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Governor Apologizes for Destroying California Fisheries, Reverses Position on Canal

by Dan Bacher
April 1, 2009 -- Sacramento -- In a hastily assembled press conference at the State Capitol, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger apologized for the damage he has caused the state's fisheries and contritely reversed his long standing support for a peripheral canal, according to breaking news from the California Sportfishing Protection Alliance,

Photo: the Governor apologized today for his role in the destruction of California's fish populations
Governor Apologizes for Destroying California Fisheries, Reverses Position on Canal

by Dan Bacher

In an epic conversion like that of Saint Paul of Tarsus, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger this morning apologized to the public for his role in the destruction of California's fish populations during a hastily assembled press conference at the State Capitol in Sacramento. Central Valley chinook salmon, steelhead, green sturgeon, delta smelt, longfin smelt and other fish populations are in an unprecedented state of collapse, due to massive water exports out of the California Delta and declining water quality - and Schwarzenegger vowed to do everything in his power to reverse the decline.

"I greatly apologize to recreational anglers, commercial fishermen, California Indian Tribes, environmentalists and the public for the damage that my administration's policies have caused to California fish populations," said Schwarzenegger, with tears streaming down his face. "Starting today, I will begin a new initiative to make the restoration of California's rivers, the Delta and coastal waters the number one priority of this administration."

He announced a number of immediate measures that will go in effect today. These include:

• imposing a ban on suction dredge mining on California rivers until new restrictions are developed by the DFG

• instructing the Central Valley Regional Water Control Board to adopt tough new water quality standards for agricultural dischargers

• setting up a meeting with President Obama and Warren Buffett, owner of the PacifiCorp's dams, to immediately begin dam removal on the Klamath River.

• rescinding the layoff notices of 98 Department of Fish and Game wardens and cadets

In a stunning break with his previous positions, Schwarzenegger said that his plan to construct a peripheral canal around the Delta and Temperance Flat and Sites reservoirs was ill advised and "wrong."

"The public has spoken and all of the scientific evidence indicates that building the canal and more dams would be a gigantic mistake ," he said. "I now agree with fishermen, Delta farmers, environmentalists and respected scientists that building a peripheral canal and more dams would only exacerbate the collapse of salmon, delta smelt and other fish populations. I have instead instructed the Department of Water Resources to begin mandatory water conservation in California and have issued an executive order to take drainage impaired land in the San Joaquin Valley out of production. If we are going to have a truly green state, Californians must conserve water and practice sustainable agriculture."

Schwarzenegger also announced the immediate firing of Mike Chrisman from his position as Resources Secretary and replacing him with Bill Jennings, executive director of the California Sportfishing Protection Alliance and a longtime advocate for clean water and healthy fisheries. He also ordered the resignation of Lester Snow, Director of the Department Resources, replacing him with Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, campaign coordinator for Restore the Delta.

"For too long we have had the fox guarding the hen house in our state agencies," said Schwarzenegger. "By appointing new leadership in the Resources Agency and Department of Water Resources, we will reverse the decline of our precious fish populations and will make these agencies true stewards of our public trust resources."

Schwarzenegger also announced the disbanding of the controversial Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) Blue Ribbon Task Force after years of complaints by anglers, commercial fishermen, Indian Tribes and grassroots environmentalists that the process was biased and put sustainable fishermen and seaweed harvesters out of business while not addressing the true reasons behind fishery declines.

Craig Tucker, spokesman for the Karuk Tribe, responded to Schwarzenegger's reversal of positions with surprise and jubilation. "I'm elated that the Governor has finally woken up, seen the destructive impact of his policies and vowed to restore California's salmon and other fish populations," said Tucker. "If he actually follows through with his plans, we can start calling him 'Conan the Riparian' and the 'Green Governor' rather than the 'Fish Terminator.'"

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by anonymous social permaculture advocate
I never thought I would see the day that schwarzenegger would voluntarily remove dams from the Klamath! Does anyone know which dams are up for removal and how this will affect the health of certain parts of the river?
by nwexplorer
Maybe the Governor needs to take a serious look at the waste of fisheries off shore and the abuse by the Foreign fleets. As a former Commercial Fisherman, I saw the declines happening back in the 70's and nobody did anything then. Now many years later after our oceans have been destroyed by the Draggers and Trawlers...we see the results. There is no food sources left in the oceans for the small fish to feed on when they leave the rivers.

The dams and the Small Scale Miners are an easy target because they don't have Corporations supporting them and they do the least impact of the any stream users...and it is documented by SCIENCE.

Do a survey of the tribal members from the Klamath River and very few will support the increase of power rates and loss of revenues from out of state visitors who come to spend hard earned dollars and spend a week on the rivers. Only a few of the corrupt tribal leaders are pushing for the restrictions...follow the money to see how much these leaders have received to support the Environmental Groups.

Look at which Corporations are supporting these Environmental Groups. Look at what they will receive when the Dams are removed. When all of the restrictions are in place and the Salmon still do not recover...then you will have to find someone else to blame for what the current river users are being blamed for now. When I was in Trout Unlimited...we found much of the Salmon number counts were being deliberately used to move more power to the POLITICAL AGENCIES. 29 years later and with many restrictions in place in Oregon and Washington...we still do not have the fish counts back up to where we were promised.

