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Indybay Feature


by Leo Leonardo
URGENT ACTION ALERT! Condemned by health and environmental groups across the country, GNEP means foreign nuclear waste imported and "reprocessed" in the USA. This is a national issue! We need a big national outcry!!! Washington, Oregon, Idaho, New Mexico, Ohio, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, South Carolina, and all our sister states! Cold War nuclear sites are thirty years behind on clean-up! NO foreign waste!
Global Nuclear Energy Partnership

In the dying throes of the Bush administration, one last environmental disaster is being foisted on the public. With GNEP, the Pacific Northwest, Hanford Nuclear Reservation and Idaho Falls, the Southwest and sites in the Eastern USA could all get a lot more nuclear waste (both from within and outside the country) and dirty nuclear waste ‘reprocessing’ plants, “recycling” reactors, and “advanced fuel cycle research facilities”—all verbal green-washings of very dirty processes. The Department of Energy (DOE) is holding public hearings on GNEP in November through early December, 2008, final hearing on December 9 in Washington DC in a rush to push this awful idea in under the wire.

Thursday, November 20, 7:00 p.m.
Hilton Garden Inn
700 Lindsay Boulevard
Idaho Falls, IDAHO 83402

Tuesday, November 18, 7:00 p.m.
Best Western Hood River Inn – Gorge Room
1108 East Marina Way
Hood River, OREGON 97031

Monday, November 17, 7:00 p.m.
Red Lion Hotel
2525 North 20th Avenue
Pasco, WASHINGTON 99301

Monday, November 17, 7:00 p.m.
Lea County Event Center
5101 North Lovington-Hobbs Hwy
Hobbs, NEW MEXICO 88240

Tuesday, November 18, 9:00 a.m.
Pecos River Village Conference Center Carousel House
711 Muscatel Avenue
Carlsbad, NEW MEXICO 88220

Tuesday, November 18, 7:00 p.m.
Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell Occupational Technology Center Seminar Room 124
20 West Mathis
Roswell, NEW MEXICO 88130

Thursday, November 20, 7:00 p.m.
Hilltop House Best Western
400 Trinity Drive (at Central)
Los Alamos, NEW MEXICO 87544

Monday, December 1, 7:00 p.m.
Carson Four Rivers Center Myre River Room
100 Kentucky Avenue
Paducah, KENTUCKY 42003

Tuesday, December 2, 7:00 p.m.
Vern Riffe Career Technology Center
175 Beaver Creek Road
Piketon, OHIO 45661

Tuesday, December 2, 7:00 p.m.
New Hope Center
602 Scarboro Rd, Corner of New Hope and Scarboro Roads
Oak Ridge, TENNESSEE 37830

Thursday, December 4, 7:00 p.m.
Holiday Inn Bolingbrook
205 Remington Blvd.
Bolingbrook, ILLINOIS 60440

Thursday, December 4, 7:00 p.m.
Aiken Technical College, Building 700 – Amphitheater
2276 Jefferson Davis Highway
Graniteville, SOUTH CAROLINA 29829

Tuesday, December 9, 1:00 p.m.
Holiday Inn Capitol
550 C Street SW


ATTEND A HEARING and let DOE know a LOT of people do NOT want GNEP.

COMMENT BY MAIL Letters due before December 16. Mail letters to:
Francis Schwartz, GNEP PEIS Document Manager
Office of Nuclear Energy, NE-5, DOE
1000 Independence Ave. S.W.
Washington, DC 20585.

COMMENT ONLINE click on above link, then click on the yellow button next to Add Comments



Acquaint yourself with GNEP in Wikipedia

Or the 81 page Department of Energy GNEP SUMMARY

Or full 960 page DOE GNEP document

Or read article below (recommended) Alliance for Nuclear Accountability, 2008



The Department of Energy (DOE) has asked Congress for $302 million in fiscal year 2009 for the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP), which it also calls the Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative (AFCI). GNEP is a Bush Administration scheme to revive the dangerous practice of reprocessing irradiated nuclear fuel. GNEP would endanger the environment, encourage nuclear bomb-making, squander U.S. taxpayer dollars, and deepen the nuclear waste problem.

Under the GNEP plan, some countries would supply and fuel nuclear reactors for other, as-yet-unnamed countries that would agree to forgo uranium enrichment and plutonium reprocessing. Once the fuel rods were irradiated, they would be sent back to the suppliers for eventual reprocessing.

