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Oakland activist Tristan Anderson hospitalized in West Bank clash

by a
The Israeli military says an American man has been critically wounded in a clash between protesters and Israeli troops over Israel's West Bank separation barrier. Protesters said one of their colleagues, Tristan Anderson from the Oakland, California-area, was hit in the head with a tear gas canister Friday. (contains 3 articles)
Oakland Man Shot by Israeli Forces in West Bank (from

NI'LIN VILLAGE, West Bank, Palestine - March 13 - An American citizen has been critically injured in the village of Ni'lin after Israeli forces shot him in the head with a tear-gas canister.

Tristan Anderson from Oakland, California, USA, 37 years old, is being taken to the Israeli hospital Tel Hashomer, near Tel Aviv. Anderson is unconscious and has been bleeding heavily from the nose and mouth. He sustained a large hole in his forehead where he was struck by the canister.

"The Israeli soldiers were standing on the hill looking over us firing tear-gas canisters straight into the crowd,” reported Ulrika Jenson, an International Solidarity Movement volunteer from Sweden. “Tristan was hit and fell to the ground. He had a large hole in the front of his head and his brain was visible. I tried to stop the bleeding, but he was bleeding heavily from the head, nose and mouth.”

Tristan Anderson was shot as Israeli forces attacked a demonstration against the construction of the annexation wall through the village of Ni'lin's land. Another resident from Ni'lin was shot in the leg with live ammunition.

"Tristan was shot by the new tear-gas canisters that can be shot up to 500 meters,” stated Teah Lunqvist, another ISM volunteer from Sweden. “I ran over as I saw someone had been shot, while the Israeli forces continued to fire tear-gas at us. When an ambulance came, the Israeli soldiers refused to allow the ambulance through the checkpoint just outside the village. After 5 minutes of arguing with the soldiers, the ambulance passed."

The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) is a Palestinian-led movement committed to resisting the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land using nonviolent, direct-action methods and principles. Founded by a small group of activists in August, 2001, ISM aims to support and strengthen the Palestinian popular resistance by providing the Palestinian people with two resources, international protection and a voice with which to nonviolently resist an overwhelming military occupation force.

American man severely hurt in clash with Israeli military during West Bank unrest

By Associated Press
12:20 PM EDT, March 13, 2009

JERUSALEM (AP) — The Israeli military says an American man has been critically wounded in a clash between protesters and Israeli troops over Israel's West Bank separation barrier.

Protesters said one of their colleagues, Tristan Anderson from the Oakland, California-area, was hit in the head with a tear gas canister Friday.

The military had no details on how the injury occurred.

The protest took place in the Palestinian town of Naalin, the scene of frequent clashes against Israel's West Bank separation barrier. The barrier runs through farmland belonging to the town.

The military says the area is a closed military zone and has banned demonstrations.

It said demonstrators hurled rocks at troops, who used riot gear to quell the unrest.

US national badly hurt in anti-fence protest

International Solidarity Movement reports one of its members, Tristan Anderson, injured in his head by tear gas canister during left-wing activists' rally at West Bank village of Naalin. IDF says incident being looked into

Ynet reporters
Published: 03.13.09, 18:37 / Israel News

An American national was seriously injured Friday during a rally against the separation fence being built in the West Bank village of Naalin, apparently after being hit by a tear gas canister.

The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) identified the man injured as Tristan Anderson, 37, of California. He was rushed to the Chaim Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer for medical treatment.

The Israel Defense Forces Spokesperson's Office confirmed the report, adding that the incident was being looked into.

The army also said that some 400 left wing Israeli, Palestinian and foreign activists had arrived at the area while violating a closed military area order, and that some of them, who were veiled, had hurled stones at the security forces, who responded with crowd dispersal means.

Ulrika Jenson, a Swedish left-wing activist who was at the rally, said that "the IDF soldier stood on the hill and watched the protestors. They fired tear gas canisters at us. Anderson was hit by one of the canisters and collapsed on the floor, with a big hole in the middle of his forehead. I tried to stop the blood until the ambulance got there, but it was nearly impossible."

'There was no reason to fire at them'

Jonathan Polack, a left-wing activist who is sitting by Anderson's bedside at the hospital, said that the American man was unconscious and expected to undergo surgery in his head in the coming hours.

Polack also said that the protestors clashed with the soldiers, but noted that "the firing incident took place inside the village and not next to the fence. There were clashed in the earlier hours, but he wasn't part of them. He didn't throw stones and wasn’t standing next to the stone throwers.

