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Indybay Feature

Say No To Wall Street Bailout Scheme! Read Messages Delivered In Oposition! Call Now!

by American Justice
See calls below made to politicians in opposition to the $700 Wall Street bail-out scam! Sy No To Bush!
No To The Bush $700 Billion Wall Street Bail-out Scam!

You can use this toll free number, 1-877-210-5351,
for the congressional switchboard and ask to be connected to;

A) Senator Nancy Pelosi

B) Senator Dianne Feinstein

C) Congresswoman Barbara Lee

D) Congressman George Miller

E) Congressman Pete Stark

F) Congresswoman Ellen Taischer

G) Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey

You can use this toll free number, 1-877-210-5351,
for the congressional switchboard and ask to be connected to each of the above.

Or call local:

Barbara Boxer 415/403-0100

Dianne Feinstein 415/393-0707

Barbara Lee 510/763-0370

Call each of the above, and say no, to the Bush $700 billion Wall Street bail out scheme!

See calls below made to politicians in opposition to the $700 Wall Street bail-out scam!

Glenda from Oakland, CA called Senator Dianne Feinstein

I finally got through to Senator Feinstein's office, and stated that I was dead set against any $700 billion bail-out plan for Wall Street. I was told that theye received many calls today, and everyone was against the bail-out.

Glenda from Oakland, CA called Senator Barbara Boxer

I also finally got through to Senator Boxer's office, and Congresswoman Barbara Lee's office to speak out in opposition to the $700 billion bail-out scheme for Wall Street. Lee's office stated that Ms. Lee had no position on the plan, and Boxers office said that Boxer supported Christopher Dodd's scheme.

Hal from Bellefontaine, OH called Senator George Voinovich

I am a TrueMajority member calling to urge the Senator to oppose the Bush corporate bailout. It's time that the Government support ordinary Americans instead of bailing out their corporate cronies.

Hal from Bellefontaine, OH called Senator Sherrod Brown

I am a TrueMajority member calling to urge the Senator to oppose the Bush corporate bailout. It's time that the Government support ordinary Americans instead of bailing out their corporate cronies.

Donna from West Hollywood, CA called Senator Dianne Feinstein

Mail box full

Donna from West Hollywood, CA called Senator Barbara Boxer

mail box full

Leah from Culver City, CA called Senator Dianne Feinstein

Reached the office on the third try after two busy signals. PUt on hold, but eventually spoke to someone in her office.

Leah from Culver City, CA called Senator Barbara Boxer

All the lines in Washington were busy, so I called the SF office and left a message on the general voicemail box.

Patricia S from Medina, OH called Senator George Voinovich

Sorry I'm barely making it myself. I can't support unlimited bailouts for Wall Street. They wanted deregulation they need to live with it. You need to stop this.

Patricia S from Medina, OH called Senator Sherrod Brown

Sorry I'm barely making it myself. I can't support unlimited bailouts for Wall Street. They wanted deregulation they need to live with it. You need to stop this.

Gary from Sanford, MI called Senator Carl Levin

I am jumoing up and down mad about this preposed bailout. Fuck no!@1111111111111111If this shit happens Democrats will rue the day.

Gary from Sanford, MI called Senator Debbie Stabenow

I am jumping down mad about this preposed bailout. Fuck no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1If this happens Democrats will rue the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pat from Santa Cruz, CA called Senator Dianne Feinstein

Her line is always busy, but will keep trying. Will try her San Francisco office - same message as below.

Pat from Santa Cruz, CA called Senator Barbara Boxer

Had to call the San Francisco office because no one answered at her office and her mail box was full. I said that I was adament that there be ABSOLUTELY no compromise and no bail out. Only strict repayment and no excuses!

Henry from Lawrenceburg, KY called Senator Mitch McConnell

I am a TrueMajority member calling to urge the Senator to oppose the Bush corporate bailout. It's time that the Government support ordinary Americans instead of bailing out their corporate cronies.

Henry from Lawrenceburg, KY called Senator Jim Bunning

I am a TrueMajority member calling to urge the Senator to oppose the Bush corporate bailout. It's time that the Government support ordinary Americans instead of bailing out their corporate cronies.

