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Indybay Feature

Tom Cruise, Scientology, and Holocaust Revisionism

by Dennis Miller
Tom Cruise is asking for your Valkyrie movie ticket dollars, but spends his money to fund a cult with a similar attitude towards lesser races and global domination. Should the actor be separated from his actions? As a producer of the movie, he earns money from every ticket. Should you care where that money is going?
With not one but three WWII movies out this fall, Jewish moviegoers will be lining up to see at least one of them. Will it be the sophisticated Ralph Fiennes movie The Reader? Or the story of Jewish partisans who founded a resistance in the woods in Defiance? Or the story of the failed assassination attempt on Hitler starring that nice young man who danced in his underwear for us in Risky Business and did impossible things in Mission Impossible?

Valkyrie is getting by far the most press and promotion after being moved up to a December 25th opening to qualify for a 2008 Academy Award in a particularly weak Academy year. Not all of the press has been good for this historical drama with a lead star unable to replicate a German accent for his German role, but a more sinister element has plagued this movie since its inception, when Tom Cruise was cast as Claus von Stauffenberg, a Nazi who attempted to kill Hitler with a briefcase bomb in 1944.

German politicians and the Stauffenberg family immediately objected to Cruise’s casting in the film. Scientology, which Cruise adheres to and actively promotes (and he is also very close to its head, David Miscavige), is considered a dangerous, totalitarian cult in Germany, which has strict laws about the promotion of any such cults. Scientology texts are banned in schools; Scientologists must send their children to Danish schools across the border. The German government went so far as to ban the use of historical sites related to the actual events of 1944 for filming the movie because of Cruise’s involvement, though repeated attempts by United Artists eventually got the motions overturned. Berthold von Stauffenberg, the son of Cruise’s character, said in a public statement, “Cruise should keep his hands off my father.” Thomas Gandow, a spokesperson for the German Protestant Church, said Cruise's involvement in the film would "have the same propaganda advantages for Scientology as the 1936 Olympics had for the Nazis" and compared the actor to Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels.

Goebbels is a name Cruise has invoked several times in reference to one of his own enemies: psychiatrists. Scientologists believe, according to the writings of founder L. Ron Hubbard (who died with a psychiatric drug in his system), that Hitler used a secret cabal of psychiatrists to develop his eugenics program to eliminate European Jewry and other undiserables. The modern institution of psychiatry was created by Jews who learned their practices from their experiences in the Death Camps. In Los Angeles the Scientologists have a permanent exhibit and an additional one that travels around the world called “Psychiatry: An Industry of Death,” which uses footage from concentration camps to back its claim that psychiatry is not only an unsafe medical practice but a secret society of death cultists. Actual church texts, barred from public display but now available on Wikileaks from ex-Scientologists, reveal that high-level Scientologists (such as Cruise) believe that psychiatrists have been operating for millions of years and were the ones who convinced the evil Lord Xenu (ruler of the Galactic Confederation) to execute the “lesser” alien races and implant their souls, or “thetans,” into the Cro-Magnon humans 75 million years ago. To this day, every human body is occupied by a thetan, as well as clusters of pesky homeless souls known as “body thetans,” which are responsible for all of our anger, fears, and illness. And only Scientology’s non-medically-certified practices of vitamin supplements and counseling sessions can remove their souls from our bodies.

Cruise is not full of alien thetans, of course. He is an Operating Thetan Level VII, meaning not only has he read and come to believe all stated above, but he is no longer a normal, lesser human. He is a “Homo novis” instead of a Homo sapiens. He is a superior race, made possible by the wonders of Scientology. Other members of this superior race include John Travolta and Jenna Elfman.

