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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

Oscar Grant: Killer Cop Granted Release: Emergency Action Statewide

Monday, February 02, 2009
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Event Type:
Location Details:
OAKLAND: 4:00PM - Rally at Rene C. Davidson Courthouse (12th St. + Oak, near 12th St. Oakland City Center BART)

UC-BERKELEY: 12:00PM - Rally at Sather Gate/Sproul Plaza (near Bancroft + Telegraph)

UC-RIVERSIDE: Details will be posted soon.

UC-SANTA BARBARA: 12:30PM - Meet at the Arbor. Wear red!

UCLA: 12:00PM - Press Conference, Bruin Plaza, Meet at the Bear

* Demand an independent public investigation of Oscar Grant's murder.
* Announce our public tribunal to conduct an independent community based investigation of what happened New Year's night
* Demand the jailing of all the killer cops - including Johannes Mehserle, Tony Pirone, Marysol Domenici, J. Woffinden
* Demand the disarming of the BART police, and BART police out of Oakland
* Demand that all the charges against the protesters be dropped

If you are organizing an action in your area, please comment on the Wall and we'll include it here.

Sign and circulate the JUSTICE FOR OSCAR GRANT PETITION. By getting thousands of signatures, we greatly strengthen the movement's ability to press our demands:

This is BAMN's press release in response to the granting of bail to Oscar Grant's killer, Johannes Mehserle:
================================ ====
* District Attorney Orloff Doesn't Even Ask for Denial of Bail
* BAMN Plans to Assemble an Independent Public Tribunal to Investigate Grant's Killing
* Emergency Response Demos Statewide Monday, Feb. 2

Hundreds of community members and friends and family of Oscar Grant present at Alameda County Courthouse today were outraged after Officer Mehserle was granted release upon $3 million bail. District Attorney Tom Orloff's office and his assistant DA did not even try to ask for denial of bail.

"The fix is in—it is the aim of the prosecutor's office to let Johannes Mehserle, Tony Pirone, and the other BART cops get away with murder," said Yvette Felarca, Northern California coordinator of the Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration, and Immigrant Rights and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary (BAMN). "Orloff has not even charged Pirone and the other killer cops who were clearly accomplices to murder. He's protecting them. He's hiding the identities of the other killer cops by instructing BART not to release their names."

"What's needed now is an independent investigation and an independent public tribunal of and for the people of Oakland to gather as much information as possible so that the truth of Oscar Grant's killing is not buried," said Ronald Cruz, BAMN organizer and Berkeley Law student. "It's clear that Oscar Grant is not going to get justice through the police, the Alameda prosecutor's office, or any of the official bodies. BAMN calls on unions, churches, and community organizations to join us in pulling together this independent investigation and series of public hearings. Any witnesses who saw the killing or who has evidence, should get that evidence to BAMN, either directly or anonymously."

"Mayor Ronald Dellums has got to break his silence, and make clear he seeks justice for Oscar Grant and is prepared to defend black and Latino youth of Oakland against police terror, brutality, and murder," said Felarca. "Dellums must speak out against the handling of the investigation and prosecution of this case."

In addition to the independent public tribunal, BAMN plans demonstrations, including emergency response demonstrations statewide Monday, February 2.

BAMN has also launched a mass petition campaign demanding: (1) jail all the killer cops, (2) disarm the BART police and keep BART police out of Oakland, (3) open an independent public investigation, and (4) drop all the charges against protesters.

Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration, and Immigrant Rights and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary (BAMN)

Added to the calendar on Sun, Feb 1, 2009 8:50AM

Comments (Hide Comments)
by Jo Smo
I hope the Oakland Police Department has a lot of money during this recession because the protests will continue inevitably until Justice for ALL those responsible for the deaths of our fellow community members is served. This is a movement and there are so many organizations involved that the Oakland Police Department will never know which protest is going to be the BIG one we've all been waiting for! =)

The District Attorney Tom Orloff is a crook! I was in the courtroom and he didn't even put "No Bail" as an option for the judge to consider, even when the Judge looked at him and told him Johannes Mehserle was a danger to the community and a flight risk! The Police Union is that strong, they bought off Orloff and are financing Mehserle's legal defense even though Mehserle technically isn't a cop because he resigned. The Recall of the District Attorney Tom Orloff is on the way! The Nation is Watching... let Oakland be the model for the Nation! Until then, a diversity of tactics is needed and warranted
by star.
200 protesters blocking street in downtown Berkeley

Oakland Tribune
Posted: 01/30/2009 09:40:17 PM PST
Updated: 01/30/2009 09:40:17 PM PST

