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DNC Protest, Split, and the Principled Stand of Cynthia McKinney

by Steven Argue & Cynthia McKinney (steveargue2 [at]
"As the United States activated Navy ships and the Air Force to begin an airlift of non-specified goods into the former Soviet state of Georgia, and military exercises began in the Persian Gulf near Iran, I received communications from certain individuals among the Colorado Greens who were organizing campaign support events there, suggesting that I not participate in an anti-war program being organized by other individuals in Colorado." -Cynthia McKinney

In addition, the Green Party of Colorado has issued false statements to the press and all over the internet claiming that Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney will not be participating in the Recreate ’68 events. Here is one such statement from Dave Chandler, co-chair of the Colorado Green Party, Green Party candidate for U.S. Congress in the Seventh Congressional District, and supporter of a Denver ballot measure that would seize the vehicles of illegal immigrants:

“Cynthia McKinney, Green Party candidate for President, and Rosa Clemente, Green Party candidate for Vice President are NOT participating in any Recreate ‘68 activities. Both candidates, and the Green Party of Colorado, are refuting this announcement and are stating that neither candidate, nor the Green Party of Colorado, are in any way associated with Recreate ’68, nor will any of their candidates be speaking at or attending any event, nor are they in any way associated with the group Recreate ’68.”

This is a blatant lie. Cynthia McKinney and Rosa Clemente will be speaking at the Recreate ’68 events.
DNC Protest, Split, and the Principled Stand of Cynthia McKinney

By Steven Argue

Protest plans have been in the works against the Democratic National Convention (DNC) for some time now, with organizers opposing the Democrat Party’s policies of war and occupation, backing of continued corporate policies that cause global warming, and their attacks on immigrants.

The people who have been organizing the protest schedule formed a coalition called Recreate ‘68. A rightward split has occurred in this coalition, and another group has also been formed called the Alliance for Real Democracy. The Alliance for Real Democracy is organizing their own separate events, one of which is a reception for Democrat Party delegates complete with drinks and BBQ.

The Alliance for Real Democracy is made up of the Colorado Green Party, Code Pink, United for Peace and Justice, the Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center, the American Friends Service Committee, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Colorado Street Medics, and Students for Peace and Justice.

While the Alliance for Real Democracy consists largely of white liberals who are trying to influence the hopelessly corporate run Democrat Party, Recreate ‘68 is made up primarily of minorities, socialists, anarchists, communists, and other radicals who have fewer illusions in reforming the Democrat Party and who instead want to organize the power of the people.

Glen Spagnuelo, spokesperson of Recreate ‘68, says he’s not bothered by the formation of the Alliance for Real Democracy, because both groups oppose the war in Iraq and neither is advocating a violent protest.

Yet, the Alliance for Real Democracy has gotten extensive coverage in the corporate media of Colorado for their violence baiting Recreate ‘68. The stand of Recreate ‘68 is, however, one where they simply explain that they are not planning violence, but if the police attack them, they do not disavow the right of protesters to self-defense.

As Benjamin Whitmer of Denver explained in the letters column of the Rocky Mountain Times in a June 5, 2008 letter entitled, “Re-create 68 members aren't violent extremists”:

“I’m a little confused as to the media’s portrayal of Glenn Spagnuolo and the members of Re-create 68 as violent extremists. Though Mr. Spagnuolo is getting painted as Vlad the Impaler with a bag full of severed heads, I’ve yet to hear of him engaging in a single act of violent protest. Moreover, I’ve attended several Re-create 68 meetings – meetings which, it’s worth noting, are never without a media presence – and have yet to hear a single suggestion of violent protest from him or from anyone else attending.

“The controversy seems to stem from Re-create 68’s refusal to disallow the right to self-defense to its members. Re-create 68’s explanation of this refusal is clear. There will be people protesting with Re-create 68 arm-in-arm with their children and elders. In large part, these will be representatives of communities which have most suffered from the never-ending betrayal of the Democrats. To attempt to deny them the right to defend themselves is to deny a fundamental human right.”

Yet, the Alliance for Real Democracy is demanding everyone roll over and die when and if they are violently attacked by the police, and painting those who do not have such a commitment as “violent”. The coverage their denunciations have received in the corporate media play into the hands of government attempts to deny permits, and, ultimately plays into the hands of police violence if the government does decide to physically attack these protests. In fact, the Alliance for Real Democracy’s denunciations of the right to self-defense and denunciations of Recreate ‘68 as “violent” creates a ready made excuse for the police and government that may actually cause police violence.