Scientology has a concept called “clearing the planet,” an effort all Scientologists are meant to be working towards. This means the elimination of body thetans (and thereby suffering) via the elimination of false ideas and creeds. Since all religions are a result of Lord Xenu’s brainwashing of the dead alien souls (known as Event Level II in Scientology’s timeline), they can be logically disproved through hours of expensive counseling at your local Scientology center and – most important – by going off any psychiatric medication you may be taking. Three people are known to have died this year by committing suicide after seeking Scientology counseling. In Israel, the TV show “Friday’s Studio” this year on Scientology, describing it as “the largest cult in Israel” and investigating the death of a Scientologist who committed suicide. (A Scientology spokeswoman called the suicide “unrelated” to his recent counseling sessions with her.) A version with English subtitles is available on YouTube. ( ( … re=related)

Before his death, L. Ron Hubbard wrote extensively about the importance of “clearing the planet” and how to go about doing so. First was to establish a world of “clears” – i.e., Scientologists who have taken enough courses to become Homo novises and spent enough money to be considered free of body thetans. “It is not necessary to produce a world of clears in order to have a reasonable and worthwhile social order; it is only necessary to delete those individuals who range from 2.0 down, either by processing them enough to get their tone level above the 2.0 line...or simply quarantining them from the society.” (L. Ron Hubbard, The Science of Survival, p. 157) People who are “low on the tone scale” – which includes people who are not Scientologists – should be handled. “There are only two answers for the handling of people from 2.0 down on the tone scale, neither one of which has anything to do with reasoning with them or listening to their justification of their acts. The first is to raise them on the tone scale by un-enturbulating some of their theta by any one of the three valid processes. The other is to dispose of them quietly and without sorrow….The sudden and abrupt deletion of all individuals occupying the lower bands of the tone scale from the social order would result in an almost instant rise in the cultural tone and would interrupt the dwindling spiral into which any society may have entered.” (L. Ron Hubbard, The Science of Survival, p. 157)
Many regard Scientology as a silly alien cult, to be laughed at but generally ignored. Should it bother us that tens of thousands of active Scientologists are reading The Science of Survival and actively working towards Hubbard’s goal of a “clear” planet? Should it bother us that the Church of Scientology uses celebrities like Tom Cruise to promote its self-help techniques without revealing the sinister material available only to top members?

What, then, does a modern totalitarian cult have to do with the movie Valkyrie? Why was Cruise so eager to cast himself in a Nazi role, though admittedly a Nazi who turned “good” in his last two years and became a postwar celebrated hero for Germany? Cruise is playing out his fantasy – he is the insurgent fighting the war against the Real Evil™. In the film – which your money will support (with a portion of the proceeds going to his bank account, from which he will then donate generous amounts to Scientology, as he did recently by buying them a castle in Italy to use as a Scientology retreat), he tries to destroy Hitler, whom you will recall is now established by Scientology historians to have been controlled by psychiatrists. Cruise is fighting the real enemy – a legitimate medical profession. Run by members of the Galactic Confederation.

Tom Cruise is one of the highest-paid actors in Hollywood, even with his anti-Semitic portrayal of a Hollywood producer (complete with gold star necklace) in Tropic Thunder. Is having his money go toward funding studies linking the Holocaust to modern medicine worth the price of your movie ticket?
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by General Public
"Should you care where that money is going?" . Of course the answer is yes. Perhaps Cruise has given us another opportunity to expose the reality of scientology, and this time we can concentrate on the comparisons between his cult and the philosophies of national socialism.

I can't be the only one disappointed with the appearance of some of my favourite actors in the Valkyrie film. I know they need the money and the fame, but if rage could be directed against artists and sportsmen for their links to apartheid in the past, and noone would dream of sharing a platform with Robert Mugabe presently, why should these actors not be boycotted too? They are supporting a totalitarian organisation after all.

One can imagine Bill Nighy saying "It's only a film man." But it isn't is it? It's another assisting step on Cruises way to achieve his homo-novis ambitions. Cruise, like Hitler, has to be stopped.
by littlewhitelies
Honestly who the fuck cares about Scientology? Those who subscribe to it obvious want to do so and those who do not... do not. Big hairy fuckin deal. Oh yeah and the comparison to Nazism was predictable. You need better writers.
It shows the TRUTH behind why Cruise played this role and where the money will end up going.

