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Indybay Feature

No Justice No BART Keeps the Heat on BART at Rockridge Station, Oakland, 3/19/09: video

by dave id
No Justice No BART chose the BART station in the upscale Rockridge neighborhood for their second demonstration. They are holding a series of actions seeking full accountability for those responsible for the abuse and murder of Oscar Grant, including those involved in the subsequent cover-up attempts. No Justice No BART hopes to see you and all the friends you can bring at their next stop, MacArthur BART...
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(video 20:04)

Photos from the Rockridge action:

NJNB's first action at the Fruitvale Station, 3/5/09:

NJNB's next action: MacArthur BART, Thursday, April 2nd at 4pm

This coming Monday there will be a Rally at the Preliminary Hearing in Mehserle's Murder Case:
Mehserle is scheduled to have a preliminary hearing starting at 9am Monday, aimed at determining if there's enough evidence to order for him to stand trial. Charges could be reduced or dropped. There will be a rally at the courthouse held by the BAMN coalition.
March 23, 12pm, Rene C. Davidson Courthouse, 1225 Fallon St, Oakland, CA‎
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by klimber
thanks everyone for coming out to the stations and rising up, standing strong against injustice. KNOW that you have many others that wish they could be there with you..., and that you represent many more.

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