"There was really no reason to fire at them. The Dutch girl standing next to him was not hurt. It only injured him, like a bullet."

Last Friday saw four people lightly injured in Naalin. According to Palestinian sources, the four were hurt during the weekly protest against the separation fence's route. The demonstrators managed to reach the work area and caused damage to part of the fence being built in the area.

IDF soldiers and Border Guard officers responded with crowd dispersal means. According to the Palestinians, they also used live ammunition against the protestors. The IDF said that the demonstrators had hurled stones at the security forces and that those injured were the rally's leaders.

The Palestinians claimed that a 10-year-old child was injured in his back, and that a Swedish demonstrator was hit by a tear gas canister which hit her directly in the stomach.

Ali Waked, Efrat Weiss, Liron Sinay and Meital Yasur-Beit Or contributed to this report
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by IMCista
hang in there
by compa
¡amor y rabia!
by IMICista
Here's a video of Tristan speaking at an anti-war DASW housing action in SF in 2004. He speaks about having personally been in Iraq before the SF police break up the demonstration:


Tristan has been a regular contributor to Indybay over the years.

The link below highlights many of those postings, although the list will also include some unrelated posts with the name "Tristan" in them.

Look for the ones that say, "by Tristan" first.
by k.
this shit is leaving me speechless.
love from oakland.
fuck the idf.
by sadie
Monday morning?
by tomkat
my thoughts and prayers are with you, buddy
by solidarity
Que seas fuerte en este tiempo de dolor. Estas en nuestras pensamientos, acciones y corazones.
abrazos combativos compa.

For Immediate Release

13th Friday 2009, Ni'lin Village: An American citizen has been
critically injured in the village of Ni'lin after Israeli forces shot
him in the head with a tear-gas canister.

Tristan Anderson from California USA, 37 years old, is currently being
taken to Israeli hospital Tel Hashomer, near Tel Aviv. Anderson is
unconscious and has been bleeding heavily from the nose and mouth. He
sustained a large hole in his forehead where he was struck by the

"The Israeli soldiers were standing on the hill looking over us firing
tear-gas canisters straight into the crowd. Tristan was hit and fell
to the ground. He had a large hole in the front of his head and his
brain was visible. I tried to stop the bleeding, but he was bleeding
heavily from the head, nose and mouth." Ulrika Jenson (Sweden) -
International Solidarity Movement

"Tristan was shot by the new tear-gas canisters that can be shot up to
500m. I ran over as I saw someone had been shot, while the Israeli
forces continued to fire tear-gas at us. When an ambulance came, the
Israeli soldiers refused to allow the ambulance through the checkpoint
just outside the village. After 5 minutes of arguing with the
soldiers, the ambulance passed." Teah Lunqvist (Sweden) -
International Solidarity Movement


Ulrika Jenson (English and Swedish) - +972 598 521 158
Teah Lunqvist (English and Swedish) - +972 598 531 036
ISM Media Office - 02-297 1824 or +972 598 503 948

The International Solidarity Movement (ISM)
is a Palestinian-led non-violent resistance movement committed to
ending Israel's illegal occupation of Palestinian land. We call for
full compliance with all relevant UN resolutions and international

For specific media inquires such as interview requests, photo usage,
etc. please email the ISM Media Office at media [at]

Other sources are now reporting the following related details:
Ulrika Jenson, an International Solidarity Movement activist, said troops fired tear gas canisters into the crowd from a hill above.

"Tristan was hit and fell to the ground," Jenson was quoted as saying in an ISM statement. "He had a large hole in the front of his head, and his brain was visible."

Why the protests?
"Ni'lin was 57,000 dunums in 1948, reduced to 33,000 dunums in 1967, currently the town’s land is 10,000 dunums and will be 7,500 dunums after the construction of the Wall."