To support any actor who is in Scientology is to support Scientology, and Scientology's Sea Org, and their many front groups. Narconon,Criminon,WISE, Able,Scientology Ministries (true vultures) Applied Scholastics,The Way To Happinness,Drug Free Marshals, Second Chance , and the CCHR which in itself has a department JUST to hunt down psychiatrists's personal infor and try to bring down their practices. These front groups named, are just a very few, there are HUNDREDS more.

Scientology has infiltrated our schools with Applied Scholastics, our government,state funding for drug programs (which have had very inflated results),police departments,businesses teaching Hubbard tech to employees,and even our jail systems with Criminon which is the same as Narconan.
Tom Cruise lobbied Washinton DC one bright and cheery afternoon,and lobbied to have every school in the US teaching L. Ron Hubbard Tech. LOOK IT UP!
Do you want YOUR child learning this in their shcool?

Narconon is a drug program which has untrained, uliscensed people administering lethal doses of vitamins and oil and they instruct patients to have long hours and days of saunas and exercise, which is very dangerous. There has been a recent death in Georgia. Paris France is suing Scientology for administering vitamins and treatment without a liscense. Scientology also offers this in theri courses as the Purification Rundown, also known a s"Purif" for short.

Scientoloygy's goal is to "clear the planet". Which means to have everyone be a Scientologist. While you may say this is the goal of many other religions, Scientology is not a religion. There is no worship. They worship nothing. They are not a religion as stated by their own founder.

Their main goal is to make MONEY and more money. People joined Scientology with true intetnions of helping the world, only to find that their "church" does not help anyone . They only help themselves to their member's money.

What church has a celebrity center? Treats their celebrity members different then the rest of their members? Advertises it's celberity members? What church silences it's critics to the point of trying to ruin their lives through their Fair Game tactics? What church does not allow you to discuss ANYHTING about the religion? What church charges hundreds of thousands of dollars for salvation? What church does not do ANY community work unless it involves recrtuitment? What church shows up at every disaster and hands out OTHER people's donations and does phoney "touch assists" by untrained people? What church sets up a table in front of their "church", also including malls, subways, fairs ect...and offers "FREE stress tests" with a cheap lie detector (an emeter) and hides the fact that they are Scientology? And tells EVERY single person they would benefit from reading Dianetics and tries to talk you into taking courses? And tries to sell Dianetics right there on the spot?
What church has a their own "navy" that practices coerced abortions,mind control,sleep deprivation, family disconection, little to no education, little to no health care (and the health care is on the tax payer's dime), humiliation, elderly and child abuse,child labor,sexual abuse (and I know you are going to say the Catholic church does this and I agrree), and slave labor and very poor diets?
What church teaches you that anyone who isn't in their church is considered a "WOG" and lives in "WOG WORLD" with "WOG jobs? What church considers themselves to have control over MEST? Matter, energy space and time? Can "postulate" their own universe? Can go exterior out of their bodies? Thinks dead aliens are attatched to their bodies and must get rid of them through "auditing"? ( which again, the emeter is used) What church thinks they are an elite race called Homo Novis?
Ok.. I will stop I can go on forever, The answer to all of the above questions, is of course SCIENTOLOGY. Do your homework people! It's all on the internet to read. Sworn testimonies from ex members.. with pages and pages of crimes, abuses and court documents.
Hard to believe this is going on in the US and world wide in this day and age. Their veil of secrecy is slowly coming into the light, members are finding out the truth and leaving. Read the Complex, Piece Of Blue Sky, and The Scandal of Scientolgy. Go to various websites, like to read actual SAD testimnoies of children's OWN accounts of child and sexual abuse in the Sea Org.
Leave before you spend another dime of your hard earned money!
by Pablo
Any monetary support for Tom Cruise translates into monetary support for the "Church" of Scientology.
by Shelley Abate
Hats off to Cruise for exposing the truth behind the senseless an inhumane extermination of millions of Jews. Valkyrie was (is) a hero for obviously trying to do something about it by attempting to take out the evils of Hitler and his regime. Historical facts show that the psychiatrists and their drugs are behind the killings of many from the Holocaust to Columbine to Virgina Tech, etc. The psychiatrists go undetected while they continue to prescribe mind altering drugs that lead to suicide or murder while making millions $$$$. Why are we afraid to look at the fact that the psychiatrits admit they have no tests or medical evaluations to substantiate their "made up" mental illnesses? Yes, Cruise should be paid for his work that is raising the social conscience of what happened in hopes that another "holocaust" cannot occur.
by Nick Girrard
"Hats off to Cruise for exposing the truth behind the senseless an inhumane extermination of millions of Jews."
"Historical facts show that the psychiatrists and their drugs are behind the killings of many from the Holocaust to Columbine to Virgina Tech, etc."

