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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

Sizzle: Erotic Literary Series

Friday, April 10, 2009
7:30 PM - 10:30 PM
Event Type:
Panel Discussion
Malia Schlaefer
Location Details:
Femina Potens Art Gallery
2199 Market St. @Sanchez

Femina Potens proudly presents SIZZLE, the monthly Bay Area award winning literary erotica series. SIZZLE heats up the Castro every month, merging internationally acclaimed queer and erotic authors with the Bay Area's top emerging local writers, spoken word artists and performers. SIZZLES’s open mic performances regularly reveal the bravest, hottest, most eclectic performers that the Bay Area has to offer.
This April, Femina Potens is spotlighting the simmering sexpots of provocative publishing with handfuls of happily horny homos. Come get deep fried in the devilish desires of SIZZLE’s kinky, queer characters. Novelists Karin Kallmaker, Clifford Henderson, Clara Nipper, Jaime Clevenger, and Jacob Anderson-Minshall will read about richly rainbowed romances, delving dyke deliveries, tantalizing trans trysts and seedy sapphic sex. We welcome the musical talents of songwriter Angela Leo. SIZZLE’s recipe for ribald fun will include murder, mystery, and mounting mayhem with these expert erotica writers, whom you will get to grill during the following question and answer panel. Enjoy an evening of gratuitous gays and powerful, passionate publishers with Femina Poten’s Simmering Sexpots of SIZZLE. Friday, April 10th, 8:00pm.
Sizzle hosted by:
Added to the calendar on Sun, Apr 5, 2009 4:28PM
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