movement growth to feel welcome.

On my master flyer, i added with a sharpee: PEACEFUL PICKET 11:00
near Embarcadero Bart Station
postcard size for passing out:
full size:

I assume the "violent imagery" you are referring to would be the smashed bank window somebody posted. That was taken from the Oakland Riots 4 months ago. Banks have ruined million of peoples lives. Why not tell the banks to stop being violent? You get to have most people being peaceful at most demonstrations anyway. We had a strong movement against the war but that died down because of obama even though he's a fake. We had a strong movement after the death of Oscar grant but then people went back to sleep after a while because they were not hungry enough. America makes me sick. Pacifism can get pretty exhausting when it does nothing to change anything and you have a full tummy and home to go to and that's why the system wins. We keep our selves in check BUT WE CARE! hahahahah. Since pacifism never works over here when do you think protests should get violent? Do you want to just use non-violent protest till were all old and almost dead and nothing has changed. When do you think would be the most appropriate time to get militant? in 10 years, 20 years, By that time how many more people will have died in this war for profit. After 20 years of pacifism goes by how many people of the third world will have been slaved to their death by their corporate American masters? If this is the goal, we may as well put our signs down and go home because banks aren't going to listen to us. The only thing they listen to is profit. THE BANKS THINK WE'RE A JOKE AND THEIR KIND IF RIGHT! People die everyday because not enough Americans have what it takes to step up to the plate. I'd tell the cops to keep their cool. Their the ones who are violent most the time, not us. When they attack us we never fight back so I don't think you have much to worry. By the way, I don't see property damage as violence. Property and adamant objects don't pain, living things do; the poor working class, the homeless, the exploited, and animals who have to suffer at the hands of the human race. We need to get our priorities straight. If we can't use property damage then we at least should use non-violent confrontation like martin Luther King did. At least that man knew something and they got rid of him. That's why we can't have leaders which is where anarchism comes in. I see too many people going back to sleep just because we elected a black man as president who we think is going to fix all our problems. WAKE UP! The entire political and financial system is a sham. Anybody who attacks a bully in defense of others is a hero in my mind. NOT ENOUGH HERO'S IN THIS WORLD THAT WANT SAVE PEOPLE THAT GIVE A DAMN UNFORTUNELY!

by Kristin Hope (omgsoy [at]
Hi A, on, we spent a lot of time discussing the location, and we did consider Union Square, but we decided that the symbolism at the Federal Reserve Bank was important. Also, we did contact the SFPD and for us to go to other locations we would have needed a permit which cost $270, whereas it was free infront of the Bank, so that is why we decided on that.
by (A)
we dont need a permit
by A
dont try and confuse people here we are meeting at bank and will go from there
by A
We're Meeting at Union Square. you wanna get with the boring Dims and bourgeousie at Fed Bank where there's no one else anyway except pigs? go where you want, but we're partying at union sq. see you there sooner or later
by Robin
I spent some time tracking back to see who initiated organizing this protest. It was initiated at the end of March by a bunch of folks who met on the national A New Way Forward website:
and posted on indybay:
A week later an anti-capitalist call out was posted:

What is amazing and hopeful about this Saturday national day of action is that there are 75 demonstrations self-organized by people who met up on the webiste. Very cool to see lots of different folks, including those who have never organized a protest before step up. We have to be honest and admit that few movement groups--including anti-capitalists-- have done much visible protests in the US against the banks and corporations using the crisis they caused to rip off working people.

The fact is, if anything is gonna change in the US, we need tens of thousands or millions of not-the-usual-suspects to step up and become organizers. So this is a call out for anarchists and anti-capitalists to SUPPORT the folks who called this and will show up for it. Let's not be like authoritarian left groups that take over or disrupt organizations, movements and demonstrations and turn people off to organizing and resistance.

A new way forward is coming from a progressive left, not an anti-authoritarian politics. Their proposals would however, slow or stop the unprecedented shift of wealth from the people to the banks and the rich going right now. Folks who show up may use different language, have different analysis, dress differently, but are standing up to corporate capitalism and we should treat them as allies and comrades. Anarchism means mutual aid, so lets take the position of aiding and giving respect to the folks who initiated the call out.

If folks are set on doing a militant action or direct action or whatever, I'd urge to initiate it yourselves and not be seen as hijacking someone else's demo. Their are thousands of anarchist in the Bay Area and hundreds of thousands of anti-capitalists, so we should get our shit together and do real organizing, like folks in London did.. That's what direct action folks in London did around the G20-- supported, participated and respected the more mainstream march before the G20, then organized their own direct action mobilization and organized tens of thousands to join them.
by kristin hope
you're exactly right - and thank you.
wearing a suit is rebellion. this is serious. we can change things. Terror is the fear/hate tactic of the state. come through with peace and love in your heart. you can be an agent of calm in a place where "authority' dominates with abuse and intimidation.

calm and reasonable suits. this is the finest, most effective rebellion. bring tea! i will!

(ok don't bring tea.. just bring a sign saying: YA BASTA!)

and wear that suit.

be the protest you want to see in the world.

see my footnote: DeLeon, Anarchism vs. Socialism, archive link.
by a
the posting for this event says we're meeting at the federal reserve bank. everybody go to the federal reserve bank. if we meet in different places, that will just fuck everybody up. we'll meet at the fed and take it from there
by worker
even on the weekend the fed won't be too desolate. it is at the end of several bus lines and right next to a craft market, the ferry building farmers market. perhaps more pertinent, when the weather is nice the area is also flush with tourists (much of the same type that'll be at union square). i know this as i worked at a farm stand for a couple of years.
I will throw up on the ferdral reserve bank. YOU SHOULD ALL TOO!




by (@)
whoever is behind this union square thing is just trying to sabotage us. all the flyers people have been putting up say to meet at the bank. we've all been talking about meeting at the bank. now some idiot says we're all meeting at union square at the last minute and posts the same action so now its in 2 different places. that's just going to confuse people. this is sabotage
by (a)
your going to fuck it up if you say diffrent and confuse people jesus fucking christ!!!!!
don't worry so much guys. :) we got the numbers
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