"Ahmed Mousa (10) was shot in the forehead with live ammunition on 29th July 2008. The following day, Yousef Amira (17) was shot twice with rubber-coated steel bullets, leaving him brain dead. He died a week later on 4 August 2008. Arafat Rateb Khawaje (22), was the third Ni’lin resident to be killed by Israeli forces. He was shot in the back with live ammunition on 28 December 2008. That same day, Mohammed Khawaje (20), was shot in the head with live ammunition, leaving him brain dead. He died three days in a Ramallah hospital."
by Frisk
Hang in there Tristan. Thoughts are with you.
by CG
Tristan, I am praying that what they can do for you is enough. I am praying that your will is just as strong as your sense of justice. I am praying that the Universe believes you are still needed here...
Come on Tristan. Oakland is praying for you...
by Monikat
We love you, Tristan. We're all thinking about you and sending energy your way.
by Horus
Sending you love and energy. I can't wait to see you back home smiling and full of life.
by tristan's friend
What can we do to help Tristan? Can someone with a paypal account set up a blog to accept donations for his family?
by Chris Crass
Tristan, you have been a constant source of joy, passion and humor in your work for peace and justice. You are in so many of our thoughts and prayers. You have always been tenacious, coming in and out of places made dangerous by imperialism and war, and I believe in your tenacity for healing now.
by me
Those of who know Tristan, know what a wonderful person he is-- not the fuckin media caricature that we are about to be hit over the head with.

Hang in there Tristan.

by saddened and angry
everywhere he went, he was supporting justice for the people
by cam
I remember your glowing face reassuring me as we headed into the streets.
It was always good to see you keeping it real.
I saw your face on the news and was hoping it wasn't you...

may all the spirits, ancestors and gods be with you...
by Herman
My thoughts are with you!
by irlandeso
Tristan is a very well loved person. He shares his love all the time, with folks all over the world, in so many acts of solidarity he is involved in. Its very weird to write this cause I know that Tristan has had such a big impact on me over the years. I was in his affinity group in Seattle, got to ride bikes through the Emeryville Ikea with him during Mass once, and he even saved my life at least once that I remember...

In January I saw him at a Gaza solidarity rally in SF and got to talk about the times we have shared through the years.

If anyone can survive it will be Tristan, and if somehow he isn't able to come out of this...

He will live in the hearts, minds, and struggles of people the world over...I know he lives in mine

much love, in struggle...
by Rafael
Standing with you, every moment of this time. I've seen you give yourself to the people for decades, and will always admire you for that.
by timechasr
This Yahoo group is for people who not only wish Tristan Anderson a speedy recovery and might want to offer or receive updates about his condition, but it is also for people who admire him, thank him, recognize him for his bravery, appreciate his activism and contributions to peace, justice, and environmental protection, and for those who recognize that the world would be a much better place if there were more people like Tristan Anderson.

by bazlamb (whosbarry [at] )
last night i got home and found out a close fried of mine (Tristen Anderson) was shot in the head. in all my hole day shattered it had been a good day for me. tristen brother I send you my love and healing energy. I have seen you as a strong loving being willing to risk youself for the the love of others and a healthy disrespect for the beings in this world that hurt and destroy love get well man and bring gabby home safe we all love you man!!!!
by Giovanni
The affinity with Nazi's is more apt to the racist nationalist policies of the Israeli govt., in particular the ideology of Zionism, which has a variant which is fascistic, and always had been; this is all the more apparently when we look at not so hidden ethnic cleaning policies it continues to fuel.

But, I have no doubt regarding some real anti-semitism that is in fact created by Zionism--as its the flip side of the same coin; it in fact creates Anti-Semitic, as a reaction to Zionism, esp. as interpreted and practiced by the State of Israel, which then uses that to continue. Just like the US creating terrorism, that it uses for its war on terror, perpetuating the dynamic. Also, recall that the early Zionists did work openly with the fascists and Nazis.

One thing is clear: the worst thing to have happened to the Jewish People aside from Holocaust, was the creation of the State of Israel. If something major does not change soon to stop their crazy actions, they are really going to self-destruct.

True, there are thousands of Israelis citizens who spoke out and protested the illegal and murderous attacks of their government on the people of Gaza. I know there are citizens who refuse to serve in the military, in the Palestinian Occupied Territories, since that is an illegal and brutal occupation. There were also protests of many Jewish people in the US against the State-Terrorism of Israel.

However, having said that, its true and sad that most polls show that most of Israeli citizens actually support their governments actions, at least with their latest attack on Gaza. But this is not unique; most Germans supported their governments aggressive and racists wars during the Nazi regime, and most Americans supported Bush's illegal invasion of Iraq at the time. So, most people are sheep and manipulated, but in the eventually the criminals are exposed as such and lose support. Israel has already lost support of most of the world.
Israeli society needs to be shaken up so they can rejoin humanity, as currently its a bastion of reaction supported by the leader of the imperialist pack, the US.
by Doctor Zoidberg

For another, NONcorporate media report (from the people who were with him at the protest), please see:
Thanks, and let us hope for the best.
by soul
Dear Tristan and Gabby,
Our collective Prayers and Love float to you surrounded by BlueStarDust, taking both of you our Deep Respect and Appreciation for All you continue to give the World..
Aye such sweet fertilizer of Dissent....
I Love YOU my Dear Tristan, my Brother in Battle. Love and Light..
Gabby we are there with you both NOW!!!!!