About 200 protesters are gathered in the 2100 block of Allston Way blocking the street near the downtown Berkeley BART station.
Police brass are giving the order over the PA of "unlawful assembly."
Police are calling for every available unit of the Berkeley Police Department to assist but have not called for aid from other police departments.
by citizen of Oakland
Jo Smo, you commented that you hope the Oakland Police Department has alot of money, for one the money comes from the state. For two, no, they don't have the money, but they keep paying the cops overtime to come in to handle the rally's. What does that mean you ask? Well let me tell you, it means they continue to get paid and the money has to come from somewhere, that somewhere is from the community. Its the community of Oakland that suffers, not the police. Wake up...all you are doing is weakening the community, and making their (police) wallets fatter. As a person that lives in the community, I am tired of seeing all this going on. At first I was behind it, now, I hope the police arrest you least then they will be working for their money.
by don't feed the trolls
even if they claim to be from oakland
by citizen of Oakland
Yes I do hope they arrest you.....there are a number of people that are inviolved in these rally"s for the wrong reasons. They are taking advantage of the situation at hand. They have no idea why they are even out there. By the way, how come there isn't an uproar for the man that was killed in Oakland on his way home from work the other it because the POLICE didn't do it? I am interested in knowing why the people that are crying for justice aren't out there demanding the capture of the person that killed the man the other night, he had a family too.....
by growthatpeace
frank h. ogawa plaza on the sixth of february -- CRITICAL mass OAKLAND.

get your seats off the chairs, onto the bikes, and into the streets!!

see you about.
by Liberator
To the person who calls them self a concerned citizen who loves the police and hates protestors. You just sound like a cop! Given the fact that the community gives the police a lot of power there is a higher expectation of them to behave on the job more so than ordinary civilians. That is why it is so much more outrageous what happened to Oscar Grant! You cannot equate a civilian killing a civilian with a cop killing a civilian. It just doesn't work the same. But nice try there police officer!

There is a lot of resentment going on here because the media is being so biased toward black people who break the law vs. white cops who break the law. I resent it too. It infuriates me so much that I want to set fires my self.

These double standards have become apart of the statuesque where people in uniform can do what ever they want because they have a gun and badge.

The other double standard is the media falls silent to voice concern over police attacking peaceful protesters but when protestors are attacking violent police officers the media wines like a bunch of little brats saying "waaaaaaa they can’t do that to our police, waaaaaaaa! Oh my god they burned the dumpster, they are so disorderly, and the poor cop car oh my god, help us waaaaaaaaaa!"

You want some order? I’ll show you some order. Here, give me that fuckin micophone and give it to somebody worthy to report what is really going on with our world and with out the commercials and then after that kick your ass all over the place before booting your ass out the backdoor to be greeted with a full barrage of apple pies for all those lousy fucked years of reporting that you gave us. Your unwillingness to report life has only worsen and contributed to more of the same police style executions among other things we always have to put up with in this fuckt up society. THAT'S JUCTICE RIGHT THERE PEOPLE, THE KIND OF JUSTICE AND ORDER THAT WE DREAM OF HAVING EVERY NIGHT. When is it going to happen?

The fact that we have been preconditioned by the media to not react as much when the police are out of control so they can continue to be out of control must be reversed and never repeated again. From now on when they get out of control SO DO WE OKAY. HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT, POLICE? Fuck the statuesque. Their statuesque is killing us. The statuesque is bad for your health. "Kill the statuesque."

Oscar Grant would still be in jail with out bail if he did this and he'd be on DEATHROW TOO. There is something very wrong with our system of justice and why doesn't anybody in the media talk about that? BURN DOWN THE CORPORATE MEDIA!

The media loves to isolate them selves and are in bed with the police, the government, and the fat cats dressed up in suits and ties. People in mainstream media are scum. SCUM OF THE EARTH!

We all like to think, act, and say we live in the best country in the world AMERICA: liberty, equality, and justice for all but it's all a bunch of propaganda bullshit and everybody knows this. Why should we have police? Police don't even prevent crime from happening. They only show up after a crime has been committed. So who needs them? They don't want crime to stop in the streets. The minute crime stops their out of the job. They must want everybody to misbehave? hahahahaha They want life to get worse for everybody. FUCK A COP CAR IN IT'S ASS!

We can prevent crime better than they can, (through self-defense.)
Fuck waiting for the police when somebody is trying to break into your home. I have the 2nd amendment right to protect me. I can shoot to protect my self if somebody wants to come in and do harm to my family. The police aren’t going to protect shit if the criminal get’s there first so I’m strappin-up AND SO SHOULD EVERYBODY!