Someone really needs to pull their heads out of the sand and see the big picture. Only when you balance the oceans and remove the LARGE CORPORATION fishing fleets will you see improvements in the fish stocks. Currently the Canadian Fisheries are documenting the decline in Salmon Stocks as soon as they arrive in oceans which have no feed for the Salmon and other fish.

Someone please tell the Governor to stop listening to lies and taking money from Groups which claim Non Profit status and yet yield such strong political tax free power.


by suction dredge ban reduces turbidity
nwexplorer wrote;

"The dams and the Small Scale Miners are an easy target because they don't have Corporations supporting them and they do the least impact of the any stream users...and it is documented by SCIENCE."

Since most of 'nwexplorer''s comment's center around this myth, this point needs to be challenged. While overfishing salmon by commercial fleets is certainly part of the problem, a compounding factor to decrease of salmon population are the lower four Klamath dams and suction dredge mining. These compounding factors further disrupt the needed riparian habitat where salmon breed and fry remain until they have grown enough to reenter the ocean..

The lower four Klamath dams slow the river's velocity, and this stagnation causes multiple problems for the salmon before, during and after breeding. The lower water velocity trapped behind dams decreases in oxygen availability as faster moving water is able to gain dissolved oxygen from the surface and mix it into the rushing water. Oxygen content of water is also lowered from decomposing of toxic algae "Microcystin aeruginosa" that is overpopulating in the stagnant conditions behind dams. Warmer temps are another result of reservoir water being exposed at greater surface area and not moving as quckly, warmer water temps also lower oxygen content and also assist toxic algae with rapid breeding..

All these negative factors and more (restore access to tributary habitat blocked by dams) would be alleviated if the lower four Klamath dams were removed. The estimate of salmon population increase is anywhere from 3-4 times over the next few years following removal of the lower four Klamath dams, as several factors will improve simultaneously, lower water temps, increased oxygen availability and improved water velocity, and additional spawning grounds as tributaries previously blocked off will now be accessible..

If people want to talk science, there is plenty to be said. No scientist in their right mental state would support overfishing of salmon by commercial fisheries either, though science shows that many factors contribute to the decline of salmon populations. The lower fours dams on the Klamath are clearly having a disasterous effect on their river's salmon, that is beyond any doubt..

Background on dams and water quality;

"Q: How will dam removal impact Klamath water quality? Is it true that the river has always had bad water quality in the summer time?

A:While upstream water pollution (mostly excess nutrients) does play a role in Klamath water quality, the reservoirs formed by PacifiCorp's dams are responsible for very specific and very serious water quality problems.

First, the dams change a free-flowing, turbulent system into a placid lake environment, with warm and stagnant water. This allows toxic algae to flourish, and results in summer and fall releases of water with illegally high pH and low dissolved oxygen - lethal conditions for fish. Scientists have shown that the high temperatures associated with these releases can also limit salmon spawning success and egg survival. Ironically, water released from the dams in the spring is unusually cold and has been shown to slow the growth rate of juvenile salmon, making them less likely to survive to maturity and spawn.

PacifiCorp's dams also alter the shape and flow characteristics of the river downstream, which creates another set of problems. Before the Klamath was dammed, the growth of aquatic vegetation was kept in check by periodic high flows turning gravels and "roughing up" the riverbed. Sediment and gravels are now trapped behind the dams, and flows are even and carefully regulated. With small gravels long since washed downstream, and no flows large enough to turn the remaining boulders and scour the riverbed, algae and aquatic plants grow to unusually high densities. These rich algae beds create the perfect habitat for the worms that host the deadly fish parasites associated with Klamath River fish kills.

Increased water temperatures, high pH, and low dissolved oxygen combine with increased habitat for parasite hosts to create a deadly cocktail for Klamath salmon. At the root of all of these problems are PacifiCorp's Klamath River dams."

other science questions answered @;


"Major river and fishing groups including American Rivers, Trout Unlimited and the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Association have signaled their support for the deal by joining the Bush Interior Department in a letter to the California Water Resources Control Board requesting delay of the Clean Water Certification process which the dams must pass before they can be relicensed. The Clean Water Certification is widely viewed as a hurdle which PacifiCorp could not overcome because of the pollution the dams and reservoirs generate. This includes toxic algae, water temperature inhospitable to salmon and trout and low dissolved oxygen. The poor water quality has been linked to epidemics which kill young salmon and other fish in and below the reservoirs and dams."

article found @;

Suction dredge mining is harmful from excessive turbidity in smaller streams where salmon eggs may be trying to breath through their shells, the turbidity coats the shells with fine silt and suffocates the salmon in their eggs. There's really no way around this unpleasant fact either, only to restore gold panning by hand and ban suction dredging..

Am glad to hear that Arnold has come around to his senses and now supports removing the lower four Klamath dams, abandoning the peripheral canal and supports water conservation instead. Goes to show that even an Ex-Terminator actor like Arnold can use sound judgement when he discovers that his earlier scriptwriters were just favoring the whims of agribusiness and tycoons like BerkshireHathaway's Warren Buffet. We all can make mistakes and support unsound policy, the wisdom becomes apparent when we confess to our errors and regain sensible judgement for saving the ecosystem's water based habitats from exploitation by corporations..

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