Sincerely, Soul (Berkeley/Oakland.Ca.)
In Solidarity, Struggle and PEACE

by Priya Warcry
When I heard about Tristan, I hoped, "it isn't my friend Tristan..." but it was. It was our friend after all, who was shot in the head. I pretty much knew it had to be our friend as there are not too many Tristans around who always wanted to be where the fight against injustice was taking place. Like Brad Will, who was like my brother, Tristan and others like him cannot remain spectators as the slaughter unfolds and repression grows more painful and unrelentingly ugly.

Tristan reminded me of an electron... so bouncy... he just couldn't stay in one place.... and he always seemed so damn sparkly and happy. I didn't seem him too often, but I would see Tristan surface at various gatherings to protest abusive power - whether it was corporate exploitation or State brutality. Like Brad, Tristan wanted to be with people who were fighting for dignity against dehumanizing conditions and fighting for sheer survival... like people in Gaza are forced to.

How can one respond to yet another cold blooded IDF murder of a defenseless unarmed peaceful young beautiful big hearted person like Tristan? Another victim of IDF snipers was Tom Hurndall from the U.K who ended up with a bullet in his head, as he was leading children to safety. Tristan - who like Rachel Corrie, from Olympia, Washington, was targeted by the IDF crushed to death by an Israeli bulldozer at the age of 23.

It is easy to stay at home and be comfortable and not speak out against injustice and make disgusting comments as people have about Tristan, calling him a "thrill seeker" etc., for actually doing something to make the world a better place. These despicable comments reveal more about the commenter than they do about Tristan. It seems that some people feel threatened when we see Palestinians as actual human beings instead of animals in a slaughterhouse.

Tristan unselfishly took time out of his life to speak on the behalf of the terrorized Palestinians... He will be remembered for not forgetting the victims of Israeli terror in Gaza. He will be known for the courage and compassion whereas so many others are just known for their devolution of humanity. "Only the good die young" is not just cliche. It seems to be true. Oh why do the hideous evil soulless scum live forever? What a cruel joke.

The question is not whether Israel is insane. The pathology of the victim turned abuser is quite clear. Patrick Seale’s essays’s on Israel as a rogue psychotic state are particularly worthy of reading. The question before us is simply - how can Israel be stopped from its "holocaust in the making" (Richard Falk/UN Human Rights Official) and there is much blame to go around. The U.S and Israel are tag team terrorists (by any working definition of the word "terrorism".) The U.K and Europe are also have blood on their hands, not just for their current apathy but for their historical role in creating Israel and displacing the Palestinians.

There is much more to say about the situation but for now... we choke back our tears for another beloved fallen comrade whose bravery and sacrifice will live on...

Many of us watched in muted horror as Israel began its campaign against defenseless civilians in Gaza after Christmas... powerless to stop the slaughter... and the bodies piled up and the blood ran in the street. How to stop this level of psychosis? Those of us with working human hearts could see right past Israel's transparent rhetoric about "self-defense" and pathetic defense that it was "only killing terrorists." During and following Israel's killing spree, we were appalled by some people's knee jerk reactions here, to defend the massacres and war crimes in Gaza... the brainwashed, pro-war, racist, murderous minded who are apparently crawling all over the place like fascist insects... and what an infestation it is. It has also become clear to me that it is wholly unproductive to argue with these types. It is far more useful to save your energy and help those who need it most… the traumatized and starving refugees in the Occupied Territories. Save your energy to stop Israel’s reign of terror.

If you have massacre hundreds of women and children, you are not to be reasoned with. There is no point in using rationale and logic with cold blooded murderers. This conflict has moved way beyond argument and reason. As the saying goes, “do not negotiate with terrorists!”

At least you were not one of them Tristan. You tried to tell/show the truth about our world… and lived from your heart... and I pray you will continue to my dear friend. Thank you for doing what so many of us did not - which is go to Gaza. Like Brad Will did in Oaxaca, Tristan expressed his solidarity with the hunted terrorized people in the killing fields of Gaza in the most direct way... by going to them.