Reprocessing is the fundamental link between a nuclear reactor and a plutonium bomb. Irradiated, or “spent,” fuel is separated into its constituent ingredients, usually using acid. One of the ingredients, plutonium, can be used to make new reactor fuel—or nuclear bombs. Since separated plutonium encourages nuclear weapons proliferation, President Ford halted the export of reprocessing technologies. President Carter outlawed U.S. commercial reprocessing in 1976.

Although the domestic ban was lifted more than 20 years ago, reprocessing is so expensive that the U.S. nuclear power industry has not resumed it. While the French reprocessing program of the state-owned company Areva is often presented as an example to follow, its financing is totally dependent on state support and by forcing a reluctant utility to accept plutonium fuel.


Reprocessing produces large amounts of very dangerous waste that is intensely radioactive, toxic, thermally hot, and difficult to contain. The tanks used to store this liquid high-level waste must be cooled requiring water, hence more water pollution, or the waste will explode. In 1957, one such tank exploded in Russia, contaminating 6,000 square miles. Liquid high-level waste from Cold War reprocessing presents the greatest contamination threat and cleanup challenge in the U.S. nuclear weapons complex. At Hanford, Washington; Savannah River Site, South Carolina; and the Idaho National Laboratory, millions of gallons of liquid waste sit in aging “tank farms,” all of which have leaked, threatening crucial water resources.


GNEP proponents claim it is a way to control nuclear materials proliferation, but the opposite is true. Irradiated fuel that has not been reprocessed is “self protecting” because the fuel is heavy, bulky, and intensely radioactive. But separated plutonium is a concentrated powder, and less than 20 pounds are required to make a bomb. Loss or theft of this dangerous material is hard to guard against in the complex plutonium separation factories because it is very difficult to track plutonium through each step of the process.

One GNEP plan is to “burn” reprocessed plutonium in “fast” reactors, which are prone to accidents and cost up to half again as much as most of the reactors used for electricity in the U.S. today. Worldwide, fewer than 20 fast reactors have produced electricity. Use of fast reactors and reprocessing only adds to the current worldwide surplus of separated, weapons-usable plutonium, which already stands at 250 tons – enough to make approximately 30,000 nuclear bombs.


DOE has not provided a total cost estimate for GNEP, but in 1996, the National Academy of Sciences estimated that reprocessing the current U.S. spent fuel inventory could easily add $100 billion to our nuclear tab. Each of the new fast reactors would cost several billion more.

Approximately $150 billion more will be needed to bring some level of cleanup to the three U.S. weapons sites and the commercial site in West Valley, NY, that previously reprocessed spent fuel. These are all costs the taxpayer–not the nuclear power industry–bears.


As its efforts to open a spent fuel and high-level waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, are clearly failing, DOE is trying to paint GNEP as a
“recycling” solution. But reprocessing spent fuel does not conserve resources or reduce waste. If spent fuel is reprocessed once, as it is in France, it does not appreciably reduce the space needed in a deep geologic repository. At the same time, it produces other radioactive wastes that remain hazardous for thousands of years. Even if spent fuel would be repeatedly reprocessed and burned in dangerous fast reactors, there would still be waste that requires geologic disposal.


DOE says more than 20 other countries are interested in participating in GNEP, though no binding agreements have been reached. The Bush administration plans to make GNEP decisions in 2008, even though Congress has not authorized the program and, in the FY 2008 Omnibus Appropriation, specifically
prohibited using any funds “for facility construction for technology demonstration of commercialization.”

DOE’s plan goes directly against the 2007 recommendations from the National Academy of Sciences, which is sharply critical of the program on nearly every front.

Another provision of the FY 2009 Budget Request would extend the $18.5 billion in loan guarantees for new nuclear power plants currently appropriated through September 30, 2009 for two more years. Congress has already provided about a billion dollars in production tax credits, up to $2 billion in risk insurance for new nuclear power plants, and billions more for nuclear reactor licensing and new technologies.

The loan guarantees to new nuclear plants, which could not operate until 2015, should not be extended to provide even further subsidies. Instead, any federal loan guarantees should be for renewable energy and efficiency programs that produce and save energy in the next few years.


• Transfer the $302 million FY 2009 Budget Request for the GNEP/AFCI programs to DOE’s waste cleanup program.

