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G20 Summit and Countersummit Broadcast on KPFA - April 2nd

by KPFA Radio
KPFA's April 2nd coverage features activist Tadzio Mueller on the vigil today at the Bank of England for the man who died during yeterday's demonstrations there, anarchist scholar Andrej Grubacic on the factory occupations and "boss-napping" taking place across Western and Eastern Europe, as well as the Eastern European debt bomb, French academic Philip Golub on Sarkozy and social and labor upheaval in France, and political economist Leo Panitch talking about the geopolitics of the G20, financial deregulation, US empire, and bank nationalization.
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The leaders of the world's richest nations descend on London in the midst of the greatest economic crisis in 70 years. Protesters in the streets are making their voices heard about bank bailouts, rising unemployment and the global economic system. KPFA's April 2nd coverage features activist Tadzio Mueller on the vigil today at the Bank of England for the man who died during yeterday's demonstrations there, anarchist scholar Andrej Grubacic on the factory occupations and "boss-napping" taking place across Western and Eastern Europe, as well as the Eastern European debt bomb, French academic Philip Golub on Sarkozy and social and labor upheaval in France, and political economist Leo Panitch talking about the geopolitics of the G20, financial deregulation, US empire, and bank nationalization. Hosted by Ramsey Kanaan and produced by Sasha Lilley with production help from Eric Klein, Eddie Yuen, and Ramsey Kanaan.
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Interview of the media group from the german climate action camp, about power plants : Preparation of the German climate action camp in 2008 :
by scribner
The problem with this program is that it doesn't deal with real world practical issues. These academics aren't really adding much to the debate. They speak more in jargon than in concrete day-to-day language. It just seems that they're trying too hard to sound profound, but end up just sounding long winded. That's kind of the problem with these guys. They're way too used to lecturing to their students, many of whom don't bother to question them or hold their statements up to scrutiny. These peoples statements are never really challenged or examined closely. They end up kind of sounding like walking computers who only have one program installed, like the latest version of Windows Turbo Marxism. They can't go beyond the limits of their program.

It's much more useful to have trained economists who've spent years studying the ins and outs of the economy on a day-to-day basis and who's work is peer reviewed and constantly debated and challenged and discussed. Those type of experts have had the advantage of having to deliver on their predictions and analysis, because they wouldn't be around long if they didn't deliver. Financial analysts can be useful. Again because they are part of the day-to-day workings of international finance and the markets. They go over the numbers everyday and try to make sense of them. They can get really specific about what ideas at the meeting they think will work and what won't. There are many people who have been warning for months and years that the mortgage bubble could not hold and they could get really specific about it. Many trade union economists could have been good. Perhaps a hedge fund manager who's been struggling to run an honest, responsible fund could've been invited on to discuss how badly damaged the market actually is and what needs to be done to set things right.

These guys like Panich and the others speak in vague generalities. They meander all over the place in just kind of an unfocused oppositional tone. None of them offered concrete, practical solutions or a particularly insightful analysis of the current situation. They have the advantage of never having to be right, or wrong. They never bother to enter the real world debate and prefer to whisper from the margins. The fact is many people actually want to know what's being discussed at the meeting, whether they like the leaders there or not. Ultimately, they will make decisions that will affect us all for years to come and it helps no one to offer well worn academic jargon like empire this, and hegemonic that. People don't want that. They're saying hey, "will this person's proposal actually mean I might be able to find work soon and if so, in what industry?" Someone who may be listening in the developing world wants to know if loans and aid might allow them to go to the University and prepare for their future. They are already familiar with the unequal distribution of wealth. That's nothing new to them. They don't have the luxury of waxing eloquent about colonial this and imperial that. They want a chance to get a loan to start a small business. Will there be some help coming to build a school for their kids? They want to know what solutions on offer will lead to an improved situation for them now, not at some time far off when the world order has been completely re-arranged. That's for the self-indulgent Western intellectual to worry about.
by Climate
Interview of the media group from the german climate action camp, about power plants : Preparation of the German climate action camp in 2008 :
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