You will reap what you sow Israel. Your inhumanity will be your downfall.

by Jason Justice
New "Solidarity with Tristan & Palestine" flyers, posters and picket signs are available to download and reproduce.
by Priya Warcry
I am SORRY! I didn't mean to seem like I was speaking in the past tense... Tristan going to pull thru... cause he's one tough motherfucker! The IDF must know that what they did to Tristan will only bring more attention to their insane violence towards civilians. Not that they care...

Thanks for being positive. We will organize a solidarity rally in NYC too!

Id like to add one more thing. People talk about Israel/Palestine like there are two sides to the conflict... and technically there are... but its like a lynching. While, yes, there are technically two sides, one side has all the power - and the other side has none and are at the mercy of the oppressor who not incidentally justifies his oppression in moralistic rhetoric, and terms and rational sounding justifications.

When you deconstruct language - you see the blood covered ape, fangs bared feeding on the defenseless... and no matter how much it kills, its never enough to satisfy its insatiable appetite for more... Israel does not want peace. It wants total domination by any means necessary... be they genocidal, or nuclear... and they have made no secret of their objectives. Not too far from Israel, the U.S has been doing the same thing in Iraq for how many years now?

Again, how to stop this level of State terrorism?

by Priya Warcry
empty despair

a beautiful life - a universe unto himself
by that which destroys
all life

there is no price for your joy
the cost
paid in blood

IDF snipers take aim
and shoot
whomever they choose
whenever they want

After Tristan was taken away
the children chased after the army with slingshots


be free

by MIchael
Jesus Rages At What Zionists Are Doing To The World
by another witness
What a devastating tragedy for a peaceable man of conscience - Healing Love to Tristen and his family.

There is not much that escapes Israeli intelligence & technology - they probably did know where Tristen was from and are sending the same kind of message to the international activist community that Israel has been sending to the Palestinians for 50 years. The new high velocity tear gas canisters make 'mistakes' even easier don't they. There are never consequences for Israel - no monies withheld, no army officials prosecuted , the eternal musical chairs of the criminals who make up the Israeli government will continue - despite the ordering of massacres & assassinations.

The children of the US will continue to learn from 4th grade up about the Jewish holocaust as if it is the only one that has occurred in human history. Thus sealing their reaction in adulthood to protect and pay for one of the biggest military forces on the earth as if it is a vulnerable, victimized nation. Then parrot a political analysis of ; 'both sides are equally responsible for 'the conflict', how 'complex the situation is' and give unquestioning permission for Israel's right to a policy of assassinations ,massacres and genocide in order to 'defend' itself.

This is all connected questions about our country - Why is the first african- american president of America not allowing US representation at the international forum on racism? What is happening to OUR chance to redeem ourselves as a nation at home and abroad ?
by Giovanni
Glad to see that sickening pro-Israeli fascist's taunts removed from here, the opposite of the kind of human being Tristan is. Glad to hear the reports of his positive progress! Many here knew Tristan better than I did, but as a fellow Bay Area activist, I knew he was passionately involved in many important struggles for justice, with the world at heart and really shined as a passionate human being. I'm really saddened to see this kindred ally go through this... I didn't know he had gone to the west bank, but shows where his heart was: with the people,with the oppressed, against the more blatant form of injustice going on in our times today.

My first concern is for Tristan to get better and be safe, but there should be an investigation and that those responsible for what they did face justice. The IDF always claims "stone throwing," even when the protest is of completely peaceful civilians. And, they always aim for the upper body, or the crowd--to hit people directly. This is illegal! Those that do this should be in jail! See the video below as an example of the exact type of violence perpetrated on Tristan.

This video was also a protest about the separation wall where the IDF claimed rock throwing, etc, --and they aimed tear gas and rubber bullets to the upper part of the body at close ranges. Then, like now, it hit a civilian activist in the head,who later suffered brain damage. The rock throwing was a lie, parroted by the media (same as in this case).

As long as the Israeli govt. continues to allow its security forces to commit these crimes with impunity, our comrades--and the people---will continue to suffer. But not in vain. We will ramp up our struggle for a better world and call out those who enable these anti-human policies, such as the US which continues with financial and political support, Hero's like Tristan are inspirations, and we have a duty to do what we can to help him and his just cause, and shame those who continue to give support to the modern day Nazis that Israel has become, and support the Palestinian people, who are the modern day Jews facing a racist killing machine bent on ethnic cleaning.

A telling video I mentioned:

There is a protest in San Francisco Monday at the Israeli embassy. Make it if you can!
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