• Do not extend the $18.5 billion in nuclear power loan guarantees


Two years ago, the Department of Energy (DOE) received millions to do an environmental impact study as regards this Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) idea across the United States. Now, DOE is holding meetings at nuclear sites across America until December 9, when the last hearing is held in Washington DC, to present the GNEP plan to the affected sites for public comment. Hearings are to be held at Hobbs, New Mexico, Carlsbad, New Mexico, Roswell, New Mexico, Los Alamos, New Mexico, Pasco, Washington, Hood River, Oregon, Paducah, Kentucky, Idaho Falls, Idaho, Piketon, Ohio, Bolingbrook, Illinois, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and Granville, South Carolina. All those places would be directly affected by the GNEP proposal, whether they are the storage sites of a lot more waste trucked in or the reprocessing sites of nuclear waste. Reprocessing uranium is very dirty, generating a lot more nuclear waste. And for what? The plan is more nuclear reactors nationally and internationally. The corporate plan is to grow the nuclear industry across the board.

Along with Hobbs and Roswell, New Mexico, Hanford Nuclear Reservation in the state of Washington (570 square Cold War nuclear waste polluted miles adjacent to the Columbia River--the lifeblood of the Pacific Northwest) is being considered as a site to receive very large additional amounts of nuclear waste from within and outside of the USA, which same toxic waste is then supposed to be 'reprocessed' onsite. Reprocessing nuclear waste to yield fuel for new reactors is greenwashed as 'recycling.' The DOE wants to do something about the accumulation of nuclear waste from the USA's rapidly aging nuclear power plants and munitions making sites currently stored onsite at many locations. DOE has been very expensively fighting legal battles for decades over this issue. Additionally, all this waste all over America has people angry, (the 'political logjam') and much less likely to agree to building more nuclear power plants.

Lyman and Von Hippel in an article “Reprocessing Revisited: The International Dimensions of the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership” offer the following explanation:

"In a February 2008 speech, Dennis Spurgeon, assistant secretary of energy for nuclear energy, argued that 'closing the fuel cycle is essential for expansion of nuclear power in the U.S. and around the world.' This assertion is highly questionable because reprocessing is 10 times more costly than spent fuel storage. If nuclear power is to become more widely competitive, its cost must decrease, not increase. Spurgeon’s view, however, reflects the belief of GNEP supporters in the need to bypass the political logjams that block permanent spent fuel storage, which they see as a chief impediment to a major global increase in nuclear power. In the absence of geological repositories, reprocessing plants provide an alternative destination for the spent fuel accumulating at nuclear power plants.

"This change in the U.S. attitude toward reprocessing is at odds with the welcome, recent global trend of countries abandoning reprocessing because it is costly, and complicates waste disposal rather than facilitating it. The net result of even a partial success of the Bush administration’s policy would be a reversal in the decline in the number of countries with stockpiles of separated plutonium, thereby undermining the nonproliferation regime. Hopefully, Congress and the next administration will try to reverse the damage done by the Bush administration’s ill-considered promotion of reprocessing...."

Meanwhile, towns downriver from various sites, and every other American living in proximity to nuclear waste sites all over the nation, are being distracted from demanding clean-up of our existing sites by having to fight this new onslaught of pathological science originating with an international group of nuclear corporations eager to build more plants, as well as re-processing plants, whose only goal is the bottom line.

International corporations are partnering up, delighted that Bush gave them an in—the GNEP—to further milk the American taxpayer. Nuclear energy is heavily subsidized, as is the building of power plants, and the building of potential 'reprocessing plants.' That particular cash cow has gotten a lot thinner this year, but that will not stop the corporate lobbying. Likely local workers eager for jobs will be flocking to their DOE meeting highly supportive of GNEP. In the Pacific Northwest alone, Hanford’s toxic tanks continue leaking into the Columbia River, the most irradiated river in the Western Hemisphere. The Savannah River is poisoned. So is the Ohio. And the Tennessee. And the Rio Grande. Fresh water rivers across the USA are polluted as a result of nuclear projects of various kinds. Downriver folks and the population at large, much more numerous than local workers, should not have long term nuclear waste pollution forced on them by people with a clear short term vested financial interest in the GNEP outcome.

The DOE pays for the clean-up with your tax dollars, now going on 40 billion PLUS dollars at Hanford Nuclear Reservation ALONE--hello Colorado, what was the price tag for the mess north of Denver? can anybody hike across the land polluted by nuclear tests in southern California? what's blowing in the wind near Las Vegas? what about New York and Love Canal? Twenty years behind schedule, FIFTY YEARS AFTER THE COLD WAR TOXINS STILL NOT SAFELY STORED, leaking into rivers, blowing away with the dust. There are many similar sites across the USA, (see link at the end of this post) though Hanford is by far the worst in a string of awful toxic sites. See the Hanford Watch website to see just how bad it is.

