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Cowardly London Cops Attack Non Violent Climate Camp After R. Bank Trashed Call Consul

by In Solidarity
Even though the Climate Change Camp had nothing to do with the trashing of the bank, police attacked families and children tearing down tents.
Call British Consulate and tell them we know what is going on over there.

British Consulate General
1 Sansome St # 850
San Francisco, CA
941 04
(415) 617-1300
Fax: (415) 788-7382

Police launch attack on climate camp
Published: Wednesday 01 April 2009 18:41 by Imc

Tagged as: g20 repression
Neighbourhoods: bishopsgate

Numerous reports come in stating the riot police are in the process of attacking the peaceful climate camp. Even in the face of severe and unprovoked police brutality the protestors are maintaining their peaceful protest.

Despite events throughout the day at the urban climate camp being entirely peaceful, riot police are mobilising at the camp with 14 riot vans pulling up in addition to the six already present there. While climate campers appealed to the police highlighting the peaceful nature of the protest and the presence of many families with children, the police stormed into into the camp through a gap in the bicycle perimiter of the camp indiscriminately attacking campers with batons, pushing families and children out of tents and destroying sections of the camp. Camomile, Bishopsgate and Womwood st are closed off hemming in the campers. Five police motor bikes pulled up with what looked like surveillance gear. Another report comes in from climate camp stating that the police have formed lines at the Liverpool st end of the camp. a third report comes in from an Indymedia volunteer reporting that he has 'never seen anything like this' three lines of helmeted riot police are indiscriminately beating protestors with batons. Protestors are not fighting back and are maintaining the nonviolent nature of their action in spite of this there are reported to be at least four arrests. The crowd chants shame on you as the police continue to attack campers.
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by Caroline
It was absolutely terrifying. One minute we are all listening to music being powered by bicycle generators and dancing and eating food from the communal kitchen, when one of the performers on the microphone told us police were causing trouble at the end of the camp and so we headed down to appeal to them. We were all standing there with our hands in the air singing "Peace not Riot" and "this is not a riot" when, completely unprovoked, the riot police started charging forward and plowing people down and beating them with batons while their hands were still up in the air. I was pushed back against a corner of a building when we were suddenly flanked on the left from the side-street by another massive group of police. I was standing against the wall with my hands up, and I am not a very big person, but 3 policemen started pushing me and beating me with their shields, pushing us all into a huge crowd and I fell over in the mob, but luckily a fellow peace protester helped me up.

As I tried to find my friends in the chaos, We saw the police dragging a woman down the street by her hair as another woman looking on screamed "leave her alone, why are you doing this?!" and then the police turned on her and started shoving her around before other women scooped her up and saved her. Children were in the middle of this chaos amongst the tents; some people were throwing bottles and fighting back, but hardly any and nothing compared to the violent protests that went on earlier at the G20 by the Bank of England. Once we were forced into the middle of e street, campers began a peaceful sit down protest in front of the police in the face of their unjust violence and we were told to go to the Liverpool St. side and police would let us out.

When we got there police were holding us in like caged animals, without just cause and completely unlawfully kettling us; Even curious onlookers who were passing through the camp at the time were held and the police weren't letting them out and kept uninvolved people in harms way as well. We were held for hours without an explanation or any human interaction from these police machines and they wouldn't even allow pregnant women out. Somehow, since My friends and I weren't planning on staying in the camp that night, just joining in on the fun and learning from the information booths and eco demonstrations and talks, we were some of the first people let out because my friend worked herself into a panic attack. So us two girls got out, but they wouldn't let our 2 boys out with us and said that if they thought she was faking the panic attack to get her mates out that they would "throw her right back in there". After that, they weren't letting anyone out; another woman had a panic attack and they took her out to calm her down and then put her right back into the contained crowd.

As the night continued and it got later and colder and we were trying to stay in touch with our 2 guy friends still inside, people started gathering on the other close streets and more police came and eventually brought about 30 police dogs with them. As the neighboring streets started rioting about the police violence and pushing back the police, mayhem started to break out... luckily, somehow my friends got out just before police and dogs chased a huge mass of people running for their lives down towards Liverpool St station.

I've never seen such injustice first-hand before. In addition, any photographs and videos that were being taken of the police brutal attacking peaceful protesters were apprehended by the police, who said that it was an act of terrorism to photograph "police doing their duty"... coincidently at pretty much the exact same time, the delegates at the summit were ruling that police using terrorism as grounds to control ordinary citizens like that was unlawful.

I just hope some footage of what really happens gets out there. All the mainstream media so far has the violent protesters smashing up RBS and the "poor police" getting attacked by protesters in the afternoon.... they clearly just got board after standing around for hours blocking off the other streets all along the other protests and decided to come over to the peaceful camp and incite us. Please do contact British Consulate. All of our IDs were checked and information taken, it was a horrendous night to a lovely peaceful festival of people coming together from all over Europe and the world, last I knew even the brave people holding their ground in the camp were being forced out by police and at 1:00 am there were only 500 left standing ground. I don't know what else happened, but that was my experience and I'll never forget it.
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