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11/23 Sun Peter Camejo Memorial 2-5pm UC Berkeley I House w Nader, Gonzalez, etc. UU after

by Honor Peter-Organize
Many allies gather to honor and organize
Peter Camejo Memorial This Sunday, 2 PM!
Peter Camejo Memorial: Sunday, November 23,
2 PM at International House (I-House), Berkeley


Please Forward Widely!

The Memorial is less than a week away. Help us get the word out to all who might like to attend.


International House (I-House): Directions and Parking

International House (I-House) is at the top of the UC Berkeley campus, 2299 Piedmont Avenue, Berkeley, California, 94720-2320. Please leave ample time to park and get to the Memorial, as we will be starting on time. We have a full program.

International House at UC Berkeley

International House Parking and Directions page


Doors will open at 1:30

We will have tables at the rear, with slide shows of photographs of Peter, books and pamphlets Peter has written, and clips of interviews and speeches by Peter. The program is scheduled from 2 pm to 5 pm.



Speakers from a wide range of Peter's life and activity will share their memories. The program follows a chronological route. There will be a welcome from Peter's wife, Morella, and family. Then his brother Tony will speak about his early family and Berkeley years, followed by Gus Horowitz, speaking on Peter's Socialist Workers Party years.

There will be a number of speakers from the 70s through the 90s, when Peter founded North Star, and then Progressive Asset Management, worked on environmental issues, worked with Dr. Agha Saeed, from the American Muslim Alliance, who will speak, and worked on issues concerning Brazil and Venezuela.

Ralph Nader and Matt Gonzalez will speak about his later years in the electoral arena, as will some of Peter's co-candidates, including Donna Warren. His work with the Immigrant Rights movement, the May 1 demonstrations and the Santos Reyes case will be highlighted by Alicia Mendoza and Nativo Lopez. Barbara Becnel of the Stan Tookie Williams Legacy Network will speak, and the program will end with Leslie Evans, speaking on Peter's autobiography, that he finished just before his death.

There will then be an open mike. We have asked Jo Chamberlain, who worked with Peter in his campaigns in the Green Party, and Barry Sheppard, who knew Peter for fifty years, to start off the open mike portion. We have asked others also to share their reminiscences on the open mike, that we would like to have had on the program, but it is very long as it is. Peter knew, influenced and inspired so many.


After Memorial Socializing

Friends of Peter have organized a get-together for after the Memorial. The Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists have made their facilty open to us. The address is 1924 Cedar Street (at Bonita Avenue), Berkeley. There will be modest refreshments. Additions welcome.

BFUU directions

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by JacKo
i will attend but i would like to read a objective critical accessment of his life.I'm sure there will not be much of that at the memorial . That's the norm .
I did not Peter Miguel personally but i have heard wildly different views of his role in the Socialist Workers party and the Green party. The most controversial is his creation of a socially conscious investment firm . I have never encountered a progressive corporation . I want to see a society in which there are no for profit corporations .
I wonder did Peter remain a Socialist in the last years of his life. If not why not ? These are questions that i doubt will be answered by the speakers tommorrow . But out of respect for at least much of what he did i will attend any way .
by Comunista
Its not that there aren't a handful of nice capitalists. As a class the capitalists run society into the ground in pursuit of profit. Socially Responsible Investing is a fallacy as a solution. Capitalism cannot be PERMANENTLY repaired.

All that said, Peter Camejo, like many revolutionaries in non-revolutionary times, adapted to non-revolutionary aims out of a demoralization. That doesn't diminish his analysis of earlier years.

I didn't attend Peter Camejo's memorial. I didn't want to be subjected to the reformist idiocy of characters like Nader or the politcal pessimism of the coterie around Peter Camejo who weren't able to maintain revolutionary politics.

I would highly recomment finding Camejo's writings:

Peter Camejo 1939-2008: How to make a revolution in the United States (1969)/Liberalism, ultraleftism or mass action (1970)

i did go to the memorial but for various reasons i can't draft a report . Perhaps someone else can do that ?
I will say that it was a large event with over 400 attending . While most were over 50 a sizeable number were young .There was intense discussion about his political life but i think the dominant theme was that his political life was a consistent trajectory . I disagree. One cannot say that it's a logical progression from being a leader of a Revolutionary Communist party (A not The ! ) to a progressive stockbroker .
by Hank Chapot (hchapot(at)
So now that Peter is stone-dead, buried, lionized and memorialized,
can we discuss his legacy?

I always said Peter was a good candidate and spokesperson. I worked
with him on two of his vanity projects, the Progressive Alliance of
Alameda County in 1993(a $20,000 plus failure) and his first run for
Governor in 2001( a wash). I walked away thinking "what a pompous self-
involved blowhard."

But I kept kept my opinions to myself. When a friend complained
bitterly about the poor return on her investments at Progressive
Assets Management, I ignored it because I had nothing to invest. And
when Peter rallied his acolytes and initiated the divisive purge known
as the "Greens for Democracy and Independence," GDI(another failure),
and began to target fellow greens with his stalinist attacks, I still
withheld my opinion. When he died and all the flowers started to
drop, I was told it was in bad taste to criticize him. But I think it
is a perfect time to share my distaste for this self-appointed
egotistical millionaire political poseur.

I can't think of another white male leader during my entire history
with the Green Party (1989- now) who has done more damage, both state-
wide and nationally, than Peter Camejo.

As for all those mystical superlatives, what would you expect? The
only people at the memorial were his fans and supporters. Peter's
detractors, among whom I count myself, stayed away.
It may seem like I am dancing on his grave, but the guy was impervious
to criticism in life.
by Organize; Don't Couch Potato
Peter's memorial was great because it is the life of person who never gave up. He did irritate some people because he pushed so hard, but at that level of politics getting to be in debates on national tv you have got to be a little pushy.

Too many of the Greens esp in SF are too thin-skinned. Even when Peter apologized and changed his web site at the request of SF Greens it wasn't enough. They preferred it seemed to want to rail against him, which they did and eventually he purposely left the Green Party because he didn't think it is up to the task of building a true opposition.

That number is growing. A strong opposition party is needed. Will it be the Greens?
by Curious
In view of the ongoing crisis of the Greens perhaps we should take another look at the Peace and Freedom party .It's true that they have their problems . Some of their candidates have been a poor choice .But Peter must have seen some potential in them . I've been told that he was moving closer to them during his last few years.
His last public speaking appearance was at their convention .
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