Why is the DOE considering adding further to the waste burden of the United States, at the risk of focusing efforts and money away from clean-up which is continually delayed because of insufficient funds?

As far as the USA’s national nuclear waste is concerned, not even considering the incoming international waste that’s proposed, Lyman and Van Hippel suggest the answer is that as long as waste is stored all over the country, there will be big opposition to more nuclear power plants. But consolidate the waste from all over the country to a few sites for "reprocessing," and you can build more power plants with less local opposition. Yucca Mountain in Nevada, the underground storage facility which was to hold all this accumulated waste (factually it could hold only about half what there is anyway) may not open. Hence, an urgency felt by DOE to do something.

Comes now Bush's GNEP and the nuclear corporate lobby, an international clutch of companies including USA corporations.

The global warming crisis has everyone searching for carbon free energy, and nuclear is being touted suddenly as 'clean,' giving the nuclear menace a chance to rise again like a phoenix out of the ashes. Corporate marketing along with the DOE gleefully under-educates the public with the half truth of nuclear energy’s ‘low carbon footprint!’ Never mind that these processes pollute soil, air, and water for millennia. Mammals and most living organisms simply can't mutate fast enough to live in a world polluted with radionuclides. They get sick and die of cancer, heart disease, and weakened immune systems. They die before attaining the age of reproduction or miscarry into extinction. The effect is cumulative. We are already losing species worldwide at a rate not seen before in geologic time.

Reprocessing just spreads the waste around more! Quote from Oregon Senator Ron Wyden's office, "Nuclear waste is like King Midas on steroids. Everything it touches makes more waste."

The USA needs to focus on real clean-up technology, not smearing the nuclear waste around. No building new nuclear plants. No reprocessing. No more building of nuclear bombs. The US already has thousands and their uranium bomb pits do not wear out with aging. We are awash in plutonium. Hanford Nuclear Reservation spends millions a year just guarding one metric ton of plutonium from terrorists. Why break that down into smaller units more easily accessed by terrorists?

Phase out nuclear altogether and subsidize solar and wind at the current rate of nuclear energy. Immediately promote more environmentally sound machinery including cars and environmentally sound energy.

Carefully review the ramifications of quick fix energy solutions thrown into the breach of global warming hysteria. (Another example of bad science contributing to hunger and environmental degradation worldwide and a complete boondoggle benefiting chemical corporations is ethanol in your gas tank! Ethanol is energy in-efficient )

Do we want large amounts of nuclear waste—domestic and foreign—trucking down the highways? Or getting into the water and air as a result of reprocessing? Or getting into the hands of terrorists en route? Do we want more waste from new nuclear power plants, the remains of so-called "recycled" fuel? Why on earth should the United States pollute its own lands further with imported nuclear waste and more uranium bomb pit processing?

The USA does not need more nuclear bombs; the USA can already blow up the planet. Bomb pits do not wear out. No more depleted uranium bombs used in wars either. The environmental pollution wrought by the USA's production of depleted uranium weapons here at home, and their explosion in other countries, is tremendous. Depleted uranium weapons means genocide on civilians. The leukemia count spikes in countries where the US army uses depleted uranium weapons to blow up tanks—toxic waste sits in the dust, travels across deserts, and ultimately is blown around the planet. Support international policies limiting, dismantling, and phasing out nuclear weapons, depleted uranium weapons, and power plants.


First, from the Union of Concerned Scientists

Risk of Nuclear Terrorism/Proliferation: Reprocessing separates plutonium and uranium from other nuclear waste contained in spent nuclear fuel. The separated plutonium can be used to fuel reactors, but also can be used in nuclear weapons and therefore poses a major risk of nuclear terrorism. Less than 20 pounds of plutonium is needed to make a nuclear weapon. The current U.S. practice of maintaining plutonium in large, heavy, and highly radioactive spent fuel assemblies makes it nearly impossible to steal. Reprocessing would change that. A recent Government Accountability Office (GAO) report specifically noted that advanced technologies for reprocessing spent nuclear fuel would pose a “greater risk of proliferation in comparison with direct disposal” in underground storage. However, the DOE has not yet made public the GNEP Nonproliferation Assessment that it has prepared. The public should insist that the DOE issue the Nonproliferation Assessment for public comment before making a “record of decision” to proceed with GNEP.

Nuclear Waste Issue Not Remedied: The GNEP plan for reprocessing is not necessary to support nuclear power expansion and, in fact, would be counterproductive by saddling nuclear power with additional costs and risks. Reprocessing will not reduce the volume of nuclear waste generated and will not eliminate the need for a long-term underground storage solution. The nuclear power industry has been unwilling to invest private funding to support reprocessing. The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) believes that spent nuclear fuel can instead be safely stored in dry casks at existing reactor sites for decades. Indeed, reprocessing will require significantly more disposal capacity for low-level radioactive waste according to the draft PEIS.