See, THIS is why articles like this are written. This is why Scientologists and their history-revising mumbo-jumbo have to be stopped. 6 million Jews and several million additional gypsies, homosexuals, Roman Catholics, Communists, and enemies of the state were NOT MURDERED BY PSYCHIATRISTS. THEY WERE MURDERED BY NAZIS. Anyone pushing this ridiculous agenda should be corrected and anyone funding them should be cut off. No more money to this nonsense! Boycott Tom Cruise!
by Mark Jameson (M.Jameson [at]
Wow! It is really something to hear someone in the U.S. applauding the actions of a government in restricting or disbanding a religion.Where is Scientology's freedom of speech, or religion or their right for their pursuit of happiness? Isn't EVERYONE here GUARANTEED the same rights as everyone else? Who knows, maybe when all those pesky little scientologist and their wacky beliefs are killed off and disbanded, we can start on the REAL WACKOS, those that believe in a man who spent all his life teaching people how to be good and virtuos, kind and charitable, who was killed for his beliefs 2000 years ago, and then believe it or not, they claim that he came back to life! Now isn't that just the crazyist thing that you have ever heard?
by Nick Girrard
Scientology is not comparable to Christianity. If Jesus was a science fiction writer who started a religion to make money and advocated the destruction of all opponents via both legal and illegal methods, with the ultimate goal of taking over the planet with a superior race of people after eliminating all lower races, then yes, it would be comparable.

Many countries do not consider Scientology a religion. They consider it a business with a belief system, and the laws apply to Scientology as to any major corporation. Their profits are taxed and they are required to adhere to the law of the country they are in. In America, Scientology has special status because it sued the IRS to get it, and will sue anyone who opposes it.

"Mr. Scientologist, I have some questions about your questionable medical practices."
"Those are our religious beliefs and you're a racist!"
"Mr. Scientologist, I find your rewriting of history disturbing and insulting."
"You don't understand our beliefs and are a Nazi!"
"Mr. Scientologist, why did you lock Lisa McPherson in a hotel room until she starved to death, then sued the coroner so the report was changed to say she died of injuries from a car accident two weeks prior?"
"We are victims of religious intolerance and will dignify that with an answer!"
by Mark Jameson
You are really amazing! You can look into Hubbards heart and tell he was a fake! Maybe you can also tell me about a man just by the color of his skin???? By the way, could you please, just in the case for fairness, please let us know how many people die each year while under the care of the psychariatic profession? How about those that are associated with them, who die from causes that were caused by said patients? Please include those that also are just taking those types of drugs. How about those that that are permanently disabled because of their shock therapies? By the way, could you also please include all those that were subjected to radical brain surgeries, that made them more like potatoes than men? Yes, yes, yes, those were darker times, i'm sure. Same Tree, Same Root, Same Fruit!!!!
by Nick Girrard
Mark: "You are really amazing! You can look into Hubbards heart and tell he was a fake! Maybe you can also tell me about a man just by the color of his skin????"

Translation: "You are a racist."

Mark: "By the way, could you please, just in the case for fairness, please let us know how many people die each year while under the care of the psychariatic profession? How about those that are associated with them, who die from causes that were caused by said patients? Please include those that also are just taking those types of drugs. How about those that that are permanently disabled because of their shock therapies?"