In addition, the Green Party of Colorado has issued false statements to the press and all over the internet claiming that Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney will not be participating in the Recreate ’68 events. Here is one such statement from Dave Chandler, co-chair of the Colorado Green Party, Green Party candidate for U.S. Congress in the Seventh Congressional District, and supporter of a Denver ballot measure that would seize the vehicles of illegal immigrants:

“Cynthia McKinney, Green Party candidate for President, and Rosa Clemente, Green Party candidate for Vice President are NOT participating in any Recreate ‘68 activities. Both candidates, and the Green Party of Colorado, are refuting this announcement and are stating that neither candidate, nor the Green Party of Colorado, are in any way associated with Recreate ’68, nor will any of their candidates be speaking at or attending any event, nor are they in any way associated with the group Recreate ’68.”

This is a blatant lie. Cynthia McKinney and Rosa Clemente will be speaking at the Recreate ’68 events.

Liberation News does not endorse the Cynthia McKinney campaign, partly because she is running on the platform of the capitalist Green Party. Yet, she has the right positions on many issues, and does show what a candidate who is not beholden to corporate interests can speak out on, such as for single payer healthcare, immediate withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan, and for freeing political prisoners in the U.S. like Mumia Abu-Jamal.

It is for these reasons, and the good principled stand that McKinney is taking on the protests at the Democrat National Committee, standing up to the leadership of the Green Party of Colorado, that Liberation News prints Cynthia McKinney and Rosa Clemente’s statement on the DNC in full:

Open Letter from Cynthia McKinney

As the United States activated Navy ships and the Air Force to begin an airlift of non-specified goods into the former Soviet state of Georgia, and military exercises began in the Persian Gulf near Iran, I received communications from certain individuals among the Colorado Greens who were organizing campaign support events there, suggesting that I not participate in an anti-war program being organized by other individuals in Colorado.

Perplexed, I began to do my research to understand the nature of the fissure that I seemed to be placing myself in the middle of. The communications to me about not participating in one of the scheduled events became more and more shrill. The events ran through August 26th. When the lineup of speakers, including Rosa and me, was announced for the events in question, I received multiple communications stating in various ways that the sender from the Green Party of Colorado, was on the verge of desperation over the latter.

Within a few hours, I was reading messages stating that the Green Party of Colorado would be ruined if I participated in the End the Occupations/End the War march and rally slated to take place on the morning of August 24th on the steps of the Colorado State Capitol, or if Rosa participated in a Freedom March and Rally for Human Rights and Political Prisoners at Civic Center Park the following day.

An article appeared in a local Colorado newspaper stating that Rosa and I would not appear at the events for which we had been scheduled. Rosa responded to our Colorado Green Party contact that yes, indeed, we were appearing at the two events. Both Rosa and I then received messages demanding to know by a time certain what our plans were, and asserting that the Green Party of Colorado would be totally ruined if we associated with the group sponsoring the events. In addition, we were told that at least one resignation and sustaining membership would be tendered to the Party, and that Rosa and I could expect no support on the ground in Denver from the Green Party of Colorado, including a planned fundraiser and a place to stay.

Without receiving any additional response or information from either Rosa or I, the correspondent sent a message informing us that all Green Party of Colorado events previously scheduled for us had been canceled. Further, the message stated that ballot access petitioning by Green Party of Colorado would cease in neighboring Wyoming and that all efforts would be made to remove Rosa's and my names from the ballot in Colorado. The message also noted that the Colorado delegation overwhelmingly supported Elaine Brown at the Green Party Convention.

With the e-mail messages flying "fast and furious," I hope I have mentioned the highlights of this episode in somewhat chronological order. What Rosa and I would like to address now, is the ideological and rational order that produced this outcome. At the very first Green Party debate held in San Francisco earlier this year, I pleaded for unity of action and purpose as we face the challenges that confront us as a country. Rosa and I are proud to join with others who are sick and tired of war, occupation, human rights abuses, and the continued incarceration of our political prisoners. We are proud to join with others who are willing to do something about it. In the context of activities in Denver, that means cooperating with some organizations new to us and others with which Rosa and I have had a long-standing relationship. Let me explain some of those relationships.