Taxpayers and Ratepayers Will Spend Billions of Dollars: According to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in 1996, the total cost of a reprocessing and fast reactor program could be more than $700 billion (in 2007 dollars). A more recent estimate from a government scientist found the cost associated with building and operating a plant capable of reprocessing all the spent fuel generated by the current U.S. reactor fleet would be $3 billion to $4.5 billion per year. Due to the drawbacks to reprocessing, Congress has significantly reduced the administration’s funding requests over the last two years, which has led the DOE to abandon its initial plans to build a number of reprocessing facilities throughout the country. However, hundreds of millions have already been poured into the program and several sites around the country, including Roswell and Hobbs in New Mexico and Hanford in Washington, have conducted preliminary feasibility studies for hosting reprocessing plants and other GNEP facilities. If reprocessing goes forward, only sites that have already been studied will be considered for new facility construction.


1. The American taxpayer whose dollar heavily subsidizes nuclear energy projects of all kinds pays out the nose. Not even factoring in the cost of down-the-line clean-up, nuclear energy is highly cost in-effective. Clean-up efforts as a result of GNEP are paid for by your tax dollars long after the power from those projects was used. We need consumer rate relief!

2. Nuclear subsidy dollars should be diverted to safer forms of energy

3. Nuclear plants require water for cooling. Can we risk the earth’s clean water?

4. This plan includes importing nuclear waste from other countries. We still haven’t cleaned up the Cold War waste fifty years later. Radionuclides from waste are spreading around (wind, water, biosphere) and affecting public health.

5. ‘Reprocessing’ is much dirtier and more dangerous than leaving the waste onsite. Nuclear waste is safer stored in situ until we can figure out a truly sound technology for dealing with it.

6. Nuclear waste will be trucked down our highways….

7. GNEP could involve importing waste from other countries. Do we want nuclear waste barged up the Columbia, going through the locks, and up the dams? Or up the Savannah or down the Ohio? Do we want to pollute the USA even further with nuclear waste from other countries that pay us to take it? Do we want mega ports in Mexico to take it in and then truck it up some potential Trans American highway? Can the Southwest afford to pollute its precious water with nuclear waste from “re-processing”?!

8. Encourage cleaner energy like solar and wind. Nuclear is not ‘clean.’

9. Large corporations should not determine environmental health. The government has to step in with laws and to hold corporations accountable. Why were corporations never charged for the mess they created in New Mexico, San Francisco, Hanford, Washington, Fernald, Ohio, Oakridge, TN, New York, etc? Why is the government protecting nuclear corporations from prosecution? The burden of proof as regards products and corporate accountability is too great in the USA, deliberately kept that way to cater to corporate interests.

10. Selling nuclear plants to India, approved by Congress this year, and to China as approved under the Clinton administration, was a terrible step for the world environment. These countries and their people will ultimately suffer greatly because of this step backwards, instead of adopting solar and wind energy.

11. French company, Areva, is building an uranium enrichment plant 18 miles west of Idaho Falls. Why? What do we need enriched uranium for? Areva is also building a MOX plant at Savannah River. Areva, formerly Cogema, has a terrible history of safety violations. Why should a French company pollute our country? Don’t we have enough American corporations to pollute America already? Why should the American taxpayer enrich the French and pay for polluting projects? Get Areva out of America.

12. Nuclear energy will hinder reliable, sustainable energy policies worldwide. Under the GNEP, countries like Turkey (the “breadbasket” of the region with plenty of sun for solar (!) and earthquakes) would be considered as a supplier country meaning that it would be forced to “to supply nuclear fuel to receiver states in exchange for a reliable and affordable nuclear fuel supply.” Instead of simply converting to solar country-wide. Turkey would have to buy energy from nuclear power plants in other countries. From:

13. Physicians for Social Responsibility is highly critical of GNEP. “GNEP will …worsen the radioactive waste disposal problem and…make the United States the dumping ground for nuclear wastes from the other participating nations. If nuclear power growth is tripled to mitigate global warming, the “take back” policy of GNEP would mean that the U.S. could import enough reactor spent fuel to fill more than a dozen Yucca Mountain, Nevada repositories. Under the administration’s plan, highly radioactive strontium-90 and cesium-137 would be separated for near surface disposal after 300 years – resulting in the largest source of high-heat radioactivity in the United States and possibly the world.”