Gail from Tigard, OR called Senator Ron Wyden

Talked to someone, they said thank you

Gail from Tigard, OR called Senator Gordon Smith

left a message on a machineg

Thomas from Brooksville, FL called Senator Bill Nelson

Thomas from Brooksville, FL called Senator Mel Martinez

He said he only does what Bush tells him to do.

Robert Veronelli from Gill, MA called Senator

I urged the Senator to vote against the Bush bailout plan. The person answering said my message would be forwarded to the Senator.

Robert Veronelli from Gill, MA called Senator

same as above.

Kathryn from Spokane, WA called Senator Patty Murray

I did contact her office, and they said they would make a note of it.

Kathryn from Spokane, WA called Senator Maria Cantwell

I called her office, and a note will be made.

pamela from san Francisco, CA called Senator Dianne Feinstein

line was busy--couldn't get through

pamela from san Francisco, CA called Senator Barbara Boxer

mailbox was full...

Karen from North San Juan, CA called Senator Dianne Feinstein

Busy and unable to get through.

Karen from North San Juan, CA called Senator Barbara Boxer

Mailbox is full and long wait to speak to someone "due to many Californians calling to express their views". Called the San Francisco office and left a message, similar to your suggested script, with my return phone # on a voicemail.

Judy from Kansas City, MO called Senator Kit Bond

sent email, as the phones have been busy all day.

Judy from Kansas City, MO called Senator Claire McCaskill

sent email, as the phones have been busy all day.

Mary Frances and Duane from The Woodlands, TX called Senator Kay Hutchison

Line busy. Will try later.

Mary Frances and Duane from The Woodlands, TX called Senator John Cornyn

I asked that Sen. Cornyn oppose the corporated bailout. I was told that they would let him know.

susan from pacific palisades, CA called Senator Dianne Feinstein

mailbox full

susan from pacific palisades, CA called Senator Barbara Boxer

mailbox full

Mark from Colfax, IA called Senator Charles Grassley

I am a TrueMajority member calling to urge the Senator to oppose the Bush corporate bailout. It's time that the Government support ordinary Americans instead of bailing out their corporate cronies.

Mark from Colfax, IA called Senator Tom Harkin

I am a TrueMajority member calling to urge the Senator to oppose the Bush corporate bailout. It's time that the Government support ordinary Americans instead of bailing out their corporate cronies.

Stephanie from Tukwila, WA called Senator Patty Murray

I am a TrueMajority member calling to urge the Senator to oppose the Bush corporate bailout. It's time that the Government support ordinary Americans instead of bailing out their corporate cronies.

Stephanie from Tukwila, WA called Senator Maria Cantwell

I am a TrueMajority member calling to urge the Senator to oppose the Bush corporate bailout. It's time that the Government support ordinary Americans instead of bailing out their corporate cronies.

Tomas from Austin, TX called Senator Kay Hutchison

I am a TrueMajority member and Texas AARP volunteer state office member. This email is to urge you to oppose/improve the Bush corp. bailout. Retired Texans and middle class citizens should get the bail-out with our own tax dollars. The Bush proposal is a slap in the face of conservative principles.

Tomas from Austin, TX called Senator John Cornyn

I'm a True Majority and State AARP member on legislative affairs. First, I urge you to oppose/ improve on the Bush corporate bailout. It's seniors and middle class tax payers that deserve a bailout. Student loans should likewise be forgiven now! Thank you for supporting genuine conservative principles.

Virginia from Davenport, IA called Senator Charles Grassley

Okay. Said she would pass on the message.

Virginia from Davenport, IA called Senator Tom Harkin

Okay. Said he would pass on the message.

mary from evergreen, CO called Senator Wayne Allard

female answered , said she would pass my request on.

mary from evergreen, CO called Senator Ken Salazar

recording, left message

Kathy from St Charles, MO called Senator Kit Bond

NO blank check!

Kathy from St Charles, MO called Senator Claire McCaskill

NO blank check!

John from Woolwich, called Senator Olympia Snowe

Courteous thanks

John from Woolwich, called Senator Susan Collins

Courteous thanks

Andrea from Issaquah, WA called Senator Patty Murray

Dont allow this travesty too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My God! speak up!!!