I am proud to have received a Backbone Award from the Backbone Campaign, one of the co-participants of the anti-war, anti-occupation events in question, according to the organizers.

Rosa and I are pleased to have received the endorsement of M-1 of Dead Prez, who put out a video of endorsement and is rallying other conscious Hip Hop, Generation X voters to the Green Party with Rosa and I as its nominees. Rebel Diaz was on the stage with Rosa as she accepted her Green Party nomination for Vice President. Both Dead Prez and Rebel Diaz are participating in the events in question, according to the organizers.

Fred Hampton, Jr.'s mother, a victim of COINTELPRO, came to Georgia in the mid-1990s to help me gain reelection after a malicious redistricting case that went all the way up to the Supreme Court. Ward Churchill has traveled to my Congressional district to educate my former constituents on the COINTELPRO of yesterday and the COINTELPRO of today. Natsu Saito introduced me to other victims of COINTELPRO. I asked Kathleen Cleaver to co-author a report that was submitted to Mary Robinson, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights at the time of the World Conference Against Racism, on the unsolved murders of Black Panther Party members who were victims of COINTELPRO. Fred Hampton, Jr., Ward Churchill, Natsu Saito, and Kathleen Cleaver are all participating in the events in question, according to the organizers.

As a Member of Congress, I supported the release of all political prisoners and welcomed information from the American Indian Movement about Leonard Peltier. I have at many times in my political career been allied with the ACLU, and have always supported Pam and Ramona Africa and the MOVE Organization. The American Indian Movement of Colorado, King Downing of the ACLU, and Pam and Ramona Africa of MOVE are all participating in the events in question, according to the organizers.

Mumia Abu Jamal has endorsed the Power to the People Campaign and my Green Party candidacy. According to the organizers, Mumia will transmit a message to all of us participating in the events in question.

Finally, I have appeared on various stages with many Palestinians; I have proudly spoken at rallies organized by Larry Holmes. Debra Sweet with World Can't Wait was among the very first to my knowledge to organize around impeachment as an imperative and I support hers and all other impeachment groups in their efforts. And finally, I have known Ben Manski for a long time as a socially conscious activist who is also a member of the Green Party. According to the organizers, a Palestinian refugee is slated to speak at the events in question, as well as Larry Holmes, Debra Sweet, and Ben Manski.

Rosa and I have not been given any rational, ideological, or strategically-acceptable reason by the Green Party of Colorado to dissociate ourselves from the movement that this country so desperately needs and that these individuals and organizations participating represent, as we all attempt to hold the Democratic Party accountable for its complicity in all of the crimes of the Bush Administration. Therefore Rosa and I will keep our appointments in Denver and we hope that the members of the Green Party of Colorado will attend our sessions and listen to what we have to say. I have faith that by taking principled stands against war and occupation, human rights abuse, the prison-industrial complex, and in support of freedom for political prisoners, the Green party will emerge stronger.

Cynthia McKinney
Green Party Nominee for President of the United States

Rosa Clemente
Green Party Nominee for Vice President of the United States

Liberation News endorses and encourages people to attend:
Recreate ‘68 Protest: Speakers and Free Concerts Schedule

Alliance for Real Democracy: drinks and BBQ for Democrat Party delegates and their other scheduled events:

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by Hda
One thing that might be at the root of that is the dysfunctional personal interactions of the leader or spokesman of the Greens (who wrote the press announcement that McKinney would NOT speak at Recreate 68s stage), and private individuals perceived to be associated with Recreate 68 (who weren't necessarily even members). Basically, online they were calling Claire Ryder names and reporting incidents where she was apparently drunk and acting weird during meetings, and there were also some other personality conflicts. This ended up fueling the split where the Alliance for Democracy formed, and started doing duplicative organizing in terms of setting up stages and organizing marches. Right now, there will be 'home bases' for protesters at both Civic center park and Cuernavaca park by the River, and both groups want to host some speakers and have food/water available there. Civic Center is where Recreate 68 is and it's the more traditional spot for protests in Denver. I doubt that the greens surveyed all the people registered for the green party.

funny example (this blog has a lot of the background of the infighting in other posts as well ) :

Right now tARD is specializing in holding a big concert with Rage Against the Machine, and they had to curtail some of their other plans. This might be the optimal solution, to put most of their energy into the concert and a few special events such as a dance party. Hopefully Food not Bombs and all the other groups aren't sucked into picking a side or a loyalty contest.
by Jonathan Nack
Unite to fight the Demopublican war machine! The organizers of both protests need to hear from the people.