14. Global warming and weather changes make all nuclear sites vulnerable (precluding the building of more nuclear plants) to forces of nature such as earthquakes, fire, and floods. In the last ten years, major fires at Hanford and Los Alamos released radionuclides into the air and cost taxpayers billions to fight.

15. Funding for GNEP projects is very unclear. Projects are uninsurable against accidents, according to Warren Buffett.

16. The National Academy of Sciences is sharply critical of DOE’s plan on nearly every front. See:

17. NUCLEAR INDUSTRY WORKERS HAVE A SHORT TERM VESTED FINANCIAL INTEREST AND SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO DECIDE ISSUES OF LONG TERM ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION AFFECTING MILLIONS, GENERATIONS DOWN THE LINE, AND DOWNRIVER. Communities with many nuclear related jobs will lobby heavily at DOE GNEP hearings. Communities in the area and downriver, across the United States, have to make a big noise to compete. Last year, Idaho Falls nuclear workers organized en masse to lobby at their 2007 DOE GNEP hearing. “In March 2007 over 700 people from eastern Idaho stunned Department of Energy officials by turning out to support the location of GNEP advanced nuclear energy facilities in eastern Idaho. It was the biggest show of support in the nation for the program. The entirely unexpected bonus was that the massive outpouring of support for nuclear energy caught the attention of French nuclear giant Areva which eventually decided to locate a $2.4 billion uranium enrichment plant 18 miles west of town. While Areva's new plant has nothing to do with GNEP, or federal nuclear energy programs, the support of communities throughout eastern Idaho for the project was clearly signaled by …the GNEP hearing.” From:

18. Even in this awful economy, the prospect of new nuclear related jobs should not determine policies affecting long-term pollution.

Scrap the entire GNEP set of proposals.

Link to an interactive map that lets you track nuclear site safety in the USA

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by Leo Leonardo
Spent nuclear fuel is no more waste than dusty gold bullion is. The U.S. and other nations around the world have spent billions of dollars mining, refining, and producing this fuel. To spent billions of dollars on Yucca Mt. (and other facilities around the planet) to inter this resource forever is an extremely shortsighted "solution." Would you also throw out a battery rather than recharge it? By reprocessing the fuel, we can optimize the benefit of nuclear fuel, control proliferation (by mixing the plutonium into the fuel as a mixed oxide), and minimize the amount of waste that needs to be ultimately managed. GNEP is the single good idea that has come out of the bush administration.
by Dan Arrenholz
Sorry, gave credit for coherent thought to the original author of the rant upon which I was commenting. My humblest apologies.
by Roger Helbig (DUStory-owner [at]
The poster makes a number of false claims about depleted uranium.

"No more depleted uranium bombs used in wars either. The environmental pollution wrought by the USA's production of depleted uranium weapons here at home, and their explosion in other countries, is tremendous. Depleted uranium weapons means genocide on civilians. The leukemia count spikes in countries where the US army uses depleted uranium weapons to blow up tanks—toxic waste sits in the dust, travels across deserts, and ultimately is blown around the planet."

There is no such thing as a "depleted uranium bomb" - there is only one form of DU munition, the kinetic energy penetrator. A DU penetrator cuts through modern armor plate, it is not a bomb, it is a metal rod fired at high velocity at an armored target.

There has been very little environmental pollution created by USA's production of depleted uranium weapons (there is no such thing as a DU weapon - penetrators are bullets, not weapons) - there has been some, but it has been mixed with other pollutants in Colonie, NY where National Lead manufactured lead and other products for decades without practicing any form of sound environmental control.

Since DU penetrators are not explosive, they have never exploded in other countries either. DU's tremendous kinetic energy is converted to heat when it comes to a stop by hitting an armored target - that heat does cause the target's on-board ammunition and fuel to explode. That is why you see the Iraqi tank's turret being blown off.

There is no genocide. DU has not killed civilians; it has not caused generations of grotesquely misshapen births either. Those photos were deliberately used as propaganda by Saddam Hussein's government in about 1992 and they now abound on the internet. They are photos of genetic conditions like Harlequin Fetal Syndrome (Harlequin Ichthyosis) which require that both parents possess and pass on a very rare recessive gene. The photos are extremely grotesque, but they have nothing to do with DU.

Iraq has claimed a spike in Leukemia, but there has been no confirmation of that claim and it is not supported by the UNEP team results from the The Balkans where they examined the battlefield area seven years after it had been attacked by A-10 aircraft firing DU penetrators at tank parks. Of note, large numbers of the 30mm penetrators still were clad in aluminum and the DU itself had never been exposed to the environment.

