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Indybay Feature

Election Night at the Riptide

by San Franciscans Cheer as McCain Concedes
A map showing cookies for Obama-won states and crackers for those states that McCain took, decorated the wall at the Riptide in San Francisco on election night.

Photos and story by R. Robertson
A long line formed outside the Riptide in San Francisco's Sunset District, as folks crowded in to watch the final stages of the race to the presidency on the bar's televisions. Jeff Grubler, host of *Troubletown Nite at the Riptide* thanked Obama for winning, "because otherwise this party would have really sucked."

Party-goers made it clear they are not content with an Obama win, citing the continuing war and lack of social services that Obama has not pledged to fix. One election integrity activist cringed when Obama mentioned touch-screen voting in his acceptance speech, others shouted out "Make a Green Economy!" and "Nationalize Exxon!"

§Outside the Riptide, lining up
by San Franciscans Cheer as McCain Concedes
§Cheers as Obama accepts
by San Franciscans Cheer as McCain Concedes
§All eyes were on the televisions
by San Franciscans Cheer as McCain Concedes
by San Franciscans Cheer as McCain Concedes
§Your host, Jeff Grubler
by San Franciscans Cheer as McCain Concedes
§V for an Obama Victory
by San Franciscans Cheer as McCain Concedes
Jeff reminded everyone, "we can't relax now, just because Obama won. We've got two wars to stop."
§Obama on the big map at lower left
by San Franciscans Cheer as McCain Concedes
§Obama cutout
by San Franciscans Cheer as McCain Concedes
§McCain, you suck!
by San Franciscans Cheer as McCain Concedes
§Said he was surprised, but we know he wasn't
by San Franciscans Cheer as McCain Concedes
Along with others our friend here shouted suggestions to Obama as he accepted the presidency. "Make it a green economy!" "Nationalize Exxon!"
§this guy worked as a legal observer in 2004
by San Franciscans Cheer as McCain Concedes
That election was STOLEN by Republicans despite the hard work of folks like this
§happy tv watcher
by San Franciscans Cheer as McCain Concedes
§Julia of the Peninsula Peace and Justice Center
by San Franciscans Cheer as McCain Concedes
And an anonymous dancer
§Obama and Biden on TV
by San Franciscans Cheer as McCain Concedes
§Moose everywhere are laughing because...
by San Franciscans Cheer as McCain Concedes
640_rtlastmoose.jpg's ha ha ha Sarah Palin! You lose!
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by chp
ha ha. Here are the results for the Minnesota house race with that jerk who attacked Jeff Grubler (above) who does good street theater, and has traveled to the RNC.

He was doing a routine of dancing to songs dressed as Bush and Cheney - when Matthews jumped on him and stole his mask, and then had the police arrest him. It's all pictured here. Luckily he's a loser, and lost once again. At least the police didn't press charges when even RNC attendees were complaining about what they saw happen.

U.S. House - District 4

* County Results

Candidate Votes % of votes
100% of precincts reporting
Betty McCollum (Dem) *checkmark 216,217 69%
Ed Matthews (Rep) 98,920 31%
by more

Jeff must be ONE happy dude! Not only does he give a great party, he is totally vindicated with Ed Matthews loss. We should all send Matthews an email saying he got what he deserves. Here's his website; while looking for it I websearched "Ed Matthews" "Republican" "Minnesota" and the top entries are about his "committing petty theft at the RNC.
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