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CodePINK: Yes We CAN Help Obama CHANGE Direction!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
Event Type:
zanne joi
Location Details:
Mudrakers Cafe
2801 Telegraph Ave
Berkeley, 94705
2801 Telegraph Ave
Berkeley, 94705
WHAT: Womyn Strategize, Make a Plan to Help Obama CHANGE Direction
WHEN: Saturday, Dec 13th, 5:00pm
WHERE: Mudraker's Cafe, 2801 Telegraph Ave., Berkeley 94705
RSVP: 510-540-7007 or info bayareacodepink org
What are we willing to do to help Obama CHANGE Direction? We see the cabinet he is putting together and today we hear he is intending to send three combat brigades to Afghanistan.
The 11th Hour for Peace folks and Obama grassroots organizers are calling for nation-wide gatherings this weekend to continue our work putting our country on the right road through Obama's leadership.
We MUST direct that leadership. What do womyn want to do about this? How do we want Obama to lead? What are we willing to do to make sure the changes happen and happen NOW?
Let us make our voices heard! Meet at Mudrakers Cafe, 2801 Telegraph Ave, Berkeley 94705 at 5:00 to 7:00pm, strategize, make a plan! And TAKE ACTION! Before our troops head to Afghanistan!
WHEN: Saturday, Dec 13th, 5:00pm
WHERE: Mudraker's Cafe, 2801 Telegraph Ave., Berkeley 94705
RSVP: 510-540-7007 or info bayareacodepink org
What are we willing to do to help Obama CHANGE Direction? We see the cabinet he is putting together and today we hear he is intending to send three combat brigades to Afghanistan.
The 11th Hour for Peace folks and Obama grassroots organizers are calling for nation-wide gatherings this weekend to continue our work putting our country on the right road through Obama's leadership.
We MUST direct that leadership. What do womyn want to do about this? How do we want Obama to lead? What are we willing to do to make sure the changes happen and happen NOW?
Let us make our voices heard! Meet at Mudrakers Cafe, 2801 Telegraph Ave, Berkeley 94705 at 5:00 to 7:00pm, strategize, make a plan! And TAKE ACTION! Before our troops head to Afghanistan!
For more information:
Added to the calendar on Thu, Dec 11, 2008 9:54PM
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Don't you folks understand that Obama could never have gotten to first base as a "viable" candidate for POTUS if he weren't vetted by dominant sections of the U.S. ruling class? He's THEIR man, not OURS!
Sure, he'll be influenced by what we, in the broad sense, do. So was Nixon and so was every other POTUS. The way to influence Obama is NOT to sing "Give Please a Chance", but to make it clear to his capitalist (including Zionist) masters that there will be a cost to THEM, as mortal individuals, as individual business people and as a class, if they continue their slaughter of people around the world.
Let's be inspired by the rebellious youth of Athens and other European cities, but also realize that it will take MORE than what they are doing to tame the rapacious U.S. ruling class.
Sure, he'll be influenced by what we, in the broad sense, do. So was Nixon and so was every other POTUS. The way to influence Obama is NOT to sing "Give Please a Chance", but to make it clear to his capitalist (including Zionist) masters that there will be a cost to THEM, as mortal individuals, as individual business people and as a class, if they continue their slaughter of people around the world.
Let's be inspired by the rebellious youth of Athens and other European cities, but also realize that it will take MORE than what they are doing to tame the rapacious U.S. ruling class.
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