Andrea from Issaquah, WA called Senator Maria Cantwell

Don't allow this travesty too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Speak up Maria. Let everyone know we should not cater to criminals.

dale from dixon, IL called Senator Richard Durbin

pls don't do bailouts with out garantees that they will pay back with interest.

dale from dixon, IL called Senator Barack Obama

pls don't do bail outs with out garantees that they will pay back with interest.

mimi from Taft, TN called Senator Lamar Alexander

"There are 5 voting members living in this house that do not support the bailout...maybe they need to consider giving $7,000 to every tax paying American. Again, there are 5 voters in this household that do not support the bailout. Yes, Maam

mimi from Taft, TN called Senator Bob Corker

"Yes, there are 5 voters in this household that do not support the bailout. Not that Bob Corker listens to his constituents or that I respect him...I am informing him that there are 5 voters in this household that do not support the bailout." "Okay, thank you." bob corkers office is typically rude and condescending in their response to callers that don't support the rabid right wing I ceased to be kind and am not too respectful when I call.

GAYLE from denver, CO called Senator Wayne Allard

GAYLE from denver, CO called Senator Ken Salazar

I do not support a bailout.

Elizabeth from Charleston, WV called Senator Robert Byrd

LOVED the commercial for Barth! I am offended that we have to pay for corporate corruption and malfeasance. Anyone but the rich are stretched to the limits.

Elizabeth from Charleston, WV called Senator John Rockefeller

I am offended that taxpayers have to pay for corporate corruption and malfeasance. Most are stretched to our limits.

Charles from Fontana, CA called Senator Dianne Feinstein

DO NOT VOTE FOR THIS SO CALLED "BAILOUT". The American People did not make this problem and we should not have to pay for this problem... Chuck Warner

Charles from Fontana, CA called Senator Barbara Boxer

DO NOT VOTE FOR THIS SO CALLED "BAILOUT". The American People did not make this problem and we should not have to pay for this problem... Chuck Warner

filippo from orem, UT called Senator Orrin Hatch

I strongly oppose the Bush bailout of the wall street or any other company. I think our President should sell his ranch and pay their bills and not use my tax money. Even our founding father in order to balance the budget or same money realized that going to war did not help at all. This war has damaged our finances, our reputation, and our dignity. Senators and Congressmen as well our President should resign when they place our country in such a mess.

filippo from orem, UT called Senator Robert Bennett

I strongly oppose the Bush bailout of the wall street or any other company. I think our President should sell his ranch and pay their bills and not use my tax money. Even our founding father in order to balance the budget or same money realized that going to war did not help at all. This war has damaged our finances, our reputation, and our dignity. Senators and Congressmen as well our President should resign when they place our country in such a mess.

David from Highland Park, IL called Senator Richard Durbin

"Okay. I'll pass that comment along." (not very encouraging, and did not ask for my name, town, or zip code). I asked if they had a sense of Senator Durbin's position, and they replied "he has not made a statement on this yet."

David from Highland Park, IL called Senator Barack Obama

"Absoultely. We agree. Thanks for taking the time to call." Took my zip code.

Anita from Tucson, AZ called Senator John McCain

I am a TrueMajority member calling to urge the Senator to oppose the Bush corporate bailout. It's time that the Government support ordinary Americans instead of bailing out their corporate cronies.

Anita from Tucson, AZ called Senator Jon Kyl

I am a TrueMajority member calling to urge the Senator to oppose the Bush corporate bailout. It's time that the Government support ordinary Americans instead of bailing out their corporate cronies.

Ronald from Louisville, KY called Senator Mitch McConnell

I asked the Senator to oppose any corporate bailout. The lady took my name and address and said she would advise the Senator of my call.

Ronald from Louisville, KY called Senator Jim Bunning

The office was not taking calls so I left the message along with my name and address.

Mimi from ewport Coast, CA called Senator Dianne Feinstein

can not get through... Send out an email petitition, It will go right away.

Mimi from ewport Coast, CA called Senator Barbara Boxer

The Senator's mailbox is full Send out an email petition stating mailboxes full and this is the only way to immediately notify our senators.

patricia from wayne, PA called Senator Arlen Specter

It seems very suspect when one is asked to make a rushed decision based on scare tactics. Please take your time on fixing the economy and do what is best for the citizens, not the reckless investors who made this mess.

patricia from wayne, PA called Senator Robert Casey

Re: the Bush Corporate Bailout - It seems very suspect when one is asked to make a rushed decision based on scare tactics. Please take your time on fixing the economy and do what is best for the citizens, not the reckless investors who made this mess.