The International Atomic Energy Agency in tests in Kuwait found that DU does not spread more than a few meters from the target. There are no DU dust clouds and DU has never travelled around the earth. These claims keep suckers flocking to hear complete frauds like Leuren Moret.

To learn about DU and stop being a lemming like the poster who is just regurgitating nonsense go to some of the following links which are available at the Yahoo Group DUStory

The Risks of Depleted Uranium Contamination Post-Conflict: UNEP Assessments by Mario Burger
Director of Swiss Testing Lab Summarizes UNEP and IAEA Post Conflict DU Field and Laboratory Testing

Depleted Uranium in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Postconflict Assessment
300 pg detailed UN Environmental Programme Report

Radiological Conditions in Areas of Kuwait With Residues of Depleted Uranium
Includes Appendix III - Experiments to Examine Resuspension

Tab - F - Use of DU in the Gulf War
The effectiveness of DU as an anti-tank munition and as armor is vividly demonstrated at the top of this page

Uranium Emitted from Coal Fired Power Plants
Even U-235 is emitted from coal fired plants

Nuclear Chemistry Uranium Production Dr Frank Settle
Describes Uranium Ore through Uranium Metal

Nuclear Chemistry - Uranium Enrichment - Dr Frank Settle
Describes the Uranium Enrichment Process

Independent Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Commission
The Commission, Chaired by Hans Blix, UN Weapons Inspector - Depleted Uranium is not a WMD

Los Alamos - Researchers find time in dusty polar ice
Note that this uses measurements of "femtograms" - one quadrillionth of a gram -- same (except misspelled) measurement as that for Specialist Matthew Gerard of NY National Guard

Many more are at the linked Message 88, which is the latest public posting of links --


----- Original Message -----

by Leo Leonardo
Well, Mr. Leonardo put a lot of effort into his version of what the GNEP program will do, but he is way out ahead of what is being considered. His is an alarmist view and shows a strong opposition to just about anything nuclear. There is also a distrust of government. Let's start with the headline: he, or whoever wrote it, says the U.S. is to become an international nuclear waste dump. Let's be clear: GNEP is a multi-faceted concept that when introduced caused a lot of confusion on what it would do in the global sense and how it would affect the United States. The concept seemed to be greater support overseas than it did with our own Congress. Details were lacking, but it seemed evident that reprocessing--as the government wanted to do it to be "proliferation resistant" was a long way off and the economics in doubt. Calm down, Leo.
by radiation exceeds human body's limits
Reprocessing and accepting spent nuclear waste products from other nations sets a dangerous precedent for exposing U.S. residents to additional nuclear radiation against their wishes. Not like we don't already know about cancer clusters of downwinders living near nuclear facilities, do we really want to add even more nuclear waste from other countries to our already overflowing cesspool of radioactive nuclear waste??

In Utah, a corporation calling itself "EnergySolutions" is doing just that, accepting spent nuclear fuel from Italy despite local public outcry against such acts.

"EnergySolutions wants to import 20,000 tons of Italian nuclear waste into the United States and open up Utah to become the world's nuclear dumping ground. Gov. Huntsman and thousands of Utahns have spoken out in opposition, yet EnergySolutions is suing to bring the waste here."


We are told time and time again by Dept of Energy officials that nuclear energy is safe and we have "nothing to worry about", yet epidemiology and statistical studies of cancer rates of downwinders disproves this DOE assertion of safety every time..

Some background on Hanford cancer survivors from;

"General Information

The Hanford Downwinders Litigation website is a general information resource for our clients in the In re Berg (CY-96-3151-WFN) and Lumpkin, et al. v. DuPont, et al. (CT-00-5052-WFN) cases. The lawsuits arise from the environmental radiation releases caused by operation of the Hanford Nuclear Facility. Located in south central Washington State, Hanford produced plutonium for U.S. nuclear weapons from 1944 until 1990. All of the Hanford downwinder cases have been consolidated. The consolidated case is known as In re Hanford Nuclear Reservation Litigation (CV-91-3015-WFN).

Thousands of people who were exposed to Hanford's radiation filed suit in 1990 against former contractors, such as DuPont and GE, which operated Hanford for the U.S. government. DuPont operated Hanford from 1943 to 1946. General Electric ran Hanford from 1946 to 1965.