Translation: "I do not understand what the Hippocratic oath is and that doctors try to help people. Nor am I aware that shock therapy went out of use in the 1950's and is now only used voluntarily by patients to treat depression that has resisted other forms of treatment."

Mark: "By the way, could you also please include all those that were subjected to radical brain surgeries, that made them more like potatoes than men? Yes, yes, yes, those were darker times, i'm sure. Same Tree, Same Root, Same Fruit!!!!"

Translation: "I am also not aware that lobotomy is no longer used in medicine. Nor do I understand how metaphors work because I clearly got lost somewhere, and I still refuse to address your quotations from Hubbard's material about master races and extermination of lesser ones, the initial point of the article."
by Mark Jameson
Still, you don't answer or get it. The same line of reasearch that brought us that, has brought us here. The Saviour said that you can't get good fruit from a bad tree. This is the ultimate source. Psycharitry has done much harm in the name of help, but delivered little that is good. Atl least Ron acknowledges that we are MORE than MUD, we are spiritual beings that have had lives before this, and will have them after. In what form those will be in, I guess we will just wait and see. If Scientology is business, then psycharitary is BIGGER business. Look at the numbers, clearly 100x anything scientology could every come up with. You have still not addressed the issues that i brought up before, typical hype with no data. Any group that has been villinaized has had monstrous claims levied against it, but nothing more than personal statements to verify the claims. Look at the successes of Scientology! If you haven't found any, then it means that you aren't looking for them. You judge them, Ron and Scientology quite harshly. I think that the Savoir had something to say about that, too! By the way, The Savoir was much worse than a Science Fiction Writer, he was a Blasphemer! Though it didn't make him worng, did it?
by Nick Girrard
"Still, you don't answer or get it. The same line of reasearch that brought us that, has brought us here. The Saviour said that you can't get good fruit from a bad tree. This is the ultimate source. Psycharitry has done much harm in the name of help, but delivered little that is good. Atl least Ron acknowledges that we are MORE than MUD, we are spiritual beings that have had lives before this, and will have them after. In what form those will be in, I guess we will just wait and see."

Many legitimate religions claim to believe in reincarnation and mankind being descended from things other than mud.

"If Scientology is business, then psycharitary is BIGGER business. Look at the numbers, clearly 100x anything scientology could every come up with. You have still not addressed the issues that i brought up before, typical hype with no data. "

This is the point. Scientology is a business; psychiatry is not. While there is a business of selling drugs in every form of medicine, from oncology to urinology, psychiatry is part of the medical profession. It is not a world-conquering organization run by a secret cabal of evil scientists who have existed since the collapse of some Galactic Federation that Hubbard wrote about in the higher OT documents. It is a science, practiced by doctors, to study the mind and make people healthy. Like all forms of medicine, sometimes it doesn't work on the patient, but that's what research is for, not lies and campaigns against it by fanatics.

As for your claim that psychiatry kills hundreds of thousands of people a year, a claim commonly made by Scientologists, there are no numbers to link deaths to psychiatry except in maybe a dozen malpractice cases where the doctor made a mistake. Just because people with diagnosed mental illnesses die every year does not mean there's an organization killing them. It means people die. By your logic, far more people are killed by oncologists than psychiatrists, as far more people die of cancer than anything related to mental health.

"Any group that has been villinaized has had monstrous claims levied against it, but nothing more than personal statements to verify the claims. Look at the successes of Scientology! If you haven't found any, then it means that you aren't looking for them. You judge them, Ron and Scientology quite harshly. I think that the Savoir had something to say about that, too! By the way, The Savoir was much worse than a Science Fiction Writer, he was a Blasphemer! Though it didn't make him worng, did it?"

