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Indybay Feature

Friends of Tristan Anderson and Palestine Rally at Isreali Consulate in San Francisco

by Paisley Cuttlefish
Friends of Tristan Anderson and Palestine gathered today at the Israeli Consulate on Montgomery Street in San Francisco for a rally and press conference. The event was in reaction to both the life threatening injuries sustained by Tristan in Ni'ilin by the Israeli Military and the police brutality that occurred in front of the Israeli Consulate following a more heated protest on Monday, March 16th.
IMG_2001.jpgIn the early part of the rally, a provocateur exited the consulate and began agitating the crowd, interrupting the current speaker. The crowd eventually turned their backs on him, however a moment later three police officers shoved into the crowd the crowd and made an arrest of someone whom the agitator allegedly pointed out to the police as having "battery acid in his pocket", although no verbal exchange had taken place between the two individuals.

The rally continued with a medium level of very tight police presence for the next hour, while a small gathering of Zionists counter protested across the street. Unfortunately, the planned broadcast of the footage of Tristan's injury and the Monday police brutality was cancelled due to technical difficulties. The speakers were difficult to hear due to police prohibiting the use of their amplifier claiming it was too many watts.

The police were preparing to cite and release the detained as the rally ended.








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by .
A webpage said his condition was worsening this weekend, largely due to inflammation and pneumonia. Have they been able to control that?

When people suffer loss of functions such as hearing or motor control when catching diseases like West Nile virus, scarlet fever, really bad flu etc, this usually results from brain swelling or meningitis. He's in this good hospital in Israel so I hope they are able to control it.
by adendum
I only saw one guy, with the US and Israeli flags.

someone called out to him that he was missing the old Afrikaner South African flag. I thought that was funny
by Agitator
"made an arrest of someone whom the agitator allegedly pointed out to the police as having "battery acid in his pocket", although no verbal exchange had taken place between the two individuals." NOT TRUE.

The individual, Loren Y., threw coffee at me in front of at least 5 police officers who were watching, I immediately yelled that I was going to press charges for battery and so they arrested him. There was arguing going on between me and the group about the plight of the Palestinian people compared to the genocide in Darfur (I was upset that they were busy dealing with Israel when there is an actual genocide going on in Darfur). If you provide a video you can hear the conversation loud and clear.

The only true statement you made about the incident is that no verbal exchanged took place between Loren and I. Nobody ever mentioned 'battery acid.' Loren "sucker-punched" me with a cup of coffee. That is called battery, and that is what he was arrested for, not for having 'battery acid.'
by I don't buy it, Agitator
I've gotten to know the defendant i.e. the unjustly accosted over a period of time through my own activist activities. Based on my personal experience of the accosted, the situation depicted by Agitator (who is at least honest enough to call himself what he is, if he indeed is who he purports to be) simply is not plausible.

As for Agitator's remarks about Darfur: the genocide in Palestine -- ongoing for decades -- is every bit as much genocide as what is going on in Sudan. Less people are involved because of the relative difference in size of the populations affected; but genocide is genocide.

There is also genocide going on within the U.S. (indeed the U.S. would never have existed much less prospered apart from genocidal policies and practices). Who fills our jails? Which U.S. residents are being systematically deprived of meaningful opportunities to prosper -- much less earn a living by legal means? Who suffers disproportionate punishment for crimes -- real or alleged -- of relatively minor import, even while other segments of the population (the white, wealthy and well-connected) are more or less immune from criminal prosecution, no matter how socially destructive their own acts?

by Now Agitated
He threw coffee at me. Situation not "plausible." You sound like Johnny Cochran but act like Arafat. You defend the guilty and you pursue the Jews.

"the genocide in Palestine -- ongoing for decades -- is every bit as much genocide as what is going on in Sudan." You are either clinically insane, an anti-Semite, or you just hate the people who are being killed in Africa, pick one.

by .
There are differences. I wish people would pay attention to other slaughters in places US corporations are helping enable. This would include mortalities in the Congo over coltan mining, deprivation in Indonesia where we helped the gov't kill all the leftists and our companies have factories, assistance to the right-wing in Mexico, decades of meddling in central america, poverty in Haiti where the US took over from the french in continually undermining their democracy etc.
However, fighting in Darfur is financially assisted by China, who are propping up the arab gov't which is kicking the subsaharan africans out. The US doesn't really play much of a role there.

In this case, the rally was about Tristan Anderson, a local who a lot of people know. It wasn't about comparative atrocities
by I don't buy it, Agitator (Kim is my name)
I neither defend the "gulity" nor "pursue" the Jews. (For whatever it's worth, some of my own ancestors were evidently Jewish. Indeed, one of these ancestors appears to have changed his name, upon immigrating to the U.S., to conceal the fact that he was Jewish [perhaps to avoid being ethnically or culturally profiled]).

I do object, however, to 1) genocide, 2) rationalizations offered in support of genocide, and 3) spurious moral equivocations.

I assure you that I am neither clinically insane, nor an anti-Semite, nor a hater of the people upon whom genocide is being committed in Sudan -- or in other African nations afflicted by wars and proxy wars typically carried out to further the hegemonic and mercenary interests of the U.S., Europe, Israel and/or others.

