Should Economic Stimulus Bill Include Billions for Nuclear Power?
The Senate bill includes a proposed $50 billion in federal loan guarantees that would likely go to nuclear power and liquid coal technologies. The amount is just a fraction of what the nuclear power industry is seeking—last year the industry asked Congress for $122 billion in loan guarantees in order to build 21 new nuclear reactors.
No nuclear plant has been built in the United States since the meltdown at Three Mile Island in 1979. Critics of the proposal question the safety of nuclear energy and doubt the federal loan guarantees would provide much of an immediate stimulus to the economy. But supporters of nuclear energy say nuclear should be viewed as a clean, safe and emissions-free source of power.
We are joined now by two guests. In the early 1970s both were prominent members of the anti-nuclear movement but today they take opposing views on the future of nuclear energy. Harvey Wasserman is an independent journalist and longtime anti-nuclear activist. In the early 1970s he helped found the grassroots movement against nuclear power in the United States and helped coin the phrase “No Nukes.” He joins us from his home in Ohio via videostream.
Patrick Moore is a co-founder and former leader of Greenpeace. He now serves as co-chair of the pro-nuclear Clean and Safe Energy (CASE) Coalition. He joins us in Boston.
Harvey Wasserman, Independent journalist and longtime anti-nuclear activist. In the early 1970s he helped found the grassroots movement against nuclear power in the United States.
Patrick Moore, co-chair of the pro-nuclear Clean and Safe Energy Coalition. He is founder of the organization Green Spirit. In the 1970s he was one of the founding members of Greenpeace.
LISTEN ONLINECoal, gas, oil, and atomic energy is destroying the planets livability and therefore the last forty-five years of ecological green revolution has brought into being the hi-tech tools to put in place wind, tidal, and solar power which transforms to electiricity and is more power than can be used by society. No more blackouts. This non-pollution solution is given freely in natures kinder laws and provides work for all and forever more. Viva social liberation. End polllutin wars not endless wars for more pollution.
The truth be known that nuclear power is a failed technology of the twentieth century in that it does horrendous damage to the ecological balances of life, plants, animals, and people, air, land and water. Its a pollution that is extraordinary in that it lasts for thousands of years and literally destroys as it goes. They simply put cannot contain it and have done measurably damage to the natural world, and it is dangerous in any community that it radiates in.
Solar energy is as new as the present and as ancient as time itself. It should be understood that the lies that it is too small to produce all the energy needed in each and every country is foolish, for that is just what it does each and every day of the year. Solar energy works in solidarity with all the living organic world and causes life to flourish day in and day out. If put on the roofs of the nation and along pipelines from the ocean it could provide all power in the home and fresh water from the oceans for irrigation and drinking. A true return to the garden of Eden. Just put in a saline plant and solar batteries and suck the water out of the ocean, into a saline plant, drop the salt out then exit the water into pipelines with solar batteries along the entire length from beginning to end. Merchant ships comming to port could plug in with series of electric motors and charge up for next destinations, etc. Railways could be supported with electric trains and solar batteries along the entire length of the rails, etc. This technology is reletively new and is a product of the first industrial revoluton and is in line with the trade union safety committees that have been asking for no pollution solutions since their inception as they were tired of dying young with black lung etc. Without sun on the earth life would die fast. All of which proves we that livability needs it now and forever. Coal is the dirtyiest of the fossil fuels and ought to be left in the ground so the miners can walk in the sun and mine the sun's energy without fear of early sickness and death. That was the original purpose of the unions , to improve living and working conditions.
Obama has designated 50 Billion for nuclear power plants. That is technology that deeply pollutes all life and doesn't go away for thousands of years, as such it is a failed technology and that 50 Billion should be used to re-tool to the renewables that have a proven record of no pollution solution. He should make the change now with support from the people before a huge mistake is made and the country ends up in a worst mess that it already is in.
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