The police haven't always been around. Humans got this far with out them didn't they? I don't think the human race would die off if all the police were to be extra-terrestrially beamed off into outerspace or even some far far away distant dimension. Nope that just wouldn't happen. Boy wouldn’t that be wonderful though if it did? hahahaha “Freedom at last” x3.

Police don't prevent crime and neither do their stupid street cameras. We don't want technological crime prevention either. No to cameras on our streets violating our privacy. Get that 1984 BIG BROTHER SHIT OUT OF HERE. Wreck shop on a fuckin street camera. I think all street cameras should be demolished with a baseball bat or better yet blown the fuck up with an m1000; basically an m80 on steroids if you will. hahahaahahahahha!

The shit's gonna hit the fan one day and you know it's comin. Resistance is filling the air and I've never felt it so intensely before. It feels like freedom is right around the corner.

How much longer can the sheep hold back from blowing their lid? Are people really supposed to continue to behave when their loosing everything because of the war, the police, and our fucked up economy? Companies are still off shoring jobs despite the fact that it hurts our economy even more. Hahaha, whaaaaat?

And to top all of that off companies are still turning people away due to the color of their skin, their job inexperience, their dirty drug screens, their criminal records, their dirty dmv records, their not having a license to drive and what more excuses can they come up with to make the situation worsen? And they wonder why people sell drugs as an easy way out to make money. Duuuh G I don’t know? Maybe the system has too many rules that exclude a big enough portion of the population to make people take the easy way out which causes such crime. "Oh let’s just lock them up" say's society." Oh, they’ll come out new and improved." Yeah, okay dude! FUCK THIS PLACE!

The longer the war the worse the economy the more poverty the more crime the more drugs to numb ur head to more criminal records pile up and it’s a downward spiral that never ends unti it pops. If things don't improve on time, you might being seeing that just about everybody has a criminal record with developing alcohol and drug related problems if things don’t get better soon.

I blame greedy capitalism for the Middle Eastern problem and the economic crises. Because of all of this I think we might be on the brink of a revolution here in the United States and since were globally electronically communicably connected it may very well start a revolutionary chain reaction where if the people of the greatest nation in the world can overpower their own government then maybe the world will do the same for the same exact cause we did. They have the same problems in their neck of the woods all the time i know.

The Panthers are back on the streets of Oakland. The Bay Area is swelling with Anarchists. Peaceful Protestors are beginning to lose their patients and have been resorting to more forms of direct action. What are the police going to do when everybody get's so sick and tired that they decide to join in with us in the streets once everything has gone to hell?

All governments trying to play empire eventually fall down to their knees. If the people don't bring them down they end up bringing them selves down due to the very greedy nature of their system. If we ever do take over please let's be well organized and make life more sustainable for everyone, ESPECIALLY OUR CHILDREN! Thanks!

Long Live the Revolution!

by The man
What happened to the mass number of protester here I sit with 14 other hardcore demonstrators and that's it. We need to mobilize and keep this fresh don't back down now. The cops are winning this fight you wimps standup don't hide behind those mask come out of the closet and show solidarity for the cause
by Tired of idiots
"And to top all of that off companies are still turning people away due to the color of their skin, their job inexperience, their dirty drug screens, their criminal records, their dirty dmv records, their not having a license to drive and what more excuses can they come up with to make the situation worsen? And they wonder why people sell drugs as an easy way out to make money. Duuuh G I don’t know? Maybe the system has too many rules that exclude a big enough portion of the population to make people take the easy way out which causes such crime. "Oh let’s just lock them up" say's society." Oh, they’ll come out new and improved."

Oh please, get an education. Then go to college(there's student loans) to get a degree so you can get a good paying job. Don't break laws and get a rap sheet. Don't do stupid shit to get yourself in trouble then try and blame it on Govt,Police,or worse COLOR. For every action you take there is a reaction. You are the only one responsible for your actions and the consequences that come with them.

No I'm not a police officer.

Everyday on the news you hear how there was a shooting in Oakland. Gang violence. Blacks shooting other blacks. Where's the protests? Where's the disgust from people about that? But thats ok right? Because it's a civillian black person getting shot. That sort of reasoning is ridiculous.

The officer is being punished. The rioters who broke windows, vandalized a police car etc need to be punished too. You are responsible for your actions and no one is above the law. It's an act of stupidity to hurt the community in this fashion. You lose any support you might've had by doing that.

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