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UK reports from the G20 Summit

by UK indymedia
The much anticipated G20 summit starts today on April 1, 2009. With turmoil in the banking system, a rapid plunge in employment and the popping of the housing bubble in large 1st world cities, there has been a lot of tension surrounding the agenda of this meeting.
The British press has spent days hyping up the threat of protesters and terrorists disrupting the meeting. Tens of thousands of mainstream global justice and environmental activists and demonstrators have planned major marches.

Hopefully people can link some of the breaking events from British Indymedia and other good web sites here rather than filling up the wire with each new update.
London indymedia breaking news (with photo links):

Schedule for next day:

Already, riot cops apparently are going nuts on bank protesters at the RBS Bank in downtown London. They say that CCTV cameras are being used (after it was claimed the whole system would be turned off, permitting police to get away with unfilmed violence?): video link shows shoving of crowd and police in front of bank, smoke bomb

"Protesters smashed windows at the RBS building and clambered inside.
Sky News crime correspondent Martin Brunt said he had seen police CCTV pictures of the demonstrators removing equipment and starting a small fire.

Police on foot backed up by a line of mounted officers lined up outside the branch as smoke bombs were thrown by a baying crowd. Earlier, a protester hit an officer with a large pole during large-scale protests ahead of the G20 summit of world leaders."

Guardian UK live video and newswire of events

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by .
It looks like most people moved on after the bank event. CNN International has had cameras right in the middle of action, and people were lining up and not concealing activity like breaking of the bank window, or one guy without a mask smacking a non-riot officer with a big stick in the face. CNN showed a man being held by a police officer and two of his friends tugged on him and got him back into the crowd.
photos -

Space hijackers - some protesters have dressed up as futuristic troopers with an amazing armored vehicle for April fools day. At least 10 have been arrested for impersonating police.

After a couple quiet hours where people joined the peaceful climate camp at the end of their workday, and protesters were kept pinned in to narrow streets by police, there are a few breaking reports of fires set at buildings that could be of political significance

Immigration and Appeals building

The Royal Bank of Scotland had its windows knocked out, and there was a small fire. Some people are suspicious about why the crowd was corralled next to this bank with unprotected large windows, and people weren't allowed to continue marching or leave during certain periods. The media were also lined up at this plaza, waiting to capture the inevitable attack on this bank
by .
Here is a fairly active newswire link

This photo backs up the idea that photographers were waiting by the bank for someone to break the windows- as though it were strategy for them to let that happen early in order to execute the real policing strategy of not letting people move through the streets.
by .
Protesters are blocked into an intersection, and one line has an interesting maneuver of going forward and backward into the group
by .
It's not clear if this person died due to injuries yet,21985,25278017-663,00.html
UPDATE 9.15am: A MAN has died during anti-G20 protests in London, paramedics and police have confirmed.

Witnesses said the man had fallen over near the Bank of England and was unconscious.

He stopped breathing shortly after and could not be revived, the BBC reports.

Battles between anarchists and police over 24 hours in the heart of London have seen a bank trashed, a fire started and officers attacked.

And more of the same is expected today as world leaders meet in the biggest summit of its kind since the end of World War II, to thrash out a plan to get the world out of recession.

The Metropolitan Police arrested more than 40 people mostly for what they said were "high levels of violence", as both groups engaged in standoffs outside the Bank of England, the focus for violent clashes.
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