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Indybay Feature

CodePink & Raging Grannies Go Tell it in Mountain View

by Push Obama to the Left!
The Raging Grannies bar-hopped through downtown Mountain View, then joined up with San Jose CodePink at St. Stephen's Pub to educate Obama-manic celebrants with songs and chants.
CodePink brought the words to *This Land is Your Land* with the not-as-well-known "Relief Office" Verse.

In the squares of the city, In the shadow of a steeple;
By the relief office, I'd seen my people.
As they stood there hungry, I stood there asking,
Is this land made for you and me?

The Raging Grannies brought a song for Obama Inauguration Night, sung to the tune of *Joy to the World*.

Joy to the world, George Bush is gone
That NIGHT-mare now is o'er!
It's time for new priorities
A CHANCE to RE-store liberty
You got Obama in, le-et THE new task be-e-gin
It's Ti-ime to Push Barack, get him on track

He's a good guy, he's not a jerk
But WE'VE still GOT to WORK!
To change our foreign policy
Re-DUCE the power of COM-panies
Those corp'rate dona-TIONS, tho-ose corp'rate dona-TIONS
Ha-ve got TO give way, give way to public funds

And for health care, we've got to get
A SIN-gle PAY-er PLAN!
Obama could use cleverness
And phase it in, in increments
But get insurers out, boot those insurers out. 
Le-et pa-TIENTS DE-cide and give the doctors clout.

We might rejoice, and hoot and holler
But will we see the back?
Of profiteers and torturers
Of Ponzi schemes and bung-e-lers
Can we get our country back? Can we have our country back?
A-and can we at last please get out OF I-raq?

§Grannies take over uWink Bar
by Push Obama to the Left!
We got the whole restaurant singing. Actually everyone was drinking and not even paying that much attention to the big screen with CNN coverage of the presidential inauguration
§Some of the party goers posed for a photo with the Grannies
by Push Obama to the Left!
§Michelle Obama shirt
by Push Obama to the Left!
When we WERE watching the tv we were critiquing Michelle O's fashion. She got a grade of B-. Too expensive and NO HATS! Bonus points for choosing Cuban American fashion designers...and of course for looking so gloriously HOT no matter what she wears! Pictured here is the winner of the "best Obama wear at the party" award. In the Grannies view, anyway.
§Grannies take off to hop on down the road to meet CodePink
by Push Obama to the Left!
§CodePinkers let up a cheer when Grannies arrive
by Push Obama to the Left!
§CodePink dons hats in solidarity with Grannies
by Push Obama to the Left!
Those who didn't have hats grabbed a "loaner" from the magic granny bag for the photo
§Grannies taped up our Spanish language sign at the bar
by Push Obama to the Left!
Las Abuelitas Enojadas = Raging Grannies
§Check out the t-shirt!
by Push Obama to the Left!
§Grannies and CodePink led a singalong
by Push Obama to the Left!
Our singalong involved almost everyone at the pub and included the song above and also the "extra" little known verse of *This Land is Your Land* known as the "relief office" verse:
In the squares of the city, In the shadow of a steeple;
By the relief office, I'd seen my people.
As they stood there hungry, I stood there asking,
Is this land made for you and me?
§Grannies and CodePink were in a good mood...
by Push Obama to the Left!
...but we know we have many battles ahead of us! VOTE OBAMA button was doctored to read, "Now Fix It, Obama!"
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