From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

PVUSD Board Meeting

Wednesday, March 04, 2009
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Event Type:
Location Details:
Ann Soldo Elementary School
1140 Menaso Drive
Watsonville, CA

Keep the cuts away from the classroom!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
7:00pm - 10:00pm

Teachers, nurses, classified workers, parents, and students! Come to the last meeting before the board votes on the cuts to next year's contract.

Let the board know that it is UNACCEPTABLE to make cuts to the classroom while not making significant cuts to administration and district office positions. On the line are:

Elimination of ALL district nurses.
Elimination of class size reduction at the K-3 grade levels (bringing maximum class size up from 20 to 30 per class)
Elimination of Librarians and other classified staff
Dramatic cuts and in some cases elimination of sports programs in the middle and high schools

PVUSD has a teacher per administrator ratio of 10 to 1 and are threatening to raise class size to 30 to 1, laying off a possible 100 teachers for the next school year. The cuts need to come from the TOP, the farthest away from the students as possible. Come show your support at the meeting tomorrow, wear your union shirt, and speak up against these cuts.

The state budget is bad, but that doesn't give the PVUSD board the right to protect their cushy contracts at the expense of the teachers and students.

If you wish to address the board, please complete blue speaker card at the beginning of each meeting. Finish up your comments with the new and improved PVUSD acronym:

Please Value Us, Superintendent Dorma!
Added to the calendar on Wed, Mar 4, 2009 3:26PM
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