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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

SF State Protest against the Military Recruiters and Border Patrol Friday 9/26

Friday, September 26, 2008
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Event Type:
Location Details:
San Francisco State University 1600 Holloway Ave, San Francisco Ca 94132
Meet at 19th Ave. and Holloway

On Friday September 26, 2008 San Francisco State Students and members of the community will meet at Holloway and 19th Avenue at 11:00 AM to voice their concerns over the presence of Military Recruiters from the United States Marines and the Border Patrol at the career fair.

The gathering will march down to the gym where the career fair will be held. In opposing these entities (among other questionable recruiters such as the FBI, SFSU police, Gap corporation, and Defense Contract Audit Agency) a picket-line will be held in front of the career fair. Informational leaflets expressing why it is important that agencies such as the Marines and Border Patrol are not welcome on our campus which promotes "diversity and social justice" will be distributed encouraging students to boycott the tables with these recruiters (and possibly the career fair altogether).

We are opposed to the Marines because:
- The Marines (and the military) target poor people of color making false promises of citizenship and money for college after serving in the armed forces.
- Discriminates against homosexuals with the: "Don't ask, don't tell policy."
- Is waging an unlawful war in the Middle East killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's and Afghanis and wasting over a trillion dollars in spending.
- Is not addressing incidences of rape and sexual harassment against women serving in the armed forces

We are opposed to the Border Patrol because:
- The border patrol actively discriminates against undocumented immigrants in this country
- Detains immigrants for several months at a time in detention camps before deporting them
- Is responsible for separating families and neglecting basic human rights
- Has criminalized people for trying to pursue a better life by intimidation and fear tactics

In a time where our economy is in a recession and students are struggling to pay for college with rising tuition it is no mistake that the War in Iraq and the amount of money spent on Homeland Security patrolling the borders is a crime against hard-working people in this country. Rather than the career fair bringing in these entities of discrimination and racism the career fair should promote jobs that serve to empower students at this institution of higher education in making a positive change. A better and alternative society that is sustainable, promotes equality, and creates true social change is possible through action and organization. This career fair must be crashed and these recruiters must leave!

Come bring noise, energy, and passion in vocalizing these concerns. Join other organizations in targeting specific recruiters and participating in creative forms of direct action.

Spokescouncil and Planning Meeting Wednesday Septmebr 24th, at Cafe 101 inside the Student Center at 9:00 PM. Send one or two representatives from your organization, all individuals are welcome to participate.
Added to the calendar on Wed, Sep 24, 2008 4:40PM
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