I have no idea if Jesus was a blasphemer. I don't know if he even existed. I DO know that L. Ron Hubbard existed, wrote science fiction, then wrote a self-help book called Dianetics, then ratted out all of his fellows in the Dianetics center to HUAC when he got in trouble, then went to LA and re-classified his self-help organization as a religion to get a tax exemption, then helped organize an infiltration of the IRS (Operation Snow White) when they withdrew the tax exemption, then abandoned his wife (who went to jail for OSW) to hide in hiding with psychiatric drugs in his system. I DO know those things. I can verify those things with eyewitness accounts, gov't archives, and his own writing. And yes, those things are VERY WRONG.
by Mark Jameson
Oh, sorry, the way you stood up for Christianity, you sounded like one. My mistake. Maybe if we take this a little slower, you can respond to what I am asking. Brain surgeries that they did back in the 50's, (and later), removing pre-frontal lobes & such, making potatoes out of people. Are they GOOD or BAD? Would you accept this as a valid treatment on you, your wife, or child?
by Nick Girrard
Yes, lobotomies are bad. When they were invented in the late 1700's, the doctors did they because they thought it was a valid treatment for certain kinds of mental illness. In the 50's the discovered they were wrong, and stopped doing them. It is no longer an accepted medical practice, just as we don't bleed people when they have colds anymore.
by katie
Typical Scilon yet again.

Always attack, never defend. Never answer the original question or give any rationale for the crazy.

Is Scientology seeking to rid the world of psychiatry and does it believe psychiatrists are behind the Holocaust?

Clearly, they do; they have admitted that. Do I find that dangerous? You bet.

Scientologists believe they are creating a new race of man and that those below 2.0 on the tone scale, if they cannot be brought up, should be done away with. Hubbard's OWN words in his OWN books. Justify that. Go ahead, I dare ya.
by Delta
As you see above me, good scientologists will never address valid, rational points of discussion about their beliefs, and will instead resort to ad hominem arguments to try and divert attention away from the original point of the discussion.

In this case, it was brought up that hubbard clearly called for the genocide of all non-scientologists and anyone who got in the way of scientologists, and the response is calling the original poster a racist, idiot, etc. and completely avoiding the topic at hand.
As you see above me, good scientologists will never address valid, rational points of discussion about their beliefs, and will instead resort to ad hominem arguments to try and divert attention away from the original point of the discussion.

In this case, it was brought up that hubbard clearly called for the genocide of all non-scientologists and anyone who got in the way of scientologists, and the response is calling the original poster a racist, idiot, etc. and completely avoiding the topic at hand.

Gee, as a Scientologist, I have never read that. Is there a book that I can read, tape that i can listen to that has that in it? Or is that also in some super-secret / only-the-higher-ups can know sort of thing?

BTW.... the origional post was about freedom of religion and as an extension of that tolerance of others...
As for your "dwelling in the past", how else can we determin one's motives, actions or intentions unless we look to the past? They did bad things, eh? It doesn't seem to me that it takes a rocket scientist to figure out if something was invented 250 years before, they would have had enough data to figure out that they shouldn't be doing it. But they did it, and they did it alot. Just imagine what it would have been like to be that person? Do you have the humanity to do that? What kind of person does it take to break someone so badly, that they will never (at least while mortal), be able to do anything else, but suffer by what was done to them?
by Nick Girrard
"As for your "dwelling in the past", how else can we determin one's motives, actions or intentions unless we look to the past? They did bad things, eh? It doesn't seem to me that it takes a rocket scientist to figure out if something was invented 250 years before, they would have had enough data to figure out that they shouldn't be doing it. But they did it, and they did it alot. Just imagine what it would have been like to be that person? Do you have the humanity to do that? What kind of person does it take to break someone so badly, that they will never (at least while mortal), be able to do anything else, but suffer by what was done to them?"

I have adequately explained that, in the past, doctors of all types (psychiatric and non) did things because they thought they were helping people and did not have the scientific equipment to tell that they were wrong. Now they do have that equipment and therefore stop doing things that harm people whenever they discover that's what a treatment does. Your premise is that psychiatrists have always sought to intentionally harm people, which is something that has no backing in history or law. Psychiatrists are doctors, just like all other doctors. You know who wasn't a doctor? L. Ron Hubbard. Sure wrote a lot about medicine, though, for a guy with no medical training whatsover.