We need to let them know we won't settle for a divided anti-war movement. It's not too late. Let them know. The people need to demand unity.
by Liam
--- BUT sometimes Unity just isn't possible , (or quite frankly even desirable ) If the above account is accurate(and numerous others collobarate it ) how can you have unity between those who want to kick McKinney off the Colorado ballot for daring to Publicly speak about Political prisoners and Palestinian rights and those who want to rally against those crimes ? And what could ''unify '' serious principled leftists with those that would smear activists who merely state that they wouldn't condemm those who, if attacked by Police and/or right wing thugs , attempt to defend themselves or others
? (and while unstated , one can't help but wonder if these ''respectable progressives '' would ''share intell '' about '' Ultra Leftists ''and '' Anarchists '' with the multitute of Police agencies that will be there ? )
Make no mistake , i think it would be disaster for any ''violence '' to be started by any group on our side of the barricades. But i equally think it's greatly counterproductive for any organizers to ape the language and fear mongering of the cops and the corporate media .
It might just be better to see which coalition out organizes the other .
by reality check
It's not surprising that members of the Green Party are trying to tone down and disavow a radical candidate. There are more Democrats and exDemocrats in the GP who follow the Anybody But Bush (or McCain) philosophy and don't want to rock the boat than there are independents or radicals who want to make change and build a real independent third party movement. The GP has not yet recovered from the debacle of 2004 when they nominated the unknown David Cobb out of fear of being tagged as 'spoilers' and lost ballot status in several states as a result. And now that the Peace and Freedom Party has nominated Ralph Nader and Matt Gonzalez, some Greens will come back to the P&FP. It's bad enough that the Republicrats have rigged the system against us but the Green Party itself continues to betray its key values by undermining attempts to create a true multi-party democracy.
by Dave Chandler (Dave [at]
Last Monday, August 11, Recreate '68 issued a press release listing McKinney and Clemente as speakers, the Greens organizing their trip to Colorado -- including buying the plane tickets and arranging lodging -- were totally unaware of any such arrangements.

It was a McKinney campaign staffer, Davyd (?) who told us that indeed, no Recreate '68 events were known by him and that a press release to that effect would be appropriate.

Despite our continued efforts to receive a direct communication from McKinney about her plans while in Denver, we heard nothing. To this day Colorado Green organizers have heard NOTHING from the McKinney campaign about what Cynthia and Rosa are doing in Denver.

There is, therefore, nothing 'principled' about Cynthia McKinney's and Rosa Clemente's behavior towards the Green Party of Colorado.

If the presidential nominees of the Green Party want to ignore Green grassroots, want to ignore community focus, don't know how to practice the Ten Key Values, and kowtow to the loonier elements of Denver left reactionaries ... well, that's just fine with us, but then don't count on our money, support or votes.
by Rich Griffin
I do wish Green party members would stop with the threats, esp. around ballot access! How sad is that?? We don’t have to all agree in lockstep; instead, it’s the harder work of finding the common ground that we can work together with and get things headed in a totally different direction in our lifetimes.

Bravo, Cynthia and Rosa!! (:

by Dave Silver
Cynthia and Rosa. Right On. The Alliance for Real Democracy and particularly UFPJ and code Pink once again show their true opportunist
political stripes exposing their anti-communism in Left-l;iberal disguise. They supported for instance the orange flag wavers in the Ukraine against Moscow while getting support from ther CIA. They were to be embraced as “dissidents.” UFPJ supported a tour by the IRAQI fEDERATION OF TRADE UNIONS that supported the Occupation, supported the puppet regime and wanted the troops troops to stay in Iraq. And forever tailing the Democrats feeding the illusion it can be part of the solution rather the problem.
Recreate 68.
Dave Silver
by Ivy Rose Nightscales
Cynthia Mckinney and Rosa Clemente make history as brave, strong spoken women of color. They have my respect . If you vote, a vote for them is worth a lot for power for the people. Keep on keepin on Cynthia and Rosa. You have our love.
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