Spin my words as you wish. Your effort is transparent and lacking in foundation.
I agree with ask China, who writes: "I wish people would pay attention to other slaughters in places US corporations are helping enable. This would include mortalities in the Congo over coltan mining, deprivation in Indonesia where we helped the gov't kill all the leftists and our companies have factories, assistance to the right-wing in Mexico, decades of meddling in central america, poverty in Haiti where the US took over from the french in continually undermining their democracy etc."
by @
sorry to interrupt this fascinating dialogue about proper use of the term genocide or immenentizing the eschaton or whatever, but did yall notice theres a picture in there of the popo looking at some polaroids? y'all don't suppose they might be looking for some certain individuals, eh?

certain individuals, lets try and not get spotted by them flics.

agitator, if you are the fool i think you are, you straight came out the embassy, held your arms above your head in some self congratualtory wanker pose, and announced to everyone within earshot "I'm moving to Isreal! I'm gonna join the IDF! Go me!" or some such bullshit. you then stood behind a barricade and heckeled a speaker. Well let me ask you, when you're in the IDF and one of your homies gets hurt, and all your buddies are kicking it together and thinking about him, how would you feel if some loudmouth twat waltzed out of some building and declared "I'm gonna join Hamas! Go me!" you guys would probably be kinda pissed right? as far as I'm concerned, given how upset everyone present was over the condition of our friend, and the nature of your remarks, you should count yourself fortunate that you got out of there with only a little coffee on your shirt.

point is, when people are seriously hurt like that, you should put away your loudmouth political jingoism and have a little compassion. seriously have some fucking empathy dude.
by cp
Good observation. I totally didn't think about the photos in their hand, when I glanced at that picture.

During the late 2002 to 2005 anti-Iraq occupation demonstration period (in a way, so long ago), there were incidents where the police department clearly had to be working from a photosheet. Basically, there would be huge rallies of 30,000+, and even over 100,000 people on Market street. But there were assemblies on the day of major bombing in Iraq, and smaller marches by the immigration building. Sometimes random people were nabbed based on being remembered in footage of them jaywalking during the last rally. In one case, they arrested someone and silently released them from Bryant street after realizing it wasn't the person in the photo.
by sadie
So, agitator, what are YOU doing about Darfur? what actions have you taken? Or do you only speak out about Darfur as a way to shut up people who are criticizing Israel? How opportunist.

the fact that the situation in Darfur is horrible and disturbing does not mean that what Israel is doing to Palestinians is ok. The fact that sexism exists doesn't mean people shouldn't struggle against homophobia. If you actually give a shit aobut the people of Darfur, please organize around that, because as it stands based on your actions, you are using the people of Darfur and their struggles as a prop, as a tool, and that's really fucked up.

Also? You're basically celebrating that our friend is struggling for his life? that says an awful lot about you.
by Paisley Cuttlefish
You pop in on our rally, with meager knowledge at best as to why we chose to congregate, make some noise at us, get one of our friends arrested for throwing coffee on (at?) you, and, thankfully disappear. You then reappear here, making comments on a news article that have absolutely nothing to do with its subject matter, save for the fact that you feel personally attacked by the mere mention of your disturbance of our rally. You don't bring any valid points to the table, are not making any viable arguments, and are just a distraction to people from the issue at hand.

Your comments are not being deleted because they are not anti-Zionist. Don't be so absurd. You're comments are being deleted because they are flippant, ignorant and insulting. Furthermore, calling someone an "anti Zionist" because they don't support what Israel is doing militarily is laughable at best. That's like calling someone unpatriotic because they don't support the U.S. war in Iraq, another common error.

You say, "The only solution to the Darfur genocide is through the military." Ok, I don't agree with you here, but even if I did, what the heck does that have to do with the subject matter of this article? Please draw the line for me as I'm clearly am baffled by your logic here. Something bad happening should be ignored because you propose something even worse is going on somewhere else? We're heartless jerks for having a rally around our friend Tristan who is fighting to live, because we could be doing something about the situation in Darfur for that one hour out of that Thursday? I will echo that you are being an opportunist.

And what exactly is it that YOU do that makes you so superior, I wonder? Answering with "I'm joining the IDF" is not a sufficient answer. I mean, really, joining the Israeli Military? Really? When you fall apart like a delicate flower when someone throws a little coffee at you? Please.

Though you can take heart in knowing that joining the IDF will mean terrorizing poor farming communities and protesters throwing rocks and whatnot.

But I digress. If you don't have anything relevant or constructive to say about the subject at hand, then scamper off please.

To @: Thank you! I was waiting for someone to make a comment on that cop with the Polaroids! That's why I took the picture. I'm just sad I didn't have my good camera on me to get nicer photos. Next time...
by if you think killing babies is funny
it says a lot aobut a person that they'd be proudly anticipating becoming part of an organization like this one:
by Moshe Cohen
Im so tired of websites that allows posts by racists to stay. Its good that Indybay does not see any difference between Zionists, anti-emigrants, and Nazis. Its refreshing to have a website that is a safe space from all those racists.
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