Summary of Hanford Downwinder Trials During 2005

Judge Wm. Fremming Nielsen presided over the trial that began on April 25, 2005, and went to the jury on May 13. It was a bellwether trial, comprised of 6 plaintiffs with thyroid disease and lasted 3 weeks.
After deliberating more than three days, a 12-member jury returned verdicts for two of the six bellwether plaintiffs in the first Hanford downwinder trial. Gloria Wise was awarded $317,251 and Steve Stanton $227,508 for their thyroid cancers. The jury failed to reach a verdict for the third thyroid cancer plaintiff, Shannon Rhodes. Judge Nielsen declared a mistrial in her case and a retrial was held during November 2005.

The first jury also returned defense verdicts for the three plaintiffs with hypothyroidism. In June 2005, the plaintiffs appealed these three verdicts to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. In August 2005, the defendants appealed the verdict for Mr. Stanton and Ms.Wise.
A different jury sat through a two-week retrial for Ms. Rhodes in November 2005. The 12-member jury deliberated a little more than a day before deciding 11-1 in favor of DuPont and General Electric. In early 2006, Ms. Rhodes' case joined the others on appeal."

further info found @;

background from HEAL-Utah;

"Italian nuclear waste fact sheet

Representative Jim Matheson (D-UT), along with congressmen from Tennessee and Kentucky, is co-sponsoring bipartisan legislation to ban the importation of low-level radioactive waste into the United States. Senators from Maryland and Tennessee are sponsoring a Senate version of the bill.

The foreign waste ban bills, H.R. 5632 and S. 3225, are critical to keeping foreign nuclear waste out of Utah.

Background Information

EnergySolutions has asked the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for a license to import 20,000 tons of radioactive waste from dismantled nuclear reactors in Italy. The waste will be melted down and incinerated at an EnergySolutions’ facility in Tennessee and then 1,600 tons of radioactive ash will be dumped in Utah.

Utah Governor Jon Huntsman, the Utah Radiation Control Board, and a regional regulatory board called the Northwest Interstate Compact blocked this waste from coming to Utah. EnergySolutions responded by suing to get its way.

The NRC has delayed making a decision until September at the earliest. However, nearly 4,000 people submitted comments to the NRC, the vast majority overwhelmingly against the proposal.

EnergySolutions' import request:

A dangerous precedent. EnergySolutions claims that its request to dump Italian nuclear waste in the U.S. is "business as usual." Yet, this single import request is almost 10 times greater than all previous foreign nuclear waste imports for disposal granted by the NRC combined (see Figure 1).[i]

The tip of the iceberg. EnergySolutions has made clear it plans to aggressively pursue foreign nuclear waste contracts as an important revenue stream for its shareholders.[ii] Granting approval to this proposal could open the door to the U.S. becoming the world's nuclear waste dump and create a disincentive for foreign nations to dispose of their own radioactive waste. EnergySolutions has been soliciting contracts for additional foreign waste disposal in the United Kingdom. [iii]

A danger to public health and safety. EnergySolutions' import application states that "the generators of this material are not fully known," meaning that it plans to ship unknown types of nuclear material over oceans, into ports, and through U.S. cities and towns.
Bad for domestic nuclear waste disposal. Dumping large quantities of foreign nuclear waste in the U.S. will only constrain further our domestic disposal capacity[iv] and result in the need for expanded or new nuclear waste dumpsites. This presents a clear danger to public health, safety, and the environment.

An unwanted change in national policy. Neither the Congress nor the NRC ever intended that domestic nuclear waste sites be used for the commercial importation of foreign nuclear waste.[v] Importations were only to be granted if they served an "important policy goal." EnergySolutions' import serves only its shareholders.

Figure 1. EnergySolutions' import request to the NRC for 20,000 tons of low-level nuclear waste from Italy is almost ten times greater than all previously approved import requests for domestic disposal combined.

[i] There have been a total of 24 applications to import low-level radioactive waste filed with the NRC, of which 13 have been granted. Some are for amounts as small as a cubic meter or a few dozen kilograms.

[ii] Prospectus of EnergySolutions, SEC Registration No. 333-141645, Nov. 17, 2007, pp. 4-5.

[iii] "U.K. waste next in line for Utah?" Salt Lake Tribune, May 28, 2008.

[iv] Disposal space for U.S. low-level waste is limited. EnergySolutions is the only disposal option for 36 states, with 96% of commercial low-level nuclear waste being dumped in Utah. Importing foreign nuclear waste will only compound this problem.

[v] Letter from the Honorable Bart Gordon, U.S. House of Representatives, to the Honorable Dale Klein, Chairman, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Feb. 12, 2008."

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