Alan from Corvallis, OR called Senator Ron Wyden

Middle class should not foot bill for inevitable results of dereg by Bush Admin. Back Sen. Sanders approach instead.

Alan from Corvallis, OR called Senator Gordon Smith

Vote against this bill and support Sen. Sanders bill instead.

Susanna from Grass Valley, CA called Senator Dianne Feinstein

Please don't let fear rule. This "buyout" is happening too quickly. The situation is urgent, but that doesn't mean we taxpayers should help Wall Street, rather than the people they've really hurt. Also, why are foreign banks included in the buyout? Can't their own countries help them?

Susanna from Grass Valley, CA called Senator Barbara Boxer

Please don't let fear rule. This "buyout" is happening too quickly. The situation is urgent, but that doesn't mean we taxpayers should help Wall Street, rather than the people they've really hurt. Also, why are foreign banks included in the buyout? Can't their own countries help them?

Kalen from Minneapolis , MN called Senator Norm Coleman

Kalen from Minneapolis , MN called Senator Amy Klobuchar

Left message...

mike from tooele, UT called Senator Orrin Hatch

I am a Utahan calling to urge you to oppose the Bush corporate bailout. It's time that the governemnt support ordinary Americans instead of bailing out their corporate cronies whose greed got us into this mess. Mike Lloyd

mike from tooele, UT called Senator Robert Bennett

I am a Utahan calling to urge you to oppose the Bush corporate bailout. It's time that the governement support ordinary Americans instead of bailing out it's corporate cronis whose greed got us into this mess. Mike Lloyd

Dawn from Boulder, CO called Senator Wayne Allard

Staffer said thank you.

Dawn from Boulder, CO called Senator Ken Salazar

Staffer said he would be happy to pass that on.

Janet from San Jose, CA called Senator Dianne Feinstein

Dear Senator Feinstein, I am urgently requesting that congress not panic and approve a measure that may be devastating to our country. I am very, very concerned about the nationalization of huge financial institutions at tax payer expense!!!! I would rather see the average person lose money in the market and not be able to get loans - than have these huge entities saved with billions of Chinese dollars that we have to repay!!!! We know how to get through tough times and those monstrous companies run by egocentric and GREEDY persons should learn how to get through tough times, also! They need to pay the price even if it stalls our economy! I would rather see this money go into the depression era government supported job and conservation corps. i am tired of paying and giving social services to private, curropt and irresponsible companies!!!! Pay attention as I am having reservations about backing you and other democratic congresspersons whom I have always backed. Please side with you constituents rather than wall street! Janet Tonnelli, MSW San Jose, CA

Janet from San Jose, CA called Senator Barbara Boxer

Senator Boxer, I appreciate the comments I have heard you say on CNN recently about the financial so-called crisis. At this point after initially agreeing that we should buy out these faulty insititutions I now think we should move slowly and see what the pain would be if our nation doesn't save them!!! We , the middle class and working poor, are the backbone of this nation. All the financial entities depend on us and our hard work and our taxes. I am raging over this situation as I am not very solvent myself after paying taxes for years and being a 66 year old social worker!! Beyond my personal situation I am very fearful that we are on the verge of nationalizing large sections of our economy with central control in only a few hands - the ones who have spent billions in Iraq and with the oil industry. We are almost a colony of Exxon at this time being conned into wars where they need the oil and pipelines like Iraq and now Georgia plus another hoverng potential vice president who has connections to Exxon in Alaska. Please represent your constituents and protect us from government takeovers!!! We can suffer the pain if AIG goes down!!! Let the GREEDY persons who caused this to experience the consequences like anyone else!! I don't want to have to pay the Chinese for years for the loans this government will need to get from them to buy out AIG, Freddie, Fannie and Bear-Stearns!!! Your consitituents are watching more than ever before so please respond to us!!! Janet Tonnelli, MSW San Jose, CA

Charlotte from Lafayette, CA called Senator Dianne Feinstein

tried three times - couldn't get through. will send email.

Charlotte from Lafayette, CA called Senator Barbara Boxer

Phone message says mailbox is full. will send email.

Richard from St. Louis, MO called Senator Kit Bond

Sent an email. Phone busy.

Richard from St. Louis, MO called Senator Claire McCaskill

After office hours, the office assistant patiently took note of my comments.