As for the quotations you've never read from the original article, you may notice the author was kind enough to provide the titles of the books and page numbers where they can be found. Do some reading on your own religion!
Before his death, L. Ron Hubbard wrote extensively about the importance of “clearing the planet” and how to go about doing so. First was to establish a world of “clears” – i.e., Scientologists who have taken enough courses to become Homo novises and spent enough money to be considered free of body thetans. “It is not necessary to produce a world of clears in order to have a reasonable and worthwhile social order; it is only necessary to delete those individuals who range from 2.0 down, either by processing them enough to get their tone level above the 2.0 line...or simply quarantining them from the society.” (L. Ron Hubbard, The Science of Survival, p. 157) People who are “low on the tone scale” – which includes people who are not Scientologists – should be handled. “There are only two answers for the handling of people from 2.0 down on the tone scale, neither one of which has anything to do with reasoning with them or listening to their justification of their acts. The first is to raise them on the tone scale by un-enturbulating some of their theta by any one of the three valid processes. The other is to dispose of them quietly and without sorrow….The sudden and abrupt deletion of all individuals occupying the lower bands of the tone scale from the social order would result in an almost instant rise in the cultural tone and would interrupt the dwindling spiral into which any society may have entered.” (L. Ron Hubbard, The Science of Survival, p. 157)

Concerning the above.... I have read the latest edition of the book "Science of Survival", from pages 155, the chapter titled "The Handling of Truth" to page 159, the end of said chapter, Twice. It's not there. So i Read another editon I have, dated 1989, still not there. Must be that secret information that i have not been privy to yet....

But, as i understand what Ron is saying is that below 2.0 on the tone scale, is where criminality is most prevelant they don't keep their word, they lie, etc. Now, who wouldn't say that keeping the criminals out of society wouldn,t be a good thing? Wait, I think that we do that now, we put them in prison.

BTW, nothing in what was stated above even INFERS that they should be killed". Again YOU might have knowledge that I don't. Perhaps you would like to try again???
by Nick Girrard
I don't have a copy, but the copy I read was from an ex-OSA member. Miscavige has changed the text many times since he took over. I believe you call it "squirreling the tech."
And since I'm not a scientist, perhaps I don't really understand cause and effect verry well. But if i did something to someone, and then they spent the rest of their lives drulling, crapping their pants and communicating in grunts, I could possible figure out that it possibly wasn't a "Safe and Effective" treatment. It seems like more of a tourture to me. It would definately lead others to be much more suggestable if they saw Fred one day get upset about what was happening to him. So they take good ol' Fred awa, and presto chango, you find him a few days later, and the same good old Fred wasn't there any more, just someone who looked like he did.

Yep! There's that SECRET KNOWLEDGE we were warned about. And it's from a souce that no one can contact, or a book that can't be read. How Convienent! Anything else?
by Fredric L. Rice (frice [at]
This is an extremly well written article. Anyone who pays money to see any film the insane cultist is in -- or Will Smith is in -- is handing money to the Scientology Corporation, money which is used to commit human rights crimes.
by Nick Girrard
Scientologists are obviously very good at telling when their books have been changed. Oh wait, no, they will deny the text is different.
If it hasn't been written in at least the last 19 years, how can you say with a straight face that this is what they believe? Sounds like lying to me... or so my mom used to say.

Point is, they are a religon, no matter what you say. They have the God given Right to believe what ever they wish, how ever they wish. Sure, people have died. one or two, and you make an uproar, 10 to 15 thousand worldwide from sucide and such, and you don't even bat an eye at it. Do you have ANY Humanity? Are all the people in Psycharity evil, No. Do some of them care, I'm sure that they do. Have they made HORRIBLE mistakes in the past. DEFINETILY. Do they own up to them, RARELY. They are supposed to be experts, well if they are, they sould do better than they are. How many BILLIONS have they spent in the last 100 years working on this? And the best they can do is either perscribe you drugs and may make you psychotic or suicidel or murderous, or take your money, and when it's all gone say well, that's the best you can hope for, or shock you into forgeting what was bad? And if someone in their care dies by their own had or someone else does, say "well, if they would have just come to me sooner, I could have helped them."

