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Indybay Feature

Right Wing Fundamentalist Christians Take Over Fresno City Hall

by Mike Rhodes (MikeRhodes [at]
The 4:46 minute video below shows the Yes on Proposition 8 rally took place at Fresno City Hall on Sunday, October 26. Rally organizers refused to let those with No on 8 signs step onto City Hall property. One No on 8 protester in a wheelchair told me he was pushed from behind and had his sign taken away. Yes on 8 supporters threatened, intimidated, and tried to cover up protesters signs. From the podium they preached Free Speech, while at the back of the rally they denied No on 8 protesters their Free Speech rights.
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by Rich
"Father Moron" has it wrong our forefathers left England because of religious persecution not from judges in black robes. But it's no wonder the followers of his so-called Church would walk off a cliff at his direction.

They are so sick of black robes, is it because they like white ones?

They are haters and the supporters of hate should be ashamed of themselves namely Mayor Autry and Congressman Radanovich.
by Lynn Jacobsson (lynnj [at]
The denial of civil rights, especially First Amendment rights, to progressives in the City of Fresno has a long history. Having been arrested by the local police and put in jail for holding up an anti-sweatshop labor sign against the GAP at the Fashion Fair Mall a number of years ago, it seems that nothing has changed. It is interesting to note that there was no police presence at this "Yes on 8" rally which allowed the right-wing crowd to suppress free speech at their will. This raucous hate rally has the support of the present Mayor, Alan Autry, and the candidate that he endorses, Republican Ashley Swearingen. I hope that this City Hall diatribe will bring out those who believe that Proposition 8 is an attempt to deny equal rights to LGBTQ members of our community: Sunday, November 2, 2008, for a "No on 8" rally. I am also signing up to work to elect Henry T. Perea in the Fresno mayoral race. We need a change in the Valley and Perea will support equality for ALL Fresno residents.
by researcher
Alan Autry and Rev. Franklin now claim to have received death threats after this event, yet the police won't release any information about whether this was a credible threat, who made it, or what the threat contained. It smells like political manipulation of the public in the final days before a close election.

This morning, the Fresno Bee reports a search warrant has been executed, but Dyer et al refused to release further information to the press. According to Calif. Penal Code 1534, the warrant and its contents must be made public upon the execution of the warrant. An enterprising reporter might want to go to the court and request that warrant record to see what actual "threat" Autry and Franklin received. The paper also reports Autry, Franklin AND the Cornerstone Church are getting "police protection" because of this threat -- at taxpayer expense.

Credible information about death threats to public and private people should be available to the public, and not kept "secret" -- particularly when political implications exist in the days before an election. If the threat is credible, the public needs to know that it is an individual whackjob is involved rather than allow the mayor and his minions to leave the entire No on 8 movement suspect. If it was was exaggerated or exploited for political gain, it must be made public. If it was completely fabricated, we ABSOLUTELY need to know that.

Release the search warrant information, Mr. Dyer.

by Daniel
The Fascists also said they had a permit. When I asked to see it they refused to show it and said "but if you're not gonna choose to follow god's way, why would you wanna get on the sidewalk?"
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