Jocelyn from Staunton, VA called Senator John Warner

I am opposed to a no strings attached bailout fo the financial market. There must be limits on executives golden parachutes and some oversight of how this money is used. the taxpayer should not foot the bill blindly for corporate greed and corruption

Jocelyn from Staunton, VA called Senator James Webb

I am opposed to a no strings attached bailout fo the financial market. There must be limits on executives golden parachutes and some oversight of how this money is used.the taxpayer should not foot the bill blindly for corporate greed and corruption

Shirley from Renton, WA called Senator Patty Murray

Stop the bail out.

Shirley from Renton, WA called Senator Maria Cantwell

Stop the bail out.

Carol from Riverside, CA called Senator Dianne Feinstein

i said my husband and I were opposed to the bailout and there needs to be regulation. The clerk asked for my zip code and said she'd pass on the info. I also mentioned I was a member of True

Carol from Riverside, CA called Senator Barbara Boxer

I said my husband and I were opposed to the bailout and there needs to be regulation.

Russ from Richfield, MN called Senator Norm Coleman

Norm I want people going to jail. Not having comments like the Treasury Secretarie talking deal busting.

Russ from Richfield, MN called Senator Amy Klobuchar

Amy I want people going to jail. Not having comments like the Treasury Secretarie talking deal busting.

Mary Lou from Albuquerque, NM called Senator Pete Domenici

Please stop this bailout without more oversight. Especially read Chapter 8, allowing for no oversight of the Executive Branch. Thank you.

Mary Lou from Albuquerque, NM called Senator Jeff Bingaman

Please stop this bailout without any oversight. Especially read Chapter 8, allowing for no oversight of the Executive Branch. Thank you.

Steven from Highland Park, NJ called Senator Frank Lautenberg

The receptionist assured me the senator would get my message.

Steven from Highland Park, NJ called Senator Robert Menendez

The receptionist told me the senator would get my message, and she assured me the senator does not support the Bush Bailout.
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by Barry Powell
Steal $1,000 from a bank and go to jail. No one has ever successfully robbed a bank for even 50 million dollars. Leave it to white collar crime to stell $700 Billion and be called a hero in the process. Everyone needs to contact their Senators and say no right now! Giving this money to people that already stole more money than anyone in US history and pretending that now they will pay it back is absurd. If a person goes bankrupt for a million dollars, you don't give him another million to burn as a reward. You make him wait 7-10 years before you take another chance with hi; and you make him earn your trust. These thieves need to earn their money like all the rest of us!
I'm sick of these bailouts. For 2 years now, Ben Bernanke, and the President have told us that the economy would be strong by the end of each year since 2007. They said everything would be better at the end of 2008. They tell us everything is fine all the way up until this past weekend, then they try to sneak one by everyone by sending Hank Paulson on TV over the weekend, when most people aren't watching the news, to sell the BAILOUT PITCH. These guys are crooks, and have been telling us lies upon lies. I'm sick of this. The Congress and Government officials are supposed to represent the PEOPLE. They are our REPRESENTATIVES. But never once has a poll been done to see the opinion of the PEOPLE about this bailout plan. All we hear is Ben Bernanke and Hank Paulson telling us we need to pass this bailout plan quickly. It makes me think they want it to be done quick so no one can think of the ramifications if this bailout passes. But most of us, if we have an IQ higher than room temperature, know that if this bailout plan passes, it will destroy the value of the U.S. DOLLAR.

They've pumped trillions of dollars into the economy and stock market this whole year. They pass a Stimulus Package for over 150 billion dollars. Now look. They are here asking for 700 billion more dollars? Come on, if the previous attempts to bailout our economy didn't work, what makes us think this 700 billion will get us out of this mess? It's time to stand up and stop this madness. This whole situation stinks to high heaven. I have no confidence in the government, or the federal reserve anymore. They've told too many lies! Please tell them NO. PLEASE! SOMEONE UP IN CAPITOL HILL STOP THESE BAILOUTS FROM GOING ANY FURTHER!