Please, at least look at the good points about Scientology, not just the bad news you have been hearing. Perhaps it's all true,, perhaps not. You will have to admit, on at least one point, you have been misled. So there is a possiblity that there are other points, also.

Ron said that Scientolog is only true if it is true for you. (Sorry, I don't have the quote for that.)

Seek for truth, because only in truth will you find happiness. (ME)

by A. Magnus
So I'm a level 2.0 person who has to be 'deleted' from the culture in order to raise it's 'clearing' score? Why does that remind me of 'untermensches' like the Jews who had to be exterminated in order to purify the Aryan race? The head of the German Protestant Church is right. And the singling out of psychiatry as developed by Nazi camp survivors is a little creepy. It makes you wonder why the ADL isn't suing the pants off the Scientologists for defamation and hate crimes.
by Ronnie
"They have the God given Right to believe what ever they wish..."

I wasn't aware of any deities in Scientology. Is Atheism a god given right?
by John Duignan
Book burnings were a campaign conducted by Nazi authorities to ceremonially burn all books in Germany which did not correspond with Nazi ideology.

Scientology does the same to authors (or critics) that write the truth about the cult.

Tom Cruise visited Amazon headquarters in Seattle as the Church of Scientology pushed to ban author & ex-Scientologist John Duignan's book 'The Complex'.
by innocent bystander
I wonder ... somebody either paid you, or you're a scientologist. God have mercy on us!
by Dennis Miller
What you are doing here in this article
is adding to the problem............not the solution.
I found your perspective to be limited, biased and boring.
Grow up.
by pf
Were Joseph Stalin ad Benito Mussolini also under the spell of psychiatric drugs? You know who was (along with a load of other crap)? L.Ron Hubbard. Look at his postmortem toxicology report. I move CoS henceforth be dubbed, "The Church of Pharmacology"

"The only way you can control people is to lie to them. You can write that down in your book in great big letters. The only way you can control anybody is to lie to them"
– L. Ron Hubbard "Off The Time Track," lecture of June 1952. Excerpted in Journal of Scientology issue 18-G

ps Did Tom by any chance mention what other church's in the free world, people had to escape from? Didn't think so.
by pf
BTW Nick, if you were yielding benefits with your "treatments" your flock which has abandoned you would be reporting it. The reason they haven't is b/c you apply alternative treatments in dogmatic, simplistic ways. You're not pathologists! For f*ck sake, your leader thought it was a good idea to put corn syrup in baby formula! If your members were free to explore their own treatment options they could find their OWN qualified practitioners (MDs, NDs...) like the rest of us, who are NOT tethered to your "church." But that would lessen your power and they wouldn't need you.

So you do what you do best. Replace one monolithic, totalitarian system with another, whose laws, once accepted, are even riskier to challenge.

Not everyone who doubts the fair-mindedness of AMA journals, funded by drug companies are slaves to dogma. But we're not Scientologists either. In fact non-church MDs have cited that conflict for decades (shit when I was a teen my ORTHODOX GP -- renowned and peer reviewed many times over) 1st to told me that. Before Cruise's rant, hardly anyone was even aware of the details of Co$.

Based on many accounts I'd bet your mob has induced more psychosis and damage per thousand people, thru crap like "reverse auditing" and "introspective rundown", and a thorough misapplication of Orthomolecular therapy (see McPherson case), than orthodoxy ever has. And Hubbard's own policy supports lying about results. Hell Jason Beghe was told flat out to lie about the "church's" ability to cure the ailing masses.

All you do, is put a stink on battles that were/are tough enough donkey's braying in the sidelines.

Oh and for more evidence of the "church's" authority on mental health, by all means search youtube for "What are you're crimes?" And for spiritual councilling -- for those still with some doubt that this is really a church -- youtube "Rev John Carmichael."
by Nick Girrard
I am not a doctor nor a reverend with a flock. I am somewhat confused by your post. Are you confusing me with Mark, the Scientologist I was arguing with?
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