Called Sentaor Pelosi; was put through to a staffer; told him that I strongly urged Senator Pelosi not to support the bailout without transparency and oversight. Was put through to the comment line. Left a longer message urging Congress not grant to the White House and its Secretary of the Treasury unaccountable power over the nation's financial institutions.
by Kathryn Attix
I called Senator Murray's Seattle office and left a message saying I'm sure there is a compromise in there somewhere, but not to the extent that Henry Paulson will be a dictator. I also mentioned that I had ridden in bus in Seattle and, although there usually isn't conversation on a city bus, everyone was talking about and speaking against the bailout.
by Linda
Faxed the following to a few senators and congress person.

An Alternative Plan to Paulson’s Bailout Plan
Bailout = Inflation = Bankrupt US

Gingrich's four-point plan includes:
(1) suspending immediately mark to market provisions (the accounting practice of valuing a financial position in an investment at its current market price) in the hopes of stopping the downward spiral in asset values and eventually replacing it with a three year rolling average;

(2) repealing immediately Sarbanes-Oxley, the 2002 accounting law Gingrich described as "an enormous drag on small business";

(3) setting the capital gains tax rate at zero "matching the Chinese and Singapore" (to encourage private capital to flood into the market picking up properties without the taxpayers being at risk); and

(4) passing an "extraordinarily powerful" energy bill ("to return $500 billion a year to the American economy that are currently going overseas").

Raghuram Rajan and Luigi Zingales of the University of Chicago suggest ways to force the banks to raise capital without tapping the taxpayers. First, the government should tell banks to cancel all dividend payments. Banks don't do that on their own because it would signal weakness; if everyone knows the dividend has been canceled because of a government rule, the signaling issue would be removed. Second, the government should tell all healthy banks to issue new equity. Again, banks resist doing this because they don't want to signal weakness and they don't want to dilute existing shareholders. A government order could cut through these obstacles.

Robert Borosage of Campaign for America's Future invokes Naomi Klein's "Shock Doctrine in asking whether we're going to "get fleeced in this crisis" But depressions have some salutary effects - the scoundrels go belly up, the weakest get purged, and in the wake of the disaster, people demand strict regulation of the money lenders to keep their greed and predatory behavior in check, and government spends money on the real economy to put people back to work.

The immediate consequence of the bailout will be the devalue of US dollar that will lead to inflation. Americas dynamic and innovative private capital markets have brought the nation unparalleled prosperity. Fundamentally weakening those markets in order to calm short-run disruptions is desperately short-sighted.” The consequences of Trillion dollar Treasury debt is called "Crowding Out". Crowding Out is the phenomenon that occurs when the US Treasury sells debt in a world where foreigners and Americans are no longer flush with dollars. That means that the dollars to buy the debt must be squeezed out of the financial system and interest rates are forced up. Trillion dollar deficits aren’t chump change! However, squeezing a trillion dollars out of the money markets of the world is clearly impossible and the only remaining option to fund the US Treasury’s insatiable appetite is through "monetization". Monetization means that the Federal Reserve would step in and print up new money out of thin air and buy the Treasury debt. If that occurs, monetary growth rates would soar and, in turn, create very high inflation as too many dollars start chasing too few goods. Rising inflation forces interest rates up, and rising interest rates always have devastating consequences for the prices of financial assets such as stocks and bonds.
This is unfortunate that the regulatory agencies that are suppose to watch and review the actions of the few did not act and intervene. The SEC has a clear reasonability to foresee these kinds of events and risky securities. Back in 1998 we in the brokerage industry knew that these colaterised mortgage back securities would be an issue. I am talking about a brand new broker representative, bottom chain had the foresight these securities were risky, it was common knowledge. Believe me if I knew so did Washington. Its just another way for the good old boys (Harvard, Berkley, Ive Leagues) to make their pockets bigger and fatter. They bailed out Fanny and Fredy, AIG do you really think they are going to stop there, it’s free money. Its our taxes, and you will see your taxes being raised for many years. Listen to the fear they are preaching its dooms day, well there is no guarantee even if we bail out these firms that this economy will rebound. Quite frankly let it fall and let there be new opportunity as it falls.
This is just like the imigration debate make enough noise thay will listen. Don't let them cram this bull down our throats!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Fritz Ward (Fritz7ntd [at]
I am one of those evil defenders of pure free market capitalism, and this bailout is the worst thing I have ever seen. Welcome to corporate socialism. And I thought the last energy bill was an obscene subsidy to ADM. It doesn't begin to match this giveaway. Glad to see Boxer oppose it. It is